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Tom Clancy's SSN
Cheat mode:
Submitted by: Jeremy
To enable cheats, press 'B' to display the
communications panel, type 'cisco sez' and press [ENTER].
To use the codes, press 'B', type the code, and press [ENTER].
Cheat Result
BE MY BUDDY - Makes target your ally.
BOOM - Destroys target (does not work
on helicopters).
DROP ANCHOR - Stop submarine.
EAT LEAD - Super torpedo.
ENGAGE CLOAKING DEVICE - Makes sub invisible to
FLIP HER - Turns sub around.
HEAL ME - Repairs damage.
IRAN CONTRA - Resupplies all weapons but
LETS TODDLE - Speed to flank (35 knots).
ON YOUR BUTT - Teleports sub near target.
SEE THEM - Shows all targets on sonar.
SHIELDS UP - Invulnerable.
TAKE HER DOWN - Moves sub to bottom of ocean.
TAKE HER UP - Moves sub to surface.
WARP TO WAYPOINT - Go to waypoint. Press 'W' to
complete waypoint.
ZEPPELIN - Sub can fly.
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
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Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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Tom Clancys SSN for PC Cheats - Tom Clancys SSN Codes - Tom Clancys SSN Cheat Codes