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Star Trek Starfleet Command Cheats

Star Trek - Starfleet Command

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: DJ Simo

Find the file called "sfbspc13.txt" in the assets\specs\ game sub-directory.
Open the file with any text editor and change any of the fields to add cloaking
ability, modify engine power levels, add shuttles and fighters, add/change 
weapons, modify shield levels, and much more. Be sure to save the original 
"sfbspc13.txt" in a safe place before modifying it so you can return to your
original configuration. If you play a multi-player game, make sure that all 
players have identical "sfbspc13.txt" files.

Cheat mode:
Use a text editor to edit the "sfbspc13.txt" file in the "assets\specs\" 
sub-directory. The following changes can be done: add cloaking ability, 
change engine power levels, add shuttles and fighters, change weapons, 
change shield levels, add more transporters, troops, mines, and more. 
Note: When playing a game in multi-player mode, all players must use an
identical "sfbspc13.txt" file. 

Defeating Klingons:
When fighting a Klingon vessel, get behind it and order your helm officer
to follow it. Wait until all your weapons are charged, then fire. Repeat 
this until it is destroyed.

Get 4000 Prestige Points
When Playing a mission (any mission), do an alpha strike on the Aft right 
shield, but DO NOT DESTROY IT COMPLETELY - It may take a couple of tries 
not to do this. If you destroy it this will not work. Then fire a photon 
into the front left shield. Then hit ctrl + f4 and it will give you 4000 
prestige points!

To increase your prestige in the campaign game go to the Spacedock and sell
all of your missiles. Then select the slowest missile engine and buy x4 for
a cost of 1) then x3 (at -1, giving you your prestige point back), then x2 
(for another -1) then standard (for another -1). Go back to x4 and repeat, 
going for as much prestige as you need. This will not affect your career 
prestige for gaining rank, but it does allow you to purchase that much 
needed upgrade.

All the starships configuration data (weapons, shields, engines, ect.) is 
stored in a delimited text file which can be accessed by excel. The file 
is called "sfbspc13.txt" and it is located in "assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt"
in the main directory of the game. By modifying these fields you can make
any ship have all sorts of features.

Add cloaking ability.
Modify engine power levels.
Add shuttles and fighters.
Add/change weapons.
Modify shield levels.
Add more transporters, troops, mines, ect.
...and much more.

Be sure to save the original file in a safe place before modifying it so 
you can return to your original configuration. You will also need to remove
the read only attribute from the file. When playing multiplayer all players
must have the same file (modified or not) in order to play. 

Here are some hints on modifying the "sfbspc13.txt" file. 

1. The highest I have tested the engine output to is 120 each. I know that 
Federation ships can't seem to go over 150 each but other races ships might
be able to go higher. Engine values are located in the following areas: 
R_L_Warp, C_Warp, Impulse, Apr, Battery. 

2. Shields can be modified to very high values for Federation ships (2000) 
but Klingon ships don't seem to be able to reach as high. Shield values are
located in the following areas: Shield 1, Shield 2_6, Shield 3_5, Shield 4,
Shield Total. Shields cover each ship on 6 sides. Therefore the values in 
Shield 2_6 & Shield 3_5 each represent 2 sides of the ship. 
The value you place in Shield Total = (shield 1) + ((shield2_6) x 2) + 
((shield3_5) x 2) + (shield4). 

3. Weapons can be changed to any type within an existing group. You can 
also change the number of weapons (up to 4) within an existing group 
(missiles can accept higher values but I do not know where the breaking 
point is on these). You can't add new groups of weapons. You can only 
modify the existing weapon hardpoints. Weapons are arranged in these areas:
heavy weapon (photons, rockets, plasma, ect) and weapon (phasers, disrupters,
ect). Weapon arcs vary but I do know that if you put the value ALL as an arc,
the weapon will fire from any angle. 

4. Cloaking is very easy to add to any ship. Just go to the area that reads
"Cloak num" and place a value for how much energy you want is to cost to 
run the cloak. 

5. Shuttles are defined as base and max values. The base value is the max
value divided by 3. I have successfully made the max value of all the 
different types of shuttles 30 and the base value 10 which allowed me to
purchase quantities of 10, 20, or 30 shuttles of each type while in 
spacedock during the game. By changing the "launch rate" value you can 
define how many shuttles can launch before the ship needs to recharge 
itself for more launches. If you want to add fighters to any ships just
find the area that says fighter bay 1 thru 4 and place the value of 6 
(higher than 6 will cause game to crash) in each one of the areas and 
you will have 4 fighter groups made up of 6 fighters each! 

6. Movement is defined in the "turn mode" and "move cost" areas. The best
"turn mode" value is AA. This will give you a very agile ship. Move cost 
defines how much energy is used for movement. The best value I have seen 
for this is .25. 

Prestige Cheat
Firstly start a campaign game, any race & era will do. If playing as a 
federation late era, you will start with an "F-FF" frigate. Then save 
the game & exit to windows. (Any ship will do as long you remember the
ship class.) 

Open the file called "sfbspc13.txt" and it is located in 
"assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt" in the main directory of the game using Exel.
Look for "BPV". At the "F-FF" "BPV" value change to 1000 or higher. Save 
then return to game. 

Load game then go to Shipyard menu. You will notice the trade in value of
your ship is high. Trade in your ship, big or small your choice and in 
return you will also get an extra prestige from the balance. You can repeat
over and over again. 

Know your weapon ranges:
Know your weapon ranges! Don't close in on an enemy who hits harder than you
at close range.

Capture, capture, capture: 
Capture, capture, capture. Grabbing a couple of frigates from the enemy at
the start of a scenario can save you grief later. Keep your ship loaded with
Marines during your starbase visits.

Defeating Lyrans:
Keep your distance. The Lyran special is the Expanding Sphere generator. 
If you get too close when it is active, it will hit and you will be badly 
damaged. It will also destroy any fighters, shuttles, and missiles in its 

Defeating Romulans:
When they cloak get up close, fire off as many weapons as possible. When they
start to decloak, run. Then, go back and do it again once they cloak.

Prevent ships from cloaking:
If a ship keep cloaking and you cannot seem to kill it, use your tractor beam.
The ship can no longer cloak.
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