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Rulers of Nations GeoPolitical Simulator 2 Cheats

Rulers of Nations - Geo-Political Simulator 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] during a match to open the cheat window.
Type any of the following cheat codes for the desired effect.

NOTE: Add cheats begin with a CAPITAL LETTER and end with an exclamation
mark. They will not work if omitted.

Code                         Result
Mypeoplelikeme!             - Increase Popularity by 10%
Ihopetheywillnotputschme!   - Add 100 Level 5 Military Units
Helpmepresidentwashingsky!  - Demonstrations Away - No Pause
Trustmeyeswecan!            - All Politicians of Own Country in Instant
Whereismyslushfund!         - Budget Increased Slightly
Welovetheworld!             - External Popularity Rises Sharply
Itoldyou2012wastheend!      - World Goes Down

How to get free 1000 billion?:
NOTE: This works only for receiver countries. 

1.Click on your country on the map, then [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] and
  type "ilovecheetahs".
2.Type "whatisthisnation" and you will get the digits of your country.
  Remember these digits.
3.Type "switchnation 210" and you will be leader of the USA. Then you 
  should go to aids. Find your own country and send developement aid of
  desired value, i.e. 1000 BS euro.
4.Type "switchnation (digit of your own country)" 

Click on weekly-fast-forward mode. After 4 or 5 days, you'll see you have 
received extra surplus of 1000 BS euro. 

How to sell your products for the highest price:
1.Click on your country on the map, then [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] and type 
2.Type "whatisthisnation" and you will get the digits of your country. 
  Remember these digits.
3.Type "switchnation 210" and you will be leader of the USA. Buy a product
  from your country, set the highest purchase price.
4.Type "switchnation (digits of your country)"
5.Accept the proposal of the USA.
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