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Submitted by: RM
Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.
Unlockable How to unlock
ROO-Worthy (10) - Unlock the first 10 levels
One Track Mind (5) - Only rotate in one direction for any 5 levels
Bonus Drop (10) - Score perfect on any bonus stage
Fly Butterfly (20) - Score 100% accuracy on Fly Butterfly
Meemoo Headache (7) - Knock off 7 consecutive Meemoo on a platform
Tower of Moo (15) - Beat par time on Tower of Moo
Bat Attack (35) - Score 100% accuracy on Bat Attack
Acc-ROO-acy (10) - Score 100% accuracy on any 10 levels
Roogoo Guru (50) - Achieve par time on all levels
Comeback ROO (13) - Win a multiplayer match with only one shape to lose remaining
Meemoo Savvy (10) - Don’t miss any shapes after the first Meemoo attack
ROO-Race (15) - Win a multiplayer match on ‘Bursting EX’
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