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Perfect World Cheats

Perfect World

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Fast levling:
For fast leveling there is only 1 thing to explain:

It seems stupid buy i levled 7 levels a day once! Instead of battling stupid
monsters (wich u may die of) battle monsters with special prizes, deliver 
things, make things.

Your sword/armor glows by a reward of a special quest or if u add melter
soulstones (2 melted in eachother) Remember U NEED LVL 5 EQUIPMENT/WEAPON.

Spirit Charms:
For chars of level 5, it is easy to obtain a small spirit charm: you just have
to talk to your race elder, and talk about the quest marked in green. This is 
a timequest for a trial chest, where you need to get a trial token. For the 
winged elves, this chest is located on the highest platform in the tree, so 
use your wings. For untamed, the trial chest is on the north gate, approach 
from the sides, jump on the broken statue, on the torch and on the hanging 
shield. The humans trial chest is the hardest to obtain: run to the north gate,
jump on the platforms to the first roof, jump on the rock piece, to the highest
roof, where the chest is located. Just go to the trial chest, obtain the trial
token and rush back to your elder to obtain a spirit charm or a guardian charm
(for mana and hp).

T.born quest help enemy plan:
Now if your around level 16 or 17 u might be on a quest called enemy plans 
you go to the location but can't find out where the general is don't feel 
stupid cause u can't find him. because i couldn't find him either. so wha u 
do is talk to the elder then go to quest or something forgot sorry ppl. Well
he teleports u to a island or temple in the sky. now thats where the genral 
is so good luck hope i helped.

Looting and exp.:
Okay in perfect world for some ppl making money and exp is hard so this what u do.
When ppl get a quest and is repeatable just keep grinding exp meaning do again and
again until u get to the next level. pick up the loot that monsters drop then sell
them somewhere. also if u haven't heard theirs a new mmorpg by pwi. its boi. thats
battle of immortals its in closed beta u can get a beta key from pwi if u got an 
acount or one of its partners that give them away i got mine from one thats called
cge or something like that sorry thats all i know. boi has been out since april 
13th remember get a beta key first to activate go to a link on the page that says
"my account" then go to beta keys go to your email then copy the beta key and 
paste it where it says to enter ur beta key now press sumbit. now all u do is 
download if u have vusta or windows 7 download the direct one if any other user
download torrent. now their are about 5 classes their magus which is a mage. 
there is a heretic which is a healer then a champion kinda like a knight or 
paladin and theirs berzerker which is like a knight also i'm not sure if their
going to add a archer depends on what pwi is thinking.

Enemy Plans quest: Finding the general:
When at level 16 or 17, you can start the "Enemy Plans" quest. To the elder,
then go to quest and he will teleport you to an island or temple in the sky.
That is where the general can be found.
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