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RagDoll Cannon Cheats

RagDoll Cannon

Cheat Codes:

Level Password
2  - HAUS
3  - ECTO
4  - MAC
5  - ZENA
6  - JOHN
7  - JKJK
8  - PIPE
9  - MONO
10 - WINV
11 - ZIPO
12 - LIKE
13 - JOPO
14 - GNOM
15 - LIST
16 - TRUX
17 - QWER
18 - R2D2
19 - CHUI
20 - QTEK
21 - ERRR
22 - POLO
23 - SCIF
24 - BROK
25 - CMOG

Submitted by: David K.

Alter the power of the RagDoll Cannon by aiming further away.
Some levels are very confusing but luckily you have unlimited
RagDoll ammo.
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