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Submitted by: Enigma Question
Level Passwords
LEVEL 2 - Omnicorp is all knowing
LEVEL 3 - Keep the opressor opressing
LEVEL 4 - The meek shall inherit zilch
LEVEL 5 - Have you had your hydergine today
LEVEL 6 - Kemo city a nice play to live
(doesn't work in all versions)
Cheat Codes:
Start the game with these paramaters:
-cheater -infinite -nocar -invince
In game: press Alt-Ctrl-F7 before anyone hits you or you hit
them and you will be invincible, no cars on the road, and
infinite weapons.
International passwords:
Enter one of the following passwords in the International
version of the game to begin game play at the corresponding level.
Level Password
2 - 98645782
3 - 89962254
4 - 54185654
5 - 92146125
End - 33289642
Need more money?
Hex edit SAVEx.GAM (x being game number)
Sector 0, offset 407-408: change to 0F 27
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