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Mutant Mudds
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Power Ups:
You can unlock these power-ups in Grannie's Attic
by collecting Golden Diamonds.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Extended Hover - 1200 Gold Diamonds Collected.
Moon Level - Beat the first 16 Levels.
Play as Grannie - All 2000 Gold Diamonds and 40 Water Sprites Collected.
Power-shot - 800 Gold Diamonds Collected.
Vertical Boost - 1600 Gold Diamonds Collected.
Play as Grannie:
Collect 2,000 Diamonds and 40 Water Sprites. You can now press "L" at the
title screen to switch to Grannie, who has all available power-ups.
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Mutant Mudds for PC Cheats - Mutant Mudds Codes - Mutant Mudds Cheat Codes