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Spa Room Escape Cheats

Spa Room Escape

Spa Room Escape Walkthrough:
Submitted by: Yssa

-Pick rose on the spa bed
-put the rose on the vase with ribbon inside
-put the ribbon on the window with curtain
-get the lotion
-apply the lotion on the 2nd spa bed
-get the key
-use the key on the locked guessbook on the room with the tv
-get the money inside (the money will be used before you leave the room)
-at the room with the spa beds,open the lower white drawer and you get a door knob.
-use the door knob on the drawer with no knobs (the room with the telephone)
-get the batteries
-use the batteries on the tv remote
-the tv will automatically open up and there is a note written:"For cable programs,pls.dial 011"
-go back to the room with the telephone and drag the plug on the left side (the white 
 thingy! sorry i forgot what it was called..)
-dial 011
-it will say that they advice you to take a back massage.
-click on the price list (the brown paper) beside the telephone.
-look for the BACK MASSAGE
-on the right side of the BACK MASSAGE,a price is written:52.53=5253
-5253 is the code for the volt (on the mirror at the spa bed room)
-get the gold key inside.
-use this on the metal silver door (YOU HAVE TO PUT THE MONEY U GOT EARLIER ON THE TIP 
................that's it!................
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