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Nation Red Cheats

Nation Red

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Bonek

Unlockables - Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", 
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement       How to unlock
American Hero   - Kill over 5000 zombies in Free Play in one game.
Butcher         - Get 10 zombies sucked into one Meat Grinder.
Cover           - Kill 25 zombies while remaining inside one Turbine area.
Efficiency      - Kill at least 10 zombies with one grenade.
Execution       - Kill at least 250 zombies using sentry guns.
Explosive Irony - Deal the killing blow to a Grenade Zombie with a grenade.
Fire Chief      - Burn 800 zombies with the Flame Thrower.
Free Man        - Finish off a boss zombie with the crowbar.
Guardian        - Complete the Point Defense mission.
Horde           - Kill 50 zombies within a ten second period.
Magnet          - Collect 10 zombie-attracting Rammers in one game.
No Guns         - Kill 500 zombies with a melee weapon.
Payback         - Take 2500 zombies down with you using the Vengeance perk.
Runner          - Run a marathon length 26 miles/42 kms.
Stopping Power  - Kill 150 running zombies in a single game.
Stronghold      - Kill 100 zombies in Survival Mode without moving from start
                  of game.
Survivor        - Survive for more than 2 minutes in survival mode.
TeleFrag        - Perform 20 grenade teleports.
Tough Guy       - Kill 1000 zombies in any single game without ever picking 
                  a perk.
Untouchable     - Complete any mission without taking any zombie damage.
Victor          - Kill all zombie boss types.
Winner          - Complete all the story missions.
Collector       - Collect at least 40 perks in a single game.
Absolute        - Kill 250,000 zombies.
Unseen          - While cloaked, kill 250 zombies in one game.
Death Cheat     - Survive 5 minutes with health staying below 25%.
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