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RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Wild Cheats

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 - Wild!

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Haspa

Rename one of your park guests (or more) the following codes to get the desired effect:

Code                 Result
Atari              - All guests laugh
Mouse              - All guests stand around looking down at the ground
Make Me Sick       - All guests become Sick and vomit immediately
James Hunt         - Moss (You are given a buggy vehicle to ride in) 
Frontier           - All rides and coasters never break down
D Lean             - Open the "Flying Camera" routes editor 
A Hitchcock        - Birds fly like in Alfred's movie 
PhotoStory         - Peeps take photos
ATITech            - Every Person (both guests & staff) move super fast 
Guido Fawkes       - Gives access to the advanced Fireworks editor 
Chris Sawyer       - Guests Jump for joy 
Sam Denney         - Ride all coasters 
Jon Roach          - Ride all non-coaster rides 
Atomic             - Big Explosion 
Jonny Watts        - PeepCam 
John Wardley       - Removes height restrictions when building coasters 
John D Rockefeller - Increase your money by $10,000 (You can do this many 
                     times just before the guest leaves the park) 

Codes only work after Beta Patch : 
Andrew Thomas      - Decreases track friction 
David Braben       - Disable the Lift Chain Speed & Launch Speed limits. 
Andrew Gillett     - On the first Career mission, this code will double the value 
                     rating of your park, on other tested missions, it seems to 
                     possibly cause a slight increase in park value
A Hitchcock        - Lots of ducks appear
FPS                - Display frame rate
Ghost Town         - New guests not allowed to enter, current guests may leave if desired
Mouse              - Guests stand around looking down at the ground

Submitted by: Haspa

NOTE: Most cheat codes can be entered multiple times, by renaming different guests. 

Cheat Codes (case insensitive): 

Wild! Expansion Pack OR Higher: 
Rabbit AnimalsConstantlyBreed - Should make your animals reproduce very quickly, like Rabbits!

Alvin Swazonegger AllowLargeMovies - [unknown effect]

The following may also be Cheat Codes as they were tacked onto the original cheats within 
the game files. They were added by the "Wild!" Expansion. 

Jurassic Dart FunnyDarts - [unknown effect]

Soaked! Expansion Pack OR Higher: 
David Walsh DavidWalsh - [unknown effect]

Alistair Lindsay SoundWarp (Most game sounds and visitor chatter will 
become warped/high-pitched which sounds like mouse squeeks) 

M Brookes UndergroundSI            - [unknown effect]
Mornington Crescent AllowPathWalls - [unknown effect]
Rick Griffiths TunnelShark         - [unknown effect]

The following may also be Cheat Codes as they were tacked onto the original 
cheats within the game files. Or we could be wrong and they might just be 
string values that game is using for other purposes. 
They were added in Soaked! As for all of the "unknown effects" above and 
below, please understand about the game giving no feedback about what any 
of the cheats do nor any confirmation that they are even accepted. It is 
really nerve-racking trying to figure out what these cheats are doing. 

NOTE: Scenario #2 of Soaked! has a good park for trying the cheats below! 

Loner         - [unknown effect]
Diving Boards - [unknown effect]
Showers       - [unknown effect]
Sun loungers  - [unknown effect]
Jacuzis         [unknown effect]
Hgih Dives (it really is "Hgih Dives" - they spelled it wrong) [unknown effect]

Update #2 OR Higher: 
Isambard Kingdom Brunel 
TrainStaff (Costs you about $1000 plus the total cost needed to fully train all of your
Staff Members) This will fully train all current Staff Members, and automatically fully
train any new Staff you hire costing $350 (which is the normal cost for you to fully train
a Staff Member manually). 
NOTE: perhaps there are more effects to this cheat. We are not sure, but it seems like a 
waste of a good $1000 unless you are too lazy to manually train your Staff. 

Update #1 OR Higher: 
Ghost Town Your park becomes a Ghost Town. 
New guests are NOT permitted to enter the park. 
They may still leave, if they wish. 

FPS Display the graphical Frames Per Second rate 

v1a Beta Patch OR Higher: 
Andrew Gillett NoFriction (Sets track friction to zero) 

Andrew Thomas LowFriction (Decreases track friction, which can make coasters go faster 
along their tracks) 

David Braben Disable the Lift Chain Speed & Launch Speed limits. 
Normally, you are not permitted over a set speed limit. 
Select a coaster. Select "Operating Mode". 
You must have "Powered Launch" selected to alter the 
Launch Speed. 

v1.0 Retail or Higher: 
John D Rockefeller Increase your money by $10,000 

Chris Sawyer Cheer (Lp) - All guests applaud you & Jump into the air 

Mouse All guests stand around looking down at the ground 
(are they looking for mice between their feet?) 

Guido Fawkes Enables the "Advanced firework editor". 
Scenery -] Mix Master -]
Mix Master Displays -] Add Mix Master display -]
(Click a Blank area on the fireworks layout) -]
+Fireworks -] Advanced firework editor

Atari Cheer (Fade) - All guests applaud you 

James Hunt Moss (You are given a buggy vehicle to ride in) 

D Lean Open the "Flying Camera" routes editor 

A Hitchcock Hitchcock - not sure what this does 
(could be related to the birds like Alfred's movie) 

PhotoStory Photostory - unknown 
Some say this causes people to pose more frequently for 
pictures at your "Photo Spots" or even at random 
locations throughout your park. 

ATITech Every Person (both guests & staff) move super fast, 
though the game time passes at normal speed 
(rides & coasters do not speed up) 
(Expires after 20 seconds) 

Make Me Sick All guests become Sick and vomit immediately 

Jonny Watts PeepCam (see the world through the eyes of the 
guest who you just renamed) 

John Wardley Coaster Heights (ride & coaster tracks can be 
built without height limitations) 

Frontier Unbreakable (Buildings/Rides/Coasters do not 
break down any longer) 

Jon Roach Ride All Rides (make all guests ride every park 
ride before leaving the park) 
OR, it may just make guests ignore their nausea rating 

Sam Denney Ride All Coasters (make all guests ride every park 
coaster before leaving the park) 
OR, it may just make guests ignore their nausea rating 

Atomic Big Explosion (crash explosions have a greater impact; 
guests will get thrown much further by the shockwave) 
Create an incomplete coaster track to try this out. 
The coast car will fly off the track, resulting in a 
crash explosion. 


1. Start the game. 
2. Begin a new game or load a saved game. 
3. Click on a Visiting Customer in your park. 
4. Click the "General Information" Button, which is the right-most button 
   with a letter "i" on it. 
5. Click the Visitor's Name, then delete or backspace over the name. 
6. Enter a Cheat Code as the Name, then hit Enter on your keyboard. 
7. The cheat takes effect. 

The cheats seem to last varying amounts of time and many will expire after some 
amount of time as set by the game developers. 

Also be aware that for most cheats, there is NO FEEDBACK or CONFIRMATION of successful
entry. I guess the development team thinks you are psychic.
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