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The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble Cheats

The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble

Getting a hard stone and breaking the nut shell:
Submitted by: RM

I found the stone puzzle the most difficult one in the entire game. After
the man from the Virtual Trip Tower says he'll give you the bluxtre nut in
exchange for a firm stone, go to either Bigwig area or Administration area
and dial the weather report code on your tobozon. Do it several times if 
needed. Listen carefully to what the guy says. When he says a meteorite 
will fall on the area you are now in, use the meteozon watch!

Same goes for cracking the bluxtre nut, only you have to stick it into the 
tar barrel to prevent it from rolling, and then put it on the cross (after 
using the meteozon watch) to let the meteorite hit it.

How to enter the right code to the safe:
In the German version of the game, there's a bug. The code to the safe in 
Boozook's Temple which appears on your Tobozon is wrong. You should listen
exactly to the words of the Boozook Warrior who told you the code, and 
enter the code you HEARD, not the one you see on your Tobozon.

A way to bypass the bug:
Recently I found another way to bypass the "Master-doesn't-appear" bug. I 
traveled to the past as soon as I got the time syllable, without starting 
any other wisemen-quests before. This time, the Master appeared, and the 
lab entry was not available.
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