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Nancy Drew Secret Of The Old Clock Cheats |
Nancy Drew - Secret Of The Old Clock
Submitted by: RM
To find a passageway, go into the Lilac Inn, turn to the left, enter
that room, then face the window seat to the right. Click on the right
side of it. Pull the lever and the seat will open. Inside, it'll feel
like your being followed---are you....? Also a pig-bank containing
about $1 dollar willl be smashed on the ground. At the end, you'll
find a dorr into Mr. Topham's house.
Hints help:
To get hints, you can only use the coin-phone (pay-phone) outside the
motel. Use a nickel to call the operator, then ask for Carson Drew or
Bess Marvin Voila.
Money Needs:
You'll earn money frum the newspaper guy at @ Tubby's Telegraphs. He'll
pay you 25c for each letter (telegram) you deliver to someone.
Submitted by: A.M.A.
When you enter the passageway,there is a box near the wall.Your cursor
will turn red.Click. There will be a broken pig-shaped bank.
Take the money.(cha-ching!)
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