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Sega Rally Championship 2 Cheats

Sega Rally Championship 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Type 'ilovesegarally2andsega' at the "Press Enter Key" screen before
the main menu appears. All bonuses except the Kerolla WRC car will 
be unlocked. 

Alternate car models and textures:
Press [Page Up] while highlighting the indicated car at the selection 
screen to change the model or texture to a different car. 
Note: The car's original performance will not be altered.

Lancia Stratos 1975              : Highlight the Lancia Stratos HF.
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V    : Highlight the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.
Subaru Impreza WRC 1998          : Highlight the Subaru Impreza WRC. 
TEIN Corolla                     : Highlight the Toyota Corolla WRC.
Toyota Celica GT-FOUR ST185 1993 : Highlight the Toyota Celica GT-FOUR ST185.
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