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Terrorist Takedown 2 U.S. Navy Seals Cheats |
Terrorist Takedown 2 - U.S. Navy Seals
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Ganesh S
Submitted by: RM
To activate and use the Cheat Codes for this game, While playing,
press the Talk button (the default key is T), and then type any of
the following codes and press [Enter].
Code Effect
god - God Mode
ammo - Full Ammo
guns - All Weapons
tears - Unlimited Ammo
poltergeist - Ghost Mode
maphole - Skip Level
kfa - All Weapons, Full Ammo
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
is a freeware "cheat-code tracker" that makes hints Tricks and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, Wii, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy
Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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Terrorist Takedown 2 U.S. Navy Seals for PC Cheats - Terrorist Takedown 2 U.S. Navy Seals Codes - Terrorist Takedown 2 U.S. Navy Seals Cheat Codes