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Sim Town Cheats

Sim Town

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding 
cheat function.

Result                    Code 
Transforms pigs         - bacon  
Transforms trailers     - toast  
More credits1           - cheatercheaterwimpwimp  
View credits2           - kiev  
Slow mode               - slow 
Fast mode               - fast 
Rabbit                  - wolfdog 
Enable debug mode       - debug  
Enable Z mode in debug  - zon  
Disable Z mode in debug - zoff  
Parachuter kid          - uspa87419  
Entire programming team - spootystruct  

1.Enter this code after game play is paused.
2.Windows version only.

Create large grass areas:
Hold [Shift] then click on grass. Drag the mouse and the area you 
highlighted will turn black. Release the mouse button, and t should
be grassy in that area.
Submit your codes!
Having Sim Town codes we dont have yet?
Submit them through our form

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