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Merv Griffins Crosswords Cheats

Merv Griffin's Crosswords

Submitted by: RM

Unlockable           How to Unlock
5 Timer            - Complete 5 puzzles.
Clue Master        - Complete a puzzle without hints.
Crossword Master   - Complete five puzzles in a row with no hints.
Double Combo       - First combo.
First Place        - Awarded for completing the first puzzle.
Four Day Champion  - Complete a first four in a row.
Frequent Flyer     - All getaways unlocked.
Fresh Play         - Complete a puzzle without being spoiled.
Globe Trotter      - All grand prize trips unlocked.
Infallible         - Complete a puzzle without mistakes.
Life of Leisure    - All getaways and grand prizes.
Perfect Play       - Complete a puzzle without mistakes or hints.
Permanent Vacation - All trips, getaways and achievements unlocked.
Repossess          - First time a player wins a prize back from a spoiler.
Returning Champion - Complete a first five in a row.
Three Day Champion - Complete a first three in a row.
Triple Combo       - First triple combo.
Two Day Champion   - Complete a first two in a row.
Ultimate Combo     - Awarded the first time combos max out.
Wordsmith          - First answer of seven letters or greater.
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