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Prison Escape
Submitted by: RM
-Look carefully everywhere, you may find clues
-Look at the computer screen, you can find footage from 3 camera
-Click on the laying prisoners hand till a key falls out
-Use the key to unlock the handcuffs of a fellow prisoner
-Click on the shoe of a nearby prisoner to get another key
-Use that key to open the top door near the warden, get the pliers
-Use the pliers to open the suitcase near the telephones
-Find a number in the back of a baldman's head, use it in reverse
in the telephone to get another key
-Use the key to open the second draw, and get a camera lens cover
-Use this cover to block off the security camera
-Get the razor out of the walking prisoners pocket
-Use the razor to cut off the leg of the wardens chair
-Warden falls.. Gets knocked out... You Escape
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