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Mortal Kombat 2 Cheats

Mortal Kombat 2

Cheat Codes:
While the game is starting, press "F10" to get to the setup screen. Hold down "Shift",
and type "DIP", and turn all switches to ON, then save and exit. Restart the game and 
type "AICULEDSSUL" at the black and white credits screen while the game is loading. 
You will hear a weird sound if you did it right. Then at the Acclaim Logo screen, press
the "F9" key, and a menu will pop up giving you the option to enable things such as 1 
hit kills, level skips, choose opponent, and much more.

Fight Jade:
Win one round using only low kicks in the match before the "?" round.

Fight Noob Saibot:
Win 25 consecutive matches, then win the first round of the next match.

Fight Smoke:
Quickly press [F1] or [F2] when Dan Forden appears and says "Toasty!" on the Portal stage.

Unlimited credits:
Wait until the countdown at the continue screen begins. Press [F2] to start a two player
game, then press [F1] while in the two player menu. After you defeat the player two you 
will continue the game at the place you left off without losing a credit.

Debug mode:
Press [F10] at one of the logo screens to enter the options menu. Then, type DIP 
(case-sensitive) to display the debug switch menu. Activate the corresponding DIP switch
to activate the corresponding effect. 

Switch Effect
0   - Unknown.
1   - Toggle blood.
2   - Toggle sound.
3   - Toggle comic book offer.
4   - Toggle fatalities.
5   - Toggle unlimited credits.
6   - Unknown.
7   - Unknown.
8   - Toggle voice.

Special Moves
Submitted by: andresb-24


B - Back
F - Forward
D - Down
Up - Up
LP - Low Punch
HP - High Punch
LK - Low Kick
HK - High Kick
BL - Block

Dead Pool Fatality
F, F, F, Uppercut for keyboard and F, F, F, BL for joypad.

Babality and Friendship
Don't use LP and HP during the final round.

> Liu Kang

Special Moves:
High Fireball: F, F, HP (can be performed in air too)
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 4 seconds

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, F, B, B, HK (close)
Fatality 2: Hold BL, D, F, Up, B, D, F... (sweep)
Friendship: F, B, B, B, LK
Babality: D, D, F, B, LK
Stage: Hold BL, B, F, F, LK (close)

> Kung Lao

Special Moves:
Teleport: D, Up
Diving Kick: D + HK (in air)
Hat Throw: B, F, LP (Use Up and D to control the hat)
Whirlwind Spin: Up, Up, LK (keep pressing LK to spin longer)
Head butt: HP (close)

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, F, LK (sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, B, F, release LP (far), control the hat with Up and D so 
                          that it hits your opponents neck
Friendship: B, B, B, D, HK
Babality: B, B, F, F, HK
Stage: F, F, F, HP (close)

> Johnny Cage

Special Moves:
Drop-Kick: HK or LK (close)
Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
Low Green Bolt: B, D, F, LP
High Green Bolt: F, D, B, HP
Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP
Ball Breaker: LP + BL (close)
Ball Breaker: LK + HK (close) - SG3B

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, F, F, LP (close)
Fatality 2: F, F, D, Up (close), Hold D + LP + LK + BL until Cage performs 
                                the move and he will knock off three heads
Friendship: D, D, D, D, HK
Babality: B, B, B, HK
Stage: D, D, D, HK (close)

> Reptile

Special Moves:
Acid Spit: F, F, HP
Slide: B + LP + LK + BL - A, PC, SS, SN, PSX, PS2, XB, GC, PSP
Slide: B + LK + HK - SG, S32
Forceball: B, B, HP + LP
Invisibility: Up, Up, D, HP (using BL)

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, D, LP (half screen)
Fatality 2: F, F, D, LK (must be Invisible and close)
Friendship: B, B, D, LK
Babality: D, B, B, LK
Stage: D, F, F, BL (close)

> Sub-Zero

Special Moves:
Freeze: D, F, LP
Ground Freeze: D, B, LK
Slide: B + LP + LK + BL - A, PC, SS, SN, PSX, PS2, XB, GC, PSP
Slide: B + LK + HK - SG, S32

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: PART 1 - F, F, D, HK (sweep) PART 2 - When your opponent is frozen, 
                                 jump into close range and press: F, D, F, F, HP
Fatality 2: Hold LP, B, B, D, F, release LP (far)
Friendship: B, B, D, HK
Babality: D, B, B, HK
Stage: D, F, F, BL (close)

> Shang Tsung

Special Moves:
Flaming Skull: B, B, HP
Two Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, HP
Three Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, F, HP

Liu Kang: B, F, F, BL
Kung Lao: B, D, B, HK
Johnny Cage: B, B, D, LP
Reptile: Hold BL, Up, D, release BL, HP
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP
Kitana: BL, BL, BL
Jax: D, F, B, HK
Mileena: Hold HP for 2 seconds and release
Baraka: D, D, LK
Scorpion: Hold BL, Up, Up, release BL
Raiden: D, B, F, LK

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold HK for 2 seconds and release it (sweep)
Fatality 2: Up, D, Up, LK (close)
Fatality 3: Hold LP for 25 seconds during the round and release when announcer 
                          says "Finish Him/Her!" (sweep)
Friendship: B, B, D, F, HK
Babality: B, F, D, HK
Stage: Hold BL, D, D, Up, release BL, D (close)

> Kitana

Special Moves:
Fan Swipe: B + HP
Fan Throw: F, F, HP + LP (works in air too)
Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
Flying Punch: F, D, B, HP

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Fatality 2: Hold LK, F, F, D, F, release LK (close)
Friendship: Hold BL, D, D, D, Up, LK
Babality: D, D, D, LK
Stage: F, D, F, HK (close)

> Jax

Special Moves:
Energy Wave: F, D, B, HK
Ground Pound: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
"Gotcha" Grab: F, F, LP (Keep tapping LP for extra hits)
Back Breaker: BL (in air)
Body Slam: Perform a Throw and repeatedly press HP

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: BL, BL, BL, BL, LP (not too close but < sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, F, F, F, release LP (close)
Friendship: D, D, Up, Up, LK
Babality: D, Up, D, Up, LK
Stage: Up, Up, D, LK (close)

> Mileena

Special Moves:
Teleport Kick: F, F, LK
Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK
Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds and release (can be done in air too)

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, B, F, LP (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HK for 3 seconds and release (close)
Friendship: D, D, D, Up + HK
Babality: D, D, D, HK
Stage: F, D, F, LK (close)

> Baraka

Special Moves:
Blade Swipe: B + HP
Double Kick: HK, HK
Blade Spark: D, B, HP
Blade Fury: B, B, B, LP

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, B, B, HP (close)
Fatality 2: B, F, D, F, LP (close)
Friendship: Up, F, F, HK
Babality: F, F, F, HK
Stage: F, F, D, HK (close)

> Scorpion

Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport: D, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Scissors: F, D, B, LK

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Up, Up, HP (sweep)
Fatality 1 "Toasty" Version: D, D, Up, Up, HP (sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold HP, D, F, F, F, release HP (close)
Friendship: B, B, D, HK
Babality: D, B, B, HK
Stage: D, F, F, BL (close)

> Raiden

Special Moves:
Lightning: D, F, LP
Torpedo: B, B, F (can be done in air too)
Teleport: D, Up
Electric Grab: Hold HP for 5 seconds and release (2-Player Game Only)

Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release and tap BL + LK (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HP for 4 seconds, then release (close)
Friendship: D, B, F, HK
Babality: D, D, Up, HK
Stage: Up, Up, Up, HP (close)

Codes And Secrets

Cheat Menu
On the credits screen type "AICULEDSSUL" and on the Akklaim logo press [F9]. 
The cheat menu will appear.

DIP Switches Menu
Enter the options menu by pressing [F10]. Now type with capital letters "DIP". 
The switches menu will appear.

Unfortunately no one can tell what these switches do, probably nothing.
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