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Robot Wars Extreme Destruction Cheats

Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to 
activate the cheat function.

Result                          Screen             Code  
Additional money              - Competition menu - givememoresponds
House robots in arcade garage - Competition menu - fabletmeplayasahouserobot
All arenas                    - Main menu        - accessallarenas
Toggle invisibility           - Pause menu       - nowyouseemenowyoudont
Transparent armor             - Pause menu       - weirdnakedrobots
Toggle AI                     - Pause menu       - getridofthosepeskyairobots
Unlimited time                - Pause menu       - timeisonmyside
unlimited time in a bout      - Pause menu       - lettimebeonmyside

Dominator 2, Tornado, and Chaos 2:
Successfully complete stage 7 in competition mode and defeat 
the champion to unlock Dominator 2, Tornado, and Chaos 2.

Hypno-Disc and Razer:
Successfully complete stage 6 in competition mode and defeat 
the champion to unlock Hypno-Disc and Razer.

How to beat rooftop rumble:
In competition mode submit a cheat "givememoresponds" 8 times.Buy all robots 
you want and buy Barrabis.He cant be flipped and he is a good flipper. You 
should win in 18 seconds.

How to beat rooftop rumble:
In competition mode submit a cheat "givememoresponds" 8 times.Buy all robots 
you want and buy Barrabis.He cant be flipped and he is a good flipper. You 
should win in 18 seconds.

How to beat the annilator:
Stuck fighting opponents such as Chaos 2, Dominator 2, Suicidal Tendicies or 
Hypnodisk then this tip/cheat will help. In the competition menu enter the cheat
"fabletmeplayasahouserobot" then in the main menu enter "accessallarenas". These
two cheats will mean you can play as a House Robot and fight where ever you want.
So you could play as Sir Killilot in the German car factory and melt the 
Submit your codes!
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