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Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver.B Cheats

Melty Blood - Act Cadenza Ver.B

Fight as Neco-Arc Chaos:
Submitted by: RM

Successfully complete Arcade mode. Then highlight Nrvnqsr Chaos at
the character selection screen and press D.

Giant Attack 666 mode:
Note: This requires the v1.01 or later patch required. Successfully
complete Arcade mode as Neko-Arc Chaos while doing his Special Story
mode. In this mode you will fight against Neko Chaos Black G666.

Neko-Arc Chaos Special Story mode:
Hold D while selecting Neko-Arc Chaos until the story mode sequence 
appears. Neko-Arc Chaos will talk about HD DVD and Kohaku will appear
to confirm correct code entry. In this mode the mid-Boss will be 4 
Neko-Arc Chaos and the final Boss will be Neko Chaos Black G666. 

Alternate title screen:
Set the system date to the following days to view the version of the
title screen. 

January 1   - Happy New Year
September 9 - Happy Birthday Len
December 25 - Merry Christmas
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