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NetStorm Islands at War Cheats

NetStorm - Islands at War

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: sameep kodia

power - 5000 storm crystals

10,000 Storm Power-Up and Battle Select:
In a One-Player game, press "F2" and type ".cheatorama 8675309".
Allows you to play any mission from the campaign and gives you
a cheat menu.

Noose level:
* Enable the "Cheat mode" code, and get a large amount of money. Keep
  giving it to him, then let him kill you. When the game states that 
  you failed, click "Continue", then "Leave Missions". Re-enter them 
  and they should all be unlocked.

* Just surrender in the Noose level and you will have completed it. 
  You can now play any level in the game. Note: This must be repeated
  every time you play the game.
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