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Shadow of the Colossus Cheats |
Shadow of the Colossus
White Agro:
Get all items in Hard Time Attack mode. Hold down the circle
button at the Title screen.
Unlockable How to Unlock
White Agro - Get all items in Hard Time Attack mode
Brown Agro:
Get all items in Normal Time Attack mode.
Hold down Square button at title screen
Unlockable How to Unlock
Brown Agro - Get all items in Normal Time Attack mode
Unlock Hard Mode and Time Attack mode:
After beating the main game, watch all the credits all the way through.
After they are finished you have the option to save your game. Save it
and you will unlock both Hard and Time Attack Mode.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Hard Mode - After beating the game, you have the option to start
a new game in Hard Mode on the title screen
Time Attack Mode - Load your save data after completing the game. Pray infront
of any Colossus Statue by pressing the "O" button to enter
Time Attack Mode
Time Attack Hard Mode - Beat the game in Hard Mode
Time Attack Rewards:
You must first complete the game once to unlock Time Attack mode.
To begin a challenge, walk up to a statue in the temple and pray (circle).
Unlockable How to Unlock
Whistling Arrow - Defeat 2 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Cloak of Force - Defeat 4 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Mask of Strength - Defeat 6 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Lizard Detection Stone - Defeat 8 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Fruit Tree Map - Defeat 10 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Mask of Power - Defeat 12 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Cloak of Deception - Defeat 14 Colossi in Time Attack mode
Flash Arrow/Brown Agro - Defeat all Colossi in Time Attack mode
Hard Time Attack Rewards:
These items can be acquired through the Hard Time Attack Mode. You receive one
item for every two Colossi you defeat in Hard Time Attack Mode.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Harpoon of Thunder - Defeat 2 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Sword of the Sun - Defeat 4 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Fruit Tree Map - Defeat 6 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Shaman's Cloak - Defeat 8 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Lizard Detection Stone - Defeat 10 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Shaman's Mask - Defeat 12 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Cloth of Desperation - Defeat 14 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
Queen's Sword - Defeat 16 Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
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Shadow of the Colossus for PC Cheats - Shadow of the Colossus Codes - Shadow of the Colossus Cheat Codes