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Snooker 147
Submitted by-Asif Ibn Rahman
While player 2 hits the white ball,press alt+F4 before the white
ball hits any other ball.The white ball will stop then.This will
make player 2 makefoul(s) again and again due to the continution.
submitted by-Abdur Rahman Babu
When the game is at the end and you have less points then player 2
and when only one ball is left,(that is the black one) always try
to play such that the player 2 makes fouls.Fouls of player 2 will
let you to increase your points and finally this will let you to
win the game.
Submitted by: M.Faizan
when the computer playing very good so you can stop his shot by:
when computer playing shot before touching any ball you press
ctrl+z the ball is stop and his foul.
Submitted by: Naumankhan
IF u want to beat the other opponent when the game is started and
the computer player is doing is turn simply start pressing the cancel
icon and the ball will stuck in the middle without hitting any other
Make opponent miss:
Press [Alt] + [F4] during the CPU's turn to make it foul or miss.
Stop cue ball as desired:
Click the "Close" icon during your turn to stop the cue ball's motion.
Submitted by: Stalin
Before hit the ball you press "Alt+F4" or "Ctrl+z"
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