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Mr. Robot
Submitted by: RM
Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Contact 1 - Samson and Brutus - Locate Samson and Brutus
Contact 2 - Zelda - Locate Zelda
Contact 3 - Orgus - Locate Orgus
Contact 4 - Raistlin - Locate Raistlin
Energon collector - Find a ton of energon
Explorer - Search the whole ship
Finisher 1 - normal - Finish the game on normal difficulty
Finisher 2 - hard - Finish the game on hard difficulty
Pickup collector - Find lots of pickups
Saviour 1 - Zelda - Save Zelda
Saviour 2 - Orgus - Save Orgus
Saviour 3 - Raistlin - Save Raistlin
Tutorial complete - Finished the tutorials.
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