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New Horizons Cheats

New Horizons
Disable Pirate Attacks:
Submitted by: RM

Enter "Black Beard" as the player name.

Use the following coordinates to find the corresponding

Location 	Coordinates 	
Village     10N 90E
London      53N 0E
Map         5N 150E
Sofala      17S 34E
Tunnis      37N 10E
Rumor       0N 5E
Luanda      8S 12E
Malindi     3S 39E
Santa Cruz  28N 17W
Eville      37N 6W
Ceylon      8N 80E
Dublin      54N 7W
Azor        47N 38E
Aurmaline   15S 36E
Sakai       35N 135E
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