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PeroPero Candy Cheats

PeroPero Candy

The way to see all the sexy pictures, i.e. the photoshop, 
is to either play the game for long enough to get the long 
automatic sex sequence (over 90%) or you can use the
 following patch procedure:
1. Save the game, remember which slot you used. You'll have to 
   play the game at least once to get to the menu with the 
   load/save option.
2. The saved game data will be in the saved game directory 
   (default is C:\PCAN) as files "diary0" through "diary3"
3. Subtract one from the slot you used, go edit the corresponding 
   diary file (e.g. diary0 if you used slot 1).
4. Use a binary file editor (aka hex editor) to change the 
   contents of locations $640 through $809 (the end of the file) 
   to $01. It's overkill, but that guarantees you get all the 
   pictures and endings set.
5. You also need to set $0AC to $01 to turn on the photoshop 
6. Save the modified file.
7. Run PCAN.EXE and load that slot, or reload it if you ran the 
   editor with the game in the background.
8. The photoshop option should appear, and you can click on it to 
   get a screen with 8 buttons - the one on the right middle 
   exits. Click any other button to get up to 20 pictures, click 
   to advance.

In case you care, inside the saved game file the score is 2 
bytes at $76, the satisfaction % is at $78, and the number of 
times around is at $64.
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