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Noobs Room
-From your view of the desk, zoom in on the waste paper bin and collect
the first key
-Zoom out and then zoom back in on the area behind the printer.
Collect the scissors
-Move right twice and zoom in on the wardrobe. Use the scissors to cut
the suit bag and collect another key. Zoom out and then look on top of
the wardrobe for the third key
-Zoom out and move right twice. Zoom in on the area behind the TV and
pick up the glue
-Zoom out and zoom in on the middle shelf and use the three keys to open
the three boxes. Collect the three parts of the other key that are inside
-If you have the glue in the inventory then these will be automatically
stuck together
-Zoom in on the top shelf and use the new key to open the wooden box to
get a note
-Move right twice and look under the purple table. Collect the final key
-Move right twice more and use the final key on the door to escape. An
escape in less than 10 steps! Can’t be bad!
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