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Mobai Room Cheats

Mobai Room

-Look under the pillow to get a pen
-Look under the bed to get a crowbar
-Move left, open the right hand locker by using the crowbar and collect 
 the dynamite
-Open the middle locker and use the pen on the balloon to burst it and 
 get the key
-Move left and open the middle drawer in the filing cabinet to find the 
 piece of paper
-Use the key on the top drawer and collect the magnifying glass
-Go up the step ladder and use the crowbar on the vent covering to open it
-Combine the paper with the pen and keep clicking until the paper is 
 totally black
-Combine the black piece of paper with the magnifying glass (whilst you’re 
 up the ladder) to cause the paper to set on fire
-Come down the ladder and turn left to face the door
-Light the dynamite with the burning paper and then ‘use’ the dynamite on 
 the door to escape. Quick you only have 10 seconds!
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