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Stargunner Cheats


Cheat Codes:
To enable cheats, press the "Pause" key (you must be in pause
mode to type in cheat codes), followed by "imabigcheat". You 
will hear a bell sound when cheats become enabled as well as 
see your score disappear. You cannot enter a high score if you

Code      Result
blast   - Full powerup of the current main weapon
plasma  - Selects plasma main weapon (blue wide fire)
pulse   - Selects pulse main weapon (red stream fire)
cash    - Mega credits, gives you 5,000 credits.
flames  - Ship becomes invincible for a short time.
nuke    - Full nukes; gives you up to 4 nukes
life    - Extra Life
warpto# - Warp to any level in current episode where # 
          is a level from 1 to 9

impulse - Gives Standard Impulser
ioniser - Gives Hydrogen Ioniser
megapulse - Gives Megapulse 2000
gravdis - Gives Gravdis 5

ener - Enertron
mine - Mineslammer
dyna - Dynamo 500

TOP SIDEARMS (These are zeroes, not letter o's)

t00 - Removes Top Sidearm
t01 - Credit Drone
t02 - Plasma Bomb
t03 - Evolter
t04 - Matter Disruptor
t05 - Rebounder
t06 - A-Matt Boomerang
t07 - Fragmentor BE800
t08 - Bi Partical Cannon
t09 - Flamer
t10 - Ion Cannon
t11 - Magnum 3000DX
t12 - Dual Laser
t13 - Torpedo Launcher

BOTTOM SIDEARMS (These are zeroes, not letter o's)

b00 - Removes Bottom Sidearm
b01 - Credit Drone
b02 - Plasma Bomb
b03 - Evolter
b04 - Matter Disruptor
b05 - Rebounder
b06 - A-Matt Boomerang
b07 - Fragmentor BE800
b08 - Bi Partical Cannon
b09 - Flamer
b10 - Ion Cannon
b11 - Magnum 3000DX
b12 - Dual Laser
b13 - Torpedo Launcher

Submitted by Daguer -

-Start a new game with a new name
-go in the level
-quit to the title game
-start a new game with the same pilot
-in the supply room hit F5 and tou give 5000$
-during the game press F8 to toggle the invulnerability.

Two weapons for the price of one:
Quite a simple one, this. After you buy a weapon and attach it to your ship,
you can get a second one FREE. Just click on 'SWAP' then when the second 
weapon is stuck onto the ship, quickly press P to start playing. You will 
start the next level with 2 of the same weapon. This is also a good way of
saving up credits with out using the cheat mode, without the high score 
turning off.
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