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Spiderwick Chronicles The Cheats |
Spiderwick Chronicles, The
Cave Knockers:
Only Simon can find Knockers. The first one is in a cave at the Quarry. You must
extinguish the lava with your Splattergun and the Knocker will come out to give
two Boomstones. The other Knocker is in the end of the Cellar Tunnels. You will
find a note that says that the Knocker will only come out if you "ring" the
crystal with a stone. Look behind you to see the crystal. Throw a Boomstone at
it and the Knocker will come out.
Stray Sods:
Three Sods are found in the grassy open field in the Forest Road and five are in
the Deep Woods. Sods always guard a brown bush that conceals a hidden area. Before
catching a Sod, you must run around it to make it dizzy. You will know it is
working when a spiraling mist appears above it and the bush opens. Then, capture
Redcap's Hat:
After you defeat Mulgarath, switch to Jared and talk to Hogsqueal on the tree in
front of the house. He will ask you to bring him Redcap's Hat. You can find it
in the kitchen.
When you catch a particular faerie for the first time, you must paint it in order
to record it in the Field Guide. There is a time limit; do not spend too much time
painting small details because the paint will slowly spread over it. A glowing
sphere will appear on a faerie if it has not been recorded yet. Once a faerie is
recorded, you do not have to paint it again the next time you catch it.
The River Troll:
On your way to the Quarry to rescue Simon, you will pass the river with two
sprites flying around it. At this point it is crucial that you record the Will
o' the Wisp. After you cross it, Jared will sense something but ignores it.
Then you will see the River Troll wake up. After you escape with Simon and
return to the River, the River Troll will block your way. The only way to
cross is to make it sleep by feeding it ten Goblins. Keep using the Will o'
Wisp you caught earlier to lure the Goblins to the River Troll. You must do
this every time you cross the river unless you turn it into stone. To do this,
you have to use Simon's Splattergun to push it towards the sunlight. When it
is out of the shade, an intermission sequence will start, and it turns to
Tree Folk:
The Cypress Tree folk are found in the middle of the pond in the Deep Woods. It
will teleport you to the Griffin's perch. The Oak Tree Folk are also in the Deep
Woods but are blocked by brown bushes, each guarded by a Stray Sod. This one will
lead you to the end of the Cellar Tunnels.
Defeating Waffleflea:
After recording Waffleflea (Flower-Wing near the mansion), he will challenge you
to a race. After you have released him, he will appear in front of the house. Talk
to him and he will ask you to run through the waypoints (the glowing green spots
around the house) until you reach the main gate. An easy way to defeat him is to
immediately catch him after you have finished talking, or use a Dash ability then
run through the waypoints.
Pond Skater Sprites:
After entering the Forest Road from the mansion, keep running straight until you
reach a pond that is blocked by a log. Wait there until the Pond Skater is close
enough to catch. The other ones are at the ponds in the Deep Forest and the bottom
of the Quarry.
Defeating Mulgarath:
Mulgarath will chase you. Run toward the kitchen and use the dumbwaiter. Some chairs
might block your way. You should hit them with your bat. Once you start going up,
Mulgarath will turn into a snake and go after you; you must hurry. When you reach
the study, three Goblins will try to attack you. Do not bother fighting them because
they will just slow you down. The other side of the study will be blocked by furniture.
Climb over the large bookcase and keep running. The snake will catch you, but
Thimbletack attacks it so that you can get out the window. Jump to the other ledge
and start climbing up the roof. When you reach the top, run to the ladder and start
climbing. A clip from the movie will appear and Mulgarath ends up getting eaten by
Unlocking the Antique Saber:
If you already have Thimbletack's Jack, go to the bars with alternating electric
currents. Go to the third bar and quickly run to its left. Look behind and you will
see another platform. Keep following it until you find a hook where you can aim your
jack. Swing to the other side and an intermission sequence will show that the Antique
Saber has been unscrewed. You will also find the last two cockroaches here.
Getting the Antuique Saber:
If you already have Thimbletack's Jack, go to the bars with alternating electric
currents. Go to the third bar, and quickly run to its left. Look behind, and you
will see another platform. Keep following it until you find a hook where you can
aim your jack. Swing to the other side, and an intermission sequence will show the
Antique Saber has been unscrewed. You will also find the last two cockroaches here.
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