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Project Rockstar Cheats

Project Rockstar

Recording studios:
The following is a list of some of the recording studios
that go with each genre.

Bubblegum Palace
Pop Now
Pop Idols
The Mirrorball 

Kerb House
Kaggan MacDuff's Bunker
Rocky Top 

Momma Jays Soulful House
Le Palais De L'Amour De Cul
Old Man Zeke's recording room
Wild Tchoupitoulas
The Fonz Factory 

The Waxen Klaw
Sipper's Gulch Euphonium
Blip Skittlebones Studio 

Buskers recording studio
Honey Beat Boxercise and Dance studios 

Hearty Henrys Solo Swing Shack
Solo Mio Sound Studio

Concerto Recordings
Monsieur Jerzimy's Studio L'anarchie
Three Crowns production for String and Brass
Chinese Charlie's Tortoise Emporium
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