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NBA Jam Tournament Cheats |
NBA Jam Tournament
Cheat Codes:
Make sure the tournament mode in Special Features Menu is off.
Type these words in the Tonights MACH up screen.
Effect Code
MEGA DUNKS - left,right,up,down,left,right
HARD PUSH - left,left,right,right,up,up
TURBO - down,down,down,turbo,turbo,turbo
QUIK HANDS - down,turbo,down,turbo,down,turbo
OFFENSE - turbo,turbo,turbo,shoot,shoot,shoot
3 POINTERS - shoot,shoot,shoot,up,up,up
GOAL TEND - turbo,turbo,up,turbo,turbo
ON FIRE - shoot,shoot,down,shoot,shoot
BIG HEADS - down,down,down,shoot,shoot,shoot
SHRINK PLAYERS - turbo,shoot,turbo,shoot,turbo,shoot
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
is a freeware "cheat-code tracker" that makes hints Tricks and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, Wii, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy
Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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NBA Jam Tournament for PC Cheats - NBA Jam Tournament Codes - NBA Jam Tournament Cheat Codes