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Street Legal 2 Redline Cheats

Street Legal 2 Redline

Cheat Codes:
This game is titled also "Street Legal Racing: Redline"

Enter one of the following codes while in the garage(in v.2.3.0 only),
then click "Fine Tune Specific Parts".

Code              Effect
iamcoolguy      - 3000 Prestige Points and four new buttons in the club screen.
kickassreddevil - Teleport to the Red Club and be in first place in the club.
catchmywheels   - Furrano GTS car in garage.
bavariancheetah - Baiern GT3 car in garage.
hellofromtokyo  - Nonus GT2 car in garage.
racingforreal   - Duhen CDVC car in garage.
iloverallies    - Enula WRST car in garage.
americanmuscles - MC GTLE car in garage.
granturismo     - Focer WRC car in garage.
xtremetuner     - Einvagen 140GTA car in garage.
primemyride     - Prime DLH500 car in garage.
dragstarr       - Hauler SD750 car in garage.
begformoney     - $1,000,000.
letmeroc        - Qualify for Race Of Champions.

The Race Of Champions:
Enter letmeroc then click the "Tuning" button to qualify for The Race Of Champions. 
Note: You must have at least $100,000 for this race. 

Money cheat get 100 000 $ fast !!!:
Submitted by: by The Hacker G 

Enter "BegForMoney" and then click on the Tunning Button.
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