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Serious Sam The First Encounter Cheats

Serious Sam - The First Encounter

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

During gameplay, press [~] for the console and type 
any of the following cheats:

Code                Result
please god         - God Mode
please giveall     - Give All Weapons / Ammo
please killall     - Kill All Monster On Level
please open        - Open All Doors
please fly         - Fly Mode
please ghost       - No Clipping Mode
please invisible   - Invisibility
please tellall     - View All Messages
please refresh     - Restore Energy

Defeating the final Boss:
After going into the great pyramid, find the obelisk room. It will 
then rise. Keep walking around until you see an FMV sequence. You 
will then go to the place where the Boss climbs up the wall. Beware 
this Boss has the most powerful spells and weapons. After he/it shoots,
run to the jump ramps. Jump/boost through the power rings clockwise, 
and when you are next to the jump ramps, preferably by the backpacks,
start unloading with the Lasergun. That weapon will drop him down to 
a quarter of his health, but only after 800-1200 pulses. 
Note: He can regenerate health.

Great Pyramid: Binary counter:
In the Great Pyramid stage, just before you enter the pyramid, you may
have noticed a panel above the entry with alternating I's and O's. This
is a timer counting down in binary. The timer starts at 1,023 and goes 
down from there.

Sacred Yards: Hidden health:
As soon as you start the level, look to your right and go to the pill 
in the corner. A message will appear, stating "Silent Walk pill has been
activated and all enemies deactivated!". No enemies will attack in this 
area now. Enter the door near the statue, but do not take any of the pills
ahead. In the next area, shoot the spike in the center of the pool (without
taking any pills) to find some health. Note: It is guarded by two Reptiloids.

Mental mode:
Successfully complete the game in Serious mode, then start a new game. 
Mental will be fading in and out under Serious. In Mental mode, all the
enemies will appear and disappear.
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