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NBA Hangtime
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Pangeran Akbarsyah
Enter one of the following codes at the "Tonight's Match-Up"
screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
Disable CPU assistance - Hold [Right] and press [Pass][Pass].
Hyper-speed - Press [Turbo] five times, [Shoot] five times,[Pass][Pass][Down].
Maximum speed - Press [Turbo] [Turbo], [Shoot] eight times, [Pass] four times.
Quick passing - Press [Turbo] [Shoot] [Shoot] [Down].
Tournament mode - Press [Turbo] [Shoot] [Pass] [Down].
Unlimited turbo - Press [Turbo] four times, [Shoot] six times, [Pass].
ABA basketball - Hold [Right] and press [Shoot] [Turbo] [Pass].
Baby mode - Press [Shoot] [Shoot], [Pass] five times.
Big head mode - Hold [Up] and press [Turbo] [Pass]
Rooftop court - Hold [Left] and press [Turbo] [Turbo]
Rooftop court 2 - Hold [Left] and press [Turbo] [Turbo] [Shoot] [Shoot]
Disable goaltending - Press [Turbo] nine times, [Shoot] three times, [Pass] seven times.
Codes and Cheats:
All codes are entered at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen
1. Compter Assistance Disabled [002]
Hold *RIGHT*
Turbo: 0
Shoot: 0
Pass: 2
2. Hyper Speed [552]
Turbo: 5
Shoot: 5
Pass: 2
Tap *DOWN*
3. Maximum Speed [284]
Turbo: 2
Shoot: 8
Pass: 4
4. Quick Passing [120]
Turbo: 1
Shoot: 2
Pass: 0
Tap *DOWN*
5. Tournament Mode [111]
Turbo: 1
Shoot: 1
Pass: 1
Tap *DOWN*
6. Unlimited Turbo [461]
Turbo: 4
Shoot: 6
Pass: 1
7. ABA Basketball [111]
Hold *RIGHT* / Tap the buttons in the following order:
Shoot: 1
Turbo: 1
Pass: 1
8. Baby Mode [025]
Turbo: 0
Shoot: 2
Pass: 5
9. Big Head [101]
Hold *UP*
Turbo: 1
Shoot: 0
Pass: 1
10. Rooftop Court [200]
Hold *LEFT*
Turbo: 2
Shoot: 0
Pass: 0
11. Rooftop Court (Alternative code) [220]
Hold *LEFT*
Turbo: 2
Shoot: 2
Pass: 0
Submitted by: Hot Laser
Disable Goaltending [937]
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NBA Hangtime for PC Cheats - NBA Hangtime Codes - NBA Hangtime Cheat Codes