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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Cheats |
Super Street Fighter 4 - Arcade Edition
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Bonus Bosses in Arcade mode:
Complete the indicated task to face the corresponding Boss after
defeating Seth. Note: use the normal three round setting.
Akuma - Do not lose any rounds and get a Perfect Victory.
Evil Ryu - Do not lose any rounds and get a Perfect Victory,
then defeat Seth with a Super or Ultra combo.
Gouken - Do not lose any rounds, get a Perfect Victory, get
ten First Attacks, and have five Super or Ultra combo
Oni - Do not lose any rounds, get a Perfect Victory, get ten
First Attacks, have five Super or Ultra combo finishes,
then defeat Seth with a Super or Ultra combo.
Character titles:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding title.
Silver Character Title #1 : Complete 2 different trials with a character.
Silver Character Title #2 - Complete 3 different trials with a character.
Silver Character Title #3 - Complete 4 different trials with a character.
Silver Character Title #4 - Complete 6 different trials with a character.
Silver Character Title #5 - Complete 10 different trials with a character.
Gold Character Title #1 - Complete 12 different trials with a character.
Gold Character Title #2 - Complete 14 different trials with a character.
Gold Character Title #3 - Complete 18 different trials with a character.
Gold Character Title #4 - Complete 20 different trials with a character.
Gold Character Title #5 - Complete 22 different trials with a character.
Red Character Title - Complete Arcade mode with a character under
the hardest difficulty.
Blue Character Title - Clear Arcade with the character on any difficulty.
Character icons:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding icon.
Character Icon #1 - Complete any trial with a character.
Character Icon #2 - Complete 8 different trials with the character.
Character Icon #3 - Complete 16 different trials with the character.
Character Icon #4 - Complete all trials with the character.
Alternate colors:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding color.
Color #3 - Play 2 matches with a character.
Color #4 - Play 4 matches with a character.
Color #5 - Play 6 matches with a character.
Color #6 - Play 8 matches with a character.
Color #7 - Play 10 matches with a character.
Color #8 - Play 12 matches with a character.
Color #9 - Play 14 matches with a character.
Color #10 - Play 16 matches with a character.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding taunt.
Taunt #2 - Play 1 match with the character
Taunt #3 - Play 3 matches with the character
Taunt #4 - Play 5 matches with the character
Taunt #5 - Play 7 matches with the character
Taunt #6 - Play 9 matches with the character
Taunt #7 - Play 11 matches with the character
Taunt #8 - Play 13 matches with the character
Taunt #9 - Play 15 matches with the character
Taunt #10 - Play 16 matches with the character
Fight character's second rival:
When playing as Ryu, Cammy, Chun-li, Seth, C.Viper, or Guile immediately
hold all the kick buttons when the "Now! Fight your Rival!" message appears.
Fight against Evil Ryu:
Do not lose any rounds and get at least one Perfect in Arcade mode. While
fighting Seth, win the second round by using a Super or Ultra combo.
You will fight Evil Ryu after defeating Seth.
Fight against Oni:
Set the difficulty to "Master", do not lose any rounds, get 10 First Attacks,
5 Super or Ultra combo finishes, 2 Perfect Victories and defeat Seth using a
Super or Ultra combo in the last round in Arcade mode. Alternately, the number
of rounds can be set to 1 with the following conditions: 5 First Attacks, 3
Super or Ultra combo finishes, 1 Perfect Victory and defeat Seth with a Super
or Ultra combo.
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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition for PC Cheats - Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Codes - Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Cheat Codes