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Resident Evil 2
Special Missions:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
You can play special Missions, including Tofu's adventure by accessing
Windows 9x's registry editor.
At first you have to make a backup from your REGISTRY! In this part:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CAPCOM\RESIDENT EVIL2] you have to make a
change: value 8. so it now reads
It will release all of the extended players : Tofu,Hunk,EX battle .
Alternate Outfits:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Reach the police station without collecting any items. In the passage
under the main door to the station will be a zobmied Brad Vickers (the
helicopter pilot from the first game). Kill him and steal the "Special
Key" from his body. This allows you to unlock the locker in the dark room
under the stairs. Leon will have two new outfits, and Claire has one outfit
and a new weapon. Note: If this is done in game 1, Brad will appear there
again in game 2.
Hard Mode:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Beat the game to unlock a more difficult level of game play under arrange
and original modes.
Hidden Film:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
There is film that can be developed in the dark room in the S.T.A.R.S. office,
on the desk on the extreme left as you walk inside. To find it, simply search
the desk approximately fifty times. Develop it to see a photo of Rebecca
Chambers from the first Resident Evil game.
Hunk Scenario and Extreme Battle Mode:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Beat the game under the hard difficulty level with the best rank for Claire's
A and B scenarios and Leon's A and B scenarios. Hunk is a soldier that must
reach the second floor of the police station from the sewer with just battles
and no puzzles. Extreme Battle mode unlocks Chris Redfield and Ada Wong as
To unlock all gallery in game:
Submitted by: Adel Ahmadyan
select run from start menu.then type
Lochal machine/software/capcom/resident evil2
find Gallery 1-2-3-4-5 and set Data of them to FFFFFFFF
in Hexadecimal mode (or 4294967295 in decimal mode) and
quit and run Resident evil spical and then
select Gallery and see all picture,movie 3D model and
Rough sketch.
Submitted by: Mohamad Kazem
In run (start menu)type regedit, then look for lochal
machine, and then in lochal machine klick softwares
and find Capcom.Duble click on capcom. there you can
see some words on the left and valuse on the right.
come down till rich to (Special)in the left.
Now duble click it and type the Value 8.
Now go to the game and in options you can see special
levels with special charchters to play.
Submitted by: Mugunthan
to get infinity ammo for all weapons press up,up,down,down,
left ,right,left right and aim in the infantry box if it
works thw weapons ammo will show zero
Submitted by: Mohsen shahmohamadi
1. You must save the game
2. Use a hex editor
3. In line 000005C0 enter this code follow the model:
000005C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 FF 00 00 07 FF 00 00
4. You can all codes enter in this line and after lines
CATION: There weapons and tools in the Bin
01 FF: knife 02 FF: colt 22
03 FF: colt 38 04 FF: colt 45
05 FF: Magnum 06 FF: Super magnum
07 FF: shutgun 08 FF: Super shutgun
09 FF: explosive gun 0A FF: flame gun
0B FF: acid gun 0C FF: Muzzle
0D FF: colt 0E FF: weapon
0F FF: yuzzi 10 FF: flame trower
11 FF: RPG 12 FF: calting gun
13 FF: Berta 14 FF: colt round
15 FF: shutgun round 16 FF: round
17 FF: flame round 18 FF: round
19 FF: benzin 1A FF: acid
1B FF: magnum bulets 1C FF: shutgun bulets
1D FF: weapon 1E FF: ink
1F FF: small key 20 FF: hand gun
21 FF: magnum part 22 FF: shut gun part
23 FF: First Aid 24 FF: anti virus bomb
25 FF: AC-W24 26 FF: green herb
27 FF: red herb 28 FF: blue herb
29 FF: mixed 2A FF: mixed
2B FF: mixed 2C FF: mixed
2D FF: mixed 2E FF: mixed
2F FF: lighter 30 FF: lockpick
31 FF: picture 32 FF: valve handle
33 FF: red jewel 34 FF: red card key
35 FF: blue card key 36 FF: serpent stone
37 FF: jaguar stone 38 FF: blue stone
39 FF: blue stone 2 3A FF: Eagle stone
3B FF: bishop 3C FF: rook
3D FF: knight 3E FF: king
3F FF: key 40 FF: detonator
41 FF: plastic bomb 42 FF: bomb & detonator
43 FF: Grank 44 FF: film
45 FF: film 46 FF: film
47 FF: unicorn medal 48 FF: Eagle medal
49 FF: wolf medal 4A FF: cogwheel
4B FF: manhole opener 4C FF: main fuse
4D FF: fuse case 4E FF: vaccine
4F FF: vaccine cart 50 FF: film
51 FF: base vaccine 52 FF: G.virus
53 FF: speacial key 54 FF: joints plug
55 FF: joints plug 56 FF: cord
57 FF: picture 58 FF: cabin key
59 FF percent key 5A FF: percent key
5B FF: percent key 5C FF: percent key
5D FF: C panel key RED 5E FF: C panel key
5F FF: P Room Key 60 FF: Mo Disk
61 FF: lab card key 62 FF: master key
63 FF: plat form key
Play as Ada or Chris Redfield:
Finish both scenarios with rank A. You will receive a
powerful weapon, the 'Hunk' Mission, and another one
called 'Ex-Battle' that wasn't available on the PSX
In 'Ex-Battle' Mission, you can play as Leon, Claire,
Ada, and a bonus character from the first Resident
Evil--Chris Redfield. Each character will have his
or her own arsenal. The Mission is to find 4 anti-BOW
bombs in the Police station. The characters will start
from the lab and must backtrack to the station to find it.
There also a time record for the fastest player.
Alternatively, you can play these special Missions,
including 'Tofu' by accessing Windows 9x's registry editor.
and enter the value '8'.
Unlimited ammo cheat:
Once you have a weapon, go to the inventory screen and press
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right and Aim.
Hex Cheat - Having a side pack soon:
Submitted by: Nguyen Thanh Tung
You only have 4 cells to store your equipments, you need more spaces, but u haven't
reached to the room where a side pack is stored? You can have a side pack with more
2 cells to store your equipments by following this steps:
+Save your game
+Create a back-up of your saved file
+Open a hex-editor, then open your saved files, and then find the following code : 08-15
+Replace it by : 30-OD
There may be some places that contains the code "08-15", but there is only one place is
the right one that must be replaced.
Now start the game and open your saved file. Press 'S' to view your status, and you will
realize that you have more 2 spaces in your pack! That's the spaces of the side pack!
Have fun!!!
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