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Solar War Cheats

Solar War

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

While playing the game, press ~ or [Ctrl] + C to display the console window. Type 
"joshua" as a code to enable cheat mode, then enter one of the following codes and
press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Result                                                          Cheat Code 
Disable AI processing                                         - aitoggle
Disable build restrictions                                    - buildall
Disable fog of war and full intel on enemy units              - nofog
Disable research restrictions                                 - researchall
Full control over enemy units, and activate most other cheats - god
Infinite Elite level crew                                     - set faction.crew5 -1
Open AI character list                                        - chars 2
Open AI construction screen                                   - build 2
Open AI faction manager                                       - facman 2
Open AI tech tree                                             - tech 2
Prevent AI from attacking and avoid game over by score        - fishbowl
Spawn highly skilled officer                                  - newchar 20
Toggle framerate                                              - fps
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