Steel Panthers
Cheat Codes:
I was fooling around with Steel Panthers save and scenario files,
trying, without complete success, to convert a campaign scenario
into a normal scenario.
I want to play the other side, to see how I would do against my
'own' core units, after playing the battle the normal way.
Has anyone been able to do this?
The one hurdle I can't get passed is allowing a human to play the
'computer' side. It alwaysgives me the 'you can't do that in
campaigns' error message on starting a converted save game when I
try to switch between computer and human on the 'side 2' startup
I found that you can just copy any save game over to the scenario
directory, and it becomes a scenario without any editing! You can
bring it up in the scenario editor and fool with it, save it again,
and all appears to work. (Except that darn 'campaign mode' flag.)
Using the editor, only saving the map and creating a new scenario
with that map allowed me to play either side, but all units are
lost. I really don't feel like manually writing down both sides
units and positions to rebuild the scenario just to play the reverse.
So I worked on the file at the byte level using UGE (Universal Game
Editor) to compare and fiddle the binary files. Here's what I'm
sure of, after about 6 hours of work:
(Offset 0 is the first byte of the file)
Offset Certain Meaning
37513 Month (1=Jan,2=Feb,...12=Dec)
37514 Year (last two digits, 44=1944)
37515 Weather (0=Desert, 1=Summer, 2=Winter)
37524 Scenario Length (number of turns, 0=Infinite)
37526 Flag 0 X Coordinate (0,0 is top left)
37546 Flag 20 X Coord (x is
37547 Flag 0 Y Coord
37567 Flag 20 Y Coord
37568 Flag 0 Value (0=no value)
37588 Flag 20 Value
37589 Flag 0 Owner (0=Side1?, 1=Side2?)
37609 Flag 20 Owner
37626 Scenario Location (city/area name)
37612 Visibility (range in hexes)
These are wild guesses:
Offset Range Meaning
0:3757 Side 1 Leader Names
3758:7501 Side 2 Leader Names
13510:15009 Side 1 Units
15010:16500 Side 2 Units
37646:53644 Some sort of table(s) that have an unstable sort
such that editing and saving a scenario without
doing a single thing will result in different values!
VERY IRRITATING! 123 changes to 119 then back to 123
on successive saves. (123 >122 >123 also)
53645:510197 The MAP!
I think the campaign switches are here, but I'll
be darned if I can find the 'off' flag! I've
tryed about 15 combos without success.
(The sample values in parens are from campaign
scenarios, the ones after are from normal scenarios.)
(NOPE, means I switched values from campaign >reg
without success in playing side 2 as human.)
Offset (Campaign)Samples Meaning?
37511 (2,2,1,2),2,2
12 (4,2,4,75),90,9
13 Proven Month
14 Proven Year
15 Proven Weather
16 (1,1,1,1),0,0 NOPE
17 (3,1,3,5),3,3
18 (0,0,0,0),0,0
19 (12,12,10,10),7,7 NOPE
20 (2,2,3,3),2,1
21 (1,1,2,2),0,1
22 (1,1,1,3),1,1
23 (2,2,2,0),2,1
24 Proven Turn Length
25 (0,0,0,0),0,0
(flag 0 20 sections)
37612 Proven Visiblity Range
13 (0,3,2,0),0 NOPE
14 (72,82,114,178),0 NOPE Remaining Core Buy Points?
15 (5,4,3,4),0 NOPE Scenario in Campaign?
16 (0,0,0,0),0
17 (0,0,0,0),0
18 (1,2,2,2),0 NOPE
19 (0,0,0,0),0
20 (0,0,0,254),0
21 (0,0,0,255),0
22 (2,1,2,0),0 NOPE
23 (2,1,2,6),0 NOPE
24 (1,0,1,1),0 NOPE
25 (1,1,2,4),0 NOPE
26.. Proven Location Name
(Some sort of table with number pairs follows).
I've exhausted all ideas and can't see any other usefull parts of the
scen file to fiddle with, either the numbers aren't consistent between
campaign and non campaign, or it just seems like unrelated table data.
Oddly I never got a hard crash after byte fiddling, but sometimes the
unit types/sides got mixed up.
Anyone with any ideas???
Powerful force:
Go to the preferences screen and set your side to 250% on the percentage
bars along the right side of the screen. This will make artillery, armor,
and Infantry much more powerful. It will also make them harder to be
destroyed. Set the enemy to 30% and you will be able to decimate the enemy.
Powerful tank:
If you have the OOB editor, create a tank and put all armor plates to 255
and the angle to 125. This will make you new tank much harder to hit, and
make it withstand a lot more hits than normal armor.