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Sniper Elite Cheats

Sniper Elite

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Special rifles:
You  got to create a new profile and enter the following codes
as your profile name. 
Note: If you do this, your score will be 0. No matter what you do.

Code         Result
Ratbomb    - Rats explode when shot
Panzer     - Explosive bullets for your rifle.
Stealth    - Silenced rifle.

Bonus mission:
Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting to unlock
a bonus mission.

Cheat Codes:
Create a New Profile with the name: reb00. 

After creating the Profile, select any mission you like and then when
the game/mission has loaded, press the ESC key to pause the game. Now
You can see that there is an option 'Cheats' along with  other options
like Save, Load, Quit Mission etc. 

Click on the 'Cheats' option and there you will find cheats like GOD Mode,
Infinite Ammo, Silent Mode, Invisible Mode, Infinite Projectiles.

These can be Toggled ON or OFF.

Activate the options which you want and click on the Accept Button and
start playing the current mission with these cheats activated.
Submit your codes!
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