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Cheat Codes:
Pause game play and enter one of the following codes.
Code Effect
STONECOLD - kill all enemies on level
OMNIPOTENT - invincibility
JIMMY - all keys
DONNYTRUMP - all money and artefacts
PUMPUP - accessories
GRIPPER - stealth boots
RIFT## - warp to level ## (level number 00-xx)
BOOMSTIX - all weapons
TOPO - full Map toggle (use when looking at map)
LEGO - one piece of the Sigil each time its used
SCOOT# - teleport to map spot
ELVIS - no clipping mode
GPS - display co-ordinates
DOTS - FPS Ticker
SPIN## - switch music to track ## (00-35)
Stat increases:
You must follow the "B" plot by killing the Oracle before seeing Macil to have the
chance to get the following ten stat increases. All stat increases result in 1
Stamina and 1 Accuracy. Each increase raises your Accuracy and Stamina values by 10
(out of a possible 100 total).
Complete Prison Mission : Macil awards tokens.
Complete Power Station Mission : Irale and Medic in town awards instants.
Complete Sewers : (Macil awards tokens.
Complete Training Facility level : Switch at end awards instant.
Complete castle mission : Macil awards tokens (kill Programmer).
Kill the Bishop : Oracle awards tokens.
Kill Macil or the Oracle : (Oracle or Macil awards tokens)
Shut down transmitter in mines : Instant.
Shut down peasant converter machine : Instant.
Kill Loremaster : Instant.
Keys can be found at the indicated location.
Base key : Rowan (Near Sewage plant in town-2).
Govs key : Macil (Front Base).
Passcard : Governor Mourel (Governor's home in town-2).
ID Badge : Prison door guard (Prison entrance-5).
Prison key : Warden (Upper level, prison-5).
Severed hand key : Judge Wolenick (Lower level, prison-5).
Power 1 key : Movement spy (Warehouse of the power station-4).
Power 2 key : Technician (Upper level of power station-4).
Gold key : Technician (Power station-4).
Power 3 key : Technician (Core area of power station-4).
ID Card : Sewer guard (Beginning area of the sewers-6).
Silver key : False Programmer #3 (Audience Chamber in Castle-8).
Oracle key : Guards right outside of the temple (Borderlands-11).
Military ID : Keymaster (Borderlands-11).
Order key : Guard inside base and warehouse filed guard (Bailey-17).
Warehouse key : Sergeant Guard (Bailey-17).
Brass Key : Macil (New Front Base-10)
Catacomb Key : Richter (Order Commons-23)
Security Key : Quincy (hospital area of the Fortress:Bailey-17)
Core Key : Acolyte (near water area in Fortress:Administration-15)
Mauler Key : Warehouse guard (Stores-17).
Factory Key (Ruins-25)
Mine Key (Ruins-25)
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
is a freeware "cheat-code tracker" that makes hints Tricks and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, Wii, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy
Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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