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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Load a saved profile or create a new profile. Then, select the "Extras"
option at the main menu. Select the "Gusteau's Shop" option, then the
"Secrets" option. Choose a "Code [number]" option and enter the cheat
code to unlock that option. After a cheat option is unlocked, click on
its name to enable it. Unlocked and enabled cheat options will be saved
with the current profile. However, some cheat options cannot be disabled.
Codenumber Result Code
Code 01 Very Easy difficulty (*) Pieceocake
Code 02 No impact or damage from
enemies, but still take water and
falling damage (*) Myhero
Code 03 No damage from enemies, but still
take water and falling damage1 Shielded
Code 04 Move undetected by enemies (*) Spyagent
Code 05 Fart when jumping Ilikeonions
Code 06 Head butt when attacking instead
of tailswipe Hardfeelings
Code 07 Multi-player mode Slumberparty
Code 08 All Concept Art Gusteauart
Code 09 All four championship modes Gusteauship
Code 10 All single player and multi-player
mini-games Mattelme
Code 11 All videos Gusteauvid
Code 12 All Bonus Artworks Gusteaures
Code 13 All Dream Worlds in Gusteau's Shop Gusteaudream
Code 14 All Slides in Gusteau's Shop Gusteauslide
Code 15 All single player mini-games Gusteaulevel
Code 16 All items in Gusteau's Shop Gusteaucombo
Code 17 +5000 Gusteau points Gusteaupot
Code 18 +10,000 Gusteau points Gusteaujack
Code 19 +50,000 Gusteau points Gusteauomni
(*) This code cannot be unlocked until it is bought with Gusteau
points earned during Story mode.
Note that the following codes seem to be disabled in the game,
since there does not appear to be a place to enter them:
Cheat Result
Asobo - Plays the Asobo logo.
Shrinked - Remy is only half his normal size
but his jumping abilities remain the same.
Humbled - Remy's head is reduced.
Easter - Remy's head is enlarged.
FlippedX - Inverts the camera control axis in the X direction.
FlippedY - Inverts the camera control axis in the Y direction.
Blessed - Unlocks all bonuses.
Giveemcredit - Shows the game credits for all parties (THQ /Heavy Iron/
- Disney/Pixar/Asobo Studio).
Ouichef - Remy wears a chef hat.
1. Start the game.
2. Load a Saved Profile or Create a New Profile
3. At the Main Menu, select: Extras -> Gusteau's Shop -> Secrets
4. Choose a "Code ##" option and enter the appropriate code
for that specific number, as listed above.
You must click the letters on the screen to input the code.
The keyboard can not be used to type them in.
Argh!!! The first 4 Cheat Codes on the Secrets Screen
can not be inputted. They can only be BOUGHT after earning
enough "Gusteau Points" in the Story Mode.
Either earn the required points by playing the game to unlock them
or else find a Scene-Released unlocker file.
5. Some notes:
a) Inputting a Cheat Code will only Unlock it. You must actually
click on it or hit ENTER on it afterward to ENABLE it.
b) Currently unlocked Cheat Codes will be saved to your active profile.
c) Currently enabled Cheat Codes will be saved to your active profile.
d) Some Cheat Codes will be permanently enabled and saved
to your active profile. Such as "Very Easy Mode" & "Unlock
all Concept Art". So be careful because they will be stuck
on permanently in your profile, with no way to disable them.
e) We found no way to enable those last 9 Cheat Codes.
There are no "Code #" choices in the Menu to unlock/enable them.
We also tried typing them on the keyboard at the Main Menu
and during Gameplay, but no effect was seen.
They are probably disabled by the developer, but you can search
for a way to enable them if you like. Maybe they are unlocked by
completing Story Mode 100%? Good luck finding out.
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