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Mercedes Benz World Racing Cheats

Mercedes Benz World Racing

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM 

All championships:
Enter JamSession as a user name in single player mode to unlock all 
16 championships. 

All tracks:
Enter Free Ride as a user name in single player mode to unlock all 
108 tracks. Note: This does not unlock the Waypoint missions. 

All missions:
Enter Miss World as a user name in single player mode to unlock 
all 48 missions. 

Single player cars:
Enter AllUCanGet as a user name in single player mode to unlock almost 
all the cars and tracks. This will also get you about 80 percent through
the game and a score just below the first place driver (status 10). 

Multi-player cars:
Enter Full House as a user name in multi-player mode to unlock almost of 
the cars and tracks. Enter the same user name in single player mode to 
unlock all 109 cars. 

Status 9:
Enter Goodzpeed as a user name in single player mode to get a score just
below the status 10 driver. 

Status 8:
Enter Jiu-Jitsu as a user name in single player mode to get a score just 
below the status 9 driver. 

Status 7:
Enter McRace as a user name in single player mode to get a score just
below the status 8 driver. 

Status 6:
Enter No Hat! as a user name in single player mode to get a score just 
below the status 7 driver. 

Status 5:
Enter Halbzeit as a user name in single player mode to get a score just 
below the status 6 driver. 

Status 4:
Enter TaxiDriver as a user name in single player mode to get a score just 
below the status 5 driver. 

Status 3:
Enter N.I.C.E. 2 as a user name in single player mode to get a score just 
below the status 4 driver. 

Status 2:
Enter HUIBUH as a user name in single player mode to get a score just
below the status 3 driver. 

Status 1:
Enter Top 10 as a user name in single player mode to get a score just 
below the status 2 driver.
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