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Sim Ant Cheats

Sim Ant

Cheat Codes:
Pause the game and Enter

Code          Result 
EGGS        - Lay eggs with your ant
ERAD        - reduces the health of the yellow ant.
FRED        - shows endgame sequence.
FUND        - tells you that ten thousand dollars is worthless.
HOLE        - creates additional ant nest holes.
JEFF        - adds a black ant colony to every house and yard tile.
JENN        - gives unlimited health to the black colony.
JOKE        - shows jokes.
JUST        - adds ten fertilized queen ants for placement.
MICK        - causes the spider to walk backwards.
OOPS        - gives the red ants ten fertilized queen ants for placement.
QEEN        - adds a queen to the nest when underground.
RAND        - gives full health to the yellow ant.
SUSI        - gives unlimited health to the yellow ant.
WILL        - enables you to always defeat red ants.
RED RULES   - Lots of Red Ants
BLACK RULES - Lots of Black Ants

Sneeking Up on the Enemy:
Suibmitted by: Dj Simo

If you dig to the bottom of your nest, and dig all along the bottom (and up if
you have to), all the way across from wall to wall, you will find a "wormhole"
type thing in the middle of the path. Click on that hole one time and when your
ant goes on it, you will be transported to somewhere at the bottom of the red 
ants' nest. Other ants besides the yellow ant can't enter this "wormhole". 
Queen ants can't enter at all. This is a quick way to get to the other nest 
while avoiding other red ants, the pesky spider, and that dumb lawnmower!

More eggs:
When you are in a hole, exchange with the queen then activate the eggs code.
You will lay four to five eggs. 

Protecting your Queen:
Select "Exchange" from your ant menu and select your queen. Move her to the bottom
of the colony, but not too far where the water can reach her and some food so she
does not starve. She will move and you will have to move her back. 

Spider advantage:
When the spider is attacking your colony, use the "Exchange" option and change to
the spider. Go to the red ant's nest and choose "Hunt" to get the spider to kill 
the enemy to your advantage.

Secret hole:
In full game only, start to dig far down in your black ant nest. You will encounter 
a hole. Enter and you have a major shortcut to the red ant nest, allowing you to 
steal food faster or attack them. Note: After you open the hole the red ants can 
also use it, but only on very rare occasions.

Defeating the red ants:
At the start of the game, travel over to the red ant nest. Pick up a small bolder, 
walk over to the opening to the nest, and drop the bolder on the opening. This will 
trap the red ants in their nest for awhile. While trapped, your ants will have a 
chance to get the food, while the red ants slowly starve in their nest. Eventually 
the red ants will dig another tunnel exit, but by then your black ants should be 
superior in numbers, strength, and food supply. When they are ready, attack the 
red nest while their health is very low.

Personal food supply:
Dig a tunnel very far from the main chambers of the nest and stash as much food as 
you want there. Then go to the surface and get one of the tiny pebbles and seal the 
tunnel. The other ants cannot go over the rock but you can.

Make your own food:
Start your colony and wait until you have about twenty to thirty ants. Press 2 two or 
three times to get some friendly ant help, then get in front of a caterpillar to make 
it stop. Your ants will start to attack it, and after awhile the caterpillar will turn 
into little green food balls.

Get Many larvae:
In a black nest, press Shift and type eggs. At least 9 larvae will 
appear and later on hatch into black ants.

Full health:
Exchange bodies with another ant, then change back. Your health will be restored to 

Red square from egg:
Go into the red ant colony and steal an egg. Take it back to your colony. When you
release it, it will stay an egg but when it hatches you will see a red square and 
the egg will move back to the red colony. Unfortunately if a red ant steals one 
of your eggs, you will have lost it forever.
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