Max Payne
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Tuah Acheampong
Submitted by: Amit argal and sunny argal
To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe with the command line
parameter "-developer". Once you have the game running in developer mode, you get access
to the game console with [F12] and enter these codes:
Code Result
coder - God Mode, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, etc.
God - God Mode
Mortal - Become Mortal
ShowFPS - Show FPS
NoClip - Fly Mode
NoClip_off - No Fly Mode
getbullettime - Fill Up When Bullet-Time Runs Out
showfps - Show Frame Rate
getpainkillers - Get 8 PainKillers
c_addhealth ( 100 ) - Add 100 to Health
GetAllWeapons - All Weapons
GetInfiniteAmmo - Infinite Ammo
jump10 - Jump Higher (set to 20 or 30 for even higher)
SetWoundedState - Walk as if Wounded
SetNormalState - Walk Normally
GetBaseballbat - Baseball Bat
GetBeretta - Beretta
GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas
GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle
GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1
GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2
GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun
GetIngram - Ingram
GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams
GetMP5 - MP5
GetColtCommando - Colt Commando
GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail
GetGrenade - Grenade
GetM79 - M79
GetSniper - Sniper Rifle
GetHealth - Health
GetPainkillers - Pain Killers
GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time
Jump10 - Big Jump
Jump20 - BigBig Jump
Jump30 - BigBigBigJump
Inventory - Details of Player
Clr - Delete Line
Help - List Cheats
GODEN - Fire knife
The following keys will be enabled also:
C - Cycle through three camera modes
PageUp - Cycle mesh up
PageDown - Cycle mesh down
Ctrl + PageUp - Cycle TextureSet up
Ctrl + PageDown - Cycle TextureSet down
Home - Increase game speed
End - Decrease game speed
Home + End - Set game speed to 1.00x (default speed)
Insert - Teleport Max to next start point
Delete - Teleport Max to previous start point
F7 - Switches AI movement network connections visualization
F8 - Switches AI movement network node visualization
F11 - Toggle statistics on / off
F12 - Open Console
Arrow Left - External camera left
Arrow Right - External camera right
Arrow Up - External camera forward
Arrow Down - External camera backward
You can also use these command line parameters to enable/disable some features:
-nodialog - Skips the Max Payne startup dialog when loading the game.
-skipstartup: Skips the startup animation
-screenshot - Enables the F10 key for taking screen shots. Screen shots
are saved to "screenshots" folder under your Max Payne installation folder
-disable3dpreloads - If the system runs out of texture memory while loading
a level, this option may prevent the game from crashing due to a driver error
-window - Runs the game in a windowed mode, in the resolution selected
from the Max Payne launch dialog. All 3d accelerators do not support
running in a windowed mode.
Command line options can be enabled by adding them to the Max Payne shortcut after
the executable, for example:
"C:\Program Files\Remedy\Max Payne\MaxPayne.exe" -screenshot
To do that, right-click on the Max Payne icon, select Properties and then edit the
Target field.
Submitted by: shakti singh
to get the developer mode-
1.first make a shortcut of maxpayne icon.
2.then right click on the shortcut.
4.add"-developer" after the .exe file. during game press F12 to bring the console and type "coder" to
activate all the cheats.then again press F12 to close the console. enjoy.
Unlimited Bullet Time:
Assign shootdodge under controls in the options menu to keypad 1.
During the game, you can hit this key to slow the action down any
time you want. Repeatedly press it and it will slow things down even
further to the point of pausing the action. Pressing keypad 7, will
speed the action back up. There is no time limit for how long the action
is slowed down.
Alternate egos:
By pressing Keypad 9 or 3 you can change the character Max plays during the game.
Be aware that some weapons may not be available to you during the time you are using
these alternate characters.
Level Warp:
By pressing keypad 0, you can warp to different areas of the level, or "chapter,"
and at the same time you could be standing right in front of enemies and they will
not even notice you.
Pump Action Shotgun:
You can get a pump-action shotgun right in Max's house at the very beginning.
The shotgun is hidden in his house, on the opposite wall of the phone, in a
shutter closet, much like the one that you see right when you get in the
house near the door. Open the one farther away from the adjacent room, and you
will get a pump-action shotgun with 5 rounds.
To jump to any level, type the following in the developer console while
playing any level:
where levelname is one of the below:
end_combat (Secret Finale, use this method instead of
"maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );")
Secret Finale Ending:
To access it, enter the following in the developer console:
maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );0
Bonus Level:
Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB
In the bonus Level u can find painkillers which are hidden behind the screen.
when the level starts press your back key and turn left and right you'll find
7 painkillers. Yah but there are ont seven enemies coming!
FROM: Emon Kundu (BOOM BOOM)
Having prob completing chapter/part/game.
Visit the site below for the complete walkthrough
Submitted by: ankush mahajan
The replay value of the game is limited or should I say NONE . The enemies appear
at the same spot and everything else is the same. Not worth playing again.
Make max Payne walk on air:
Submitted by: Big Kausik
Part II : in one of the chapterts max will board the big machine on the tracks on
the dock.instead of strating the machine jump from it on to the ground(be sure to
be on god mode).now walk along the tracks and jump over the fallen container and
walk till you reach the tracks end. position max such that his feet are inbetween
both the tracks. Now press F12 and type jump10. now max will walk on air.
An offer You can't refuse:
Submitted by: Big Kausik
Part II: here when u reach the crane kill the guyz around it. activate the crane
and kill the new guyz that arrive on the scene. now climb on top of the control
room of the crane and from there on to the crane's hook and further to the crates
kept there. when u walk u will find the container open and shall be able to get
more ammo.
Submitted by: Big Kausik
Kill all The Guyz and then goto to the van. on its side there shall be a few boxes.
climb on them then to the a.c. and from it into the fire exit. climb it and try the
doors. Open it and you will be congratulated for finding a secret room.
Submitted by: ankush mahajan
When ever you face the guys in the black suits try to stay clear of them and also
save up some ammo for the colt commando. Then use the bullet time to slow things
off and kill them!
arun prakash, Submitted the following Information:
If you have truble completing any level just goto and you will get the complete
startergy guide.
Easter Eggs:
Submitted by: deepak
Part I: The American Dream
Chapter Two: Live from the Crime Scene
Right at the beginning, there is a hole in the bricks in the wall. Cheat yourself
a grenade and throw it in. Your mission objectives now say "I had declared a war
against rats". A bit later, after walking through some water and taking out a few
enemies on a train platform, walk up the wide stairs. In the room at the top are a
bunch of rats... with Desert Eagles! Now shoot at one of the ceiling lamps that's
off. Hit the base of the lamp and it will fall. The rats will now battle each other.
If "your" side wins, the remaining rats will take up defensive positions around you.
If your side loses, the remaining rats will come after you.
Chapter Two: Live from the Crime Scene
You can shoot the wailing siren in the central vault area and Max will thank you.
Chapter Three: Playing it Bogart
If you walk past Rico Muerte's room to the end of the hall, you can shoot away a
boarded-up door. From this room you can walk across the ledge and shoot away a
boarded up window to find a dead body with a stake in it lying next to the word
"Buff" in blood (as in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), as well
as some other goodies.
Chapter Six: Fear That Gives Men Wings
As you ride the elevator up from Luigi's Laundry, shooting the speaker playing
sappy elevator music will bring another "Thank you" from Max. Shortly thereafter,
as you leave out the window from the room sporting the thug in the bathroom and
the TV news report, walk to the left and there will be a window you can jump
through to a room with two Soldier of Fortune 2 posters and a stash of shotguns.
If you didn't destroy the elevator speaker earlier, you should be able to hear the
music from within this room.
Chapter Seven: Police Brutality
When Gognitti reaches the locked door, there is a satellite dish behind you on the
ledge. If you jump from this corner to the ledge across the alley, you can drop
down into the fenced area and open a door to a room with a nice assortment of ammo
and a poster proclaiming "Dopefish Lives!" Dopefish is quite possibly the most
prolific character in Easter Egg history.
Chapter Seven: Police Brutality
At the basketball court, there is a Beretta stuck in the net. Also, if you wait
by the fence, an SUV wil drive by. If you shoot it, it will crash and the driver
will get out to shoot at you.
Chapter Eight: Ragna Rock
When you reach the inner stage area, you can "use" the drum kit and microphone and
step on the guitar for some interesting effects and dialogue.
Part II: A Cold Day In Hell
Chapter Five: Angel of Death,br> When you reach the grand piano, you can "use"
it and Max will play the title theme. You can get a different effect by shooting
out the lid support and trying again.
Part IV: A Bit Closer To Heaven
Chapter Four: Backstabbing Bastard
At the entrance ramp to the car park (from where you start), there is a stack of
barrels and an air conditioning unit that you can jump on to reach the roof of
the garage. Shoot the off-color panel of the shed there and it will fall away.
Inside, you can jump on a grate to fall into a room with the grafitti "R Thanks",
a radio you can "use" to hear audio from the production team, and a sniper rifle
with ammo.
Chapter Five: In the Land of the Blind
In the small room after Woten's office (where you find the Aesir building plans),
there is a small picture that you can shoot off the wall, revealing a button.
Pressing it will raise the couch on the other side of the room, revealing a
staircase down to a "private area". In it there is a big screen TV you can use
to play a 3DRealms-themed parody of Star Trek. In the adjoining room there is
a bed with chains next to a closet full of bondage gear.
Pump Action Shotgun:
Submitted by: arun prakash
[submitted by: Nicholas Kutny]
You can get a pump-action shotgun right in Max's house at the very beginning.
The shotgun is hidden in his house, on the opposite wall of the phone, in a
shutter closet, much like the one that you see right when you get in the house
near the door. Open the one farther away from the adjacent room, and you will
get a pump-action shotgun with 5 rounds.
Unlimited Bullet Time:
Submitted by: arun prakash
Assign shootdodge under controls in the options menu to keypad 1. During the game,
you can hit this key to slow the action down any time you want. Repeatedly press
it and it will slow things down even further to the point of pausing the action.
Pressing keypad 7, will speed the action back up. There is no time limit for how
long the action is slowed down.
Alternate egos:
Submitted by: arun prakash
By pressing Keypad 9 or 3 you can change the character Max plays during the game.
Be aware that some weapons may not be available to you during the time you are
using these alternate characters.
Level Warp:
Submitted by: arun prakash
By pressing keypad 0, you can warp to different areas of the level, or "chapter,"
and at the same time you could be standing right in front of enemies and they
will not even notice you.
Play bonus scene and watch credits :
Submitted by: Yogesh
When you complete whole part-III
"A Bit Closer To Heaven" don't press esc stay for a while then the game willbe
started at new stage with lots of enemies to kill and painkillers and guns to
kill them kill them all then go to back of the wall in a room where you can see
all persons who have created this game that's it you can play this part in a
cheat mode too.... best of luck
To get unlimited Bullet Time:
Submitted by: Jethro Fisher
Just After you have been killed , During the slow motion view of you dying where
you normally push enter but if you push F12 and type god you will get up again
and will be in bullet mode for the whole game.
Another easter egg:
Submitted by: [QRGR]Maverick
On the training mission after you have killed all the guys, jump ontop of the
van at the far end of the road and then onto the extractor fan box. From here
you can jump onto the fire escape and make your way up them where you will find
a breakable window leading to a secret room. In there you will find an imgran
and if you look in the drawers around you will find more ammo and some pain
Developer Messages:
Submitted by: Tauseef
On the level where you are confronting B.B. on the parking garage, there is a
hidden area where you can get a sniper rifle & ammo. Before going down the
first ramp that leads deeper in to the garage, jump on the various objects
by the entrance to the lower levels to get on a roof with a small metal-walled
building on top. Bash on all the walls with the bat until a panel falls away
and then go inside. Once inside, you'll also see a radio you can turn on to
hear a rather humourous message from a couple of the game's developers.
War of the Rats:
Submitted by: Tauseef
On Part I: Chapter 2, you can cause the rats to war amongst themselves. Use
the developer command line cheat and give yourself a grenade (then "getgrenade"
in the console) at the start of the level. Toss it in the gap of broken titles
after the initial level_start camera panning. This will cause the mission
objectives to change to ''I had declared war against the rats''. As you progress
through the level, you will come across the two factions of rats -- WITH DESERT
EAGLES! Shoot at one of the ceiling lamps that's off at its base to make it
fall, causing the start of the war. If your group of rats wins, they will join
forces and follow you through the rest of the level. If the other rats win,
they'll turn their remaining forces on you.
Secret room in Asgard Building:
Submitted by: Tauseef
In the second part of the Asgard Building, after picking up the video tape and
watching the TV news report about Aesir Corp being a bigger monopoly than Mic.
ft ever was, there is a small, dark room with a table, couch etc. Shoot the
small painting to make it fall off and a small white button is revealed. Press
this button to make the couch behind you rise. Go down underneath it and use
the control panel to open the door. Inside, switch the TV on to hear a funny
version of Star Trek (called the Void) and open the cupboard behind the curtain
to find, er... something else.
Easter Eggs:
From: Stefan Ilivanov
Easter Egg Number 1
In Act 3: Level 4 (the garage), there is an Easter Egg featuring members of
Max Payne's production team and some surprises. After the opening animation
ends, take out the four guys that the car has dropped off. Now, before entering
the garageon the right, face the garage and look just to the right of the
opening. There are 3 barrels (one, and then two on top of each other), and an
A/C unit coming out of the wall. Jump >from one to another to reach the roof
of the garage. You will now be facing a little shack on the roof, with a door-
shaped section painted slightly lighter than the rest -- shoot this with any
weapon, and it will fall away, leading to a room with a small grating on the
floor. Stand on the grate, and you will fall into a room with a dead hostage,
a sniper rifle and ammo, and a radio that plays a conversation between members
of the production team with a bit of humor at the end.
Easter Egg Number 2
In the rooftop chase sequence there's a room you can get to that has a poster
of Soldier Of Fortune II and some other useful goodies.
Easter Egg Number 3
In Chapter 3 when you start on the roof of the multi-storey car park you can
jump on the barrels and then onto the roof near the exit ramp. If you shoot
the peculiar looking metal wall you'll see it collapse. Then go through the
opening, drop through a nearby vent in the floor and you'll end up in a small
room. You'll find a sniper rifle and some ammo and a radio. "Use" the radio
for some laughs.
Easter Egg Number 4
When you walk in on the bank robbery, you can shoot the wailing siren to stop
it. Do this and Max will thank you.
Easter Egg Number 5
When you find the piano on the manor level, if you "use" it Max will play the
title theme. Shoot the lid support out to drop the lid and then try playing the
piano again.
Easter Egg Number 6
When you find the drum kit in the Ragna Rock bar, "use" it to play some beats.
You can also get the guitar on the floor to squeal and if you "use" the stage
microphones Max will say: "Karaoke was never my thing".
submitted by: Deepak
TIP 1:
hi there,i've found out a new tip in the game. in chapter1, roscoe street, after
killing the first guy with the shotgun (near one of the Coca Cola structures)
proceed down until u kill the other guy with the shotgun. the turn right and
fight the two guys(one with a desert eagle and one with a dual berreta). kill
both of them. now beneath the desk sort of thing with draws, u will see three
gas cylinders.ignite them. one of the three cylinder goes back and ignites two
others. one of the other two hits the wall perpendicular to it and the other
one hits a door and leaves it half open. go inside and get a lot of desert
eagle ammo.
TIP 2:
after u fight the FINITO brothers, go further till u rech the room 313 (where
he exclaims "this looks like the room" and where the shotgun trap is set 4 u).
finish ur business in the room. come out and turn right and then left. on one
side, u see a bathroom and on the other u see a broken door. blast the door with
whatever weapon u have. go inside. then go through the glass(be careful not to
fall!!!). turn right till u approach a same type door as the previous one. blast
this one too and VOILA!!!!!. u will find a whole lot of goodies(a berreta, two
painkillers, 4 moltovs, berreta ammo etc.) to name a few! ENJOY.
Submitted by: Yazad
Go into the options menu and in the option "Bullet time aid ON/OFF" keep pressing
the box to select it for about 5 minutes and you will have unlimited bullet time!
Parental Lock:
By: Mustafa
So, did your mom put a password for the Parental Lock because you are too young!
to get the password and/or disable the Parental Lock, you have to look in the
folwing registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Remedy Entertainment\Max Payne\Parental Lock\password
It is writen in plain text!
VERY Newbie:
For those who don't know how to edit the reg, open run in the start menu, and type
regedit to open the registry editor, then navigate throgh the folders shown here.
you will see a key named password, and near it the real password, duble clickto
edit it!
NOTE: Don't to mess up with the registry, any small mistake ie: deleting a system
key or just editing it can make your windows system unbootable!! always make a
backup befor editing, type at Run: scanreg.
Another secrete Room:
Submitted By :- Prabir Biswas
E-mail :-
Part 1 The American Dream :- Chapter 6 Fear That Gives Men Wings
After killing the man coming out from the toilet ,you jump out to the roof through
the window. On the same roof u can find a secrete room at the end. you can enter
the room through the window. There you can find a lots of Shot Gun ammo . Also u
can see posters of the Game "Soldier Of Fortune".
Parental Lock:
By: Mustafa
Parental passwd is stored in the following registry key:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Remedy Entertainment\Max Payne\Parental
It is written in plain text!
Cheats & Hints:
Submitted by: Subhojit Shaw
View character models:
Start the game with the "-developerkeys" command line parameter. To do this go
under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne
icon, then select "Properties"), then change the entry for the program to "Target:
"C:\Program Files\Max Payne\maxpayne.exe" -developerkeys" or something similar.
While playing a game, press [F11] to display the statistics screen, then Press
[Page Up] or [Page Down] to cycle through the character models.
Secret ending:
Start the game with the "-developer" command line parameter. To do this go under
the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon,
then select "Properties"), then change the entry for the program to "Target:
"C:\Program Files\Max Payne\maxpayne.exe" -developer" or something similar.
While playing a game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter
"maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );" to view a secret game ending
Skip startup dialogue:
Start the game with the "-nodialog" command line parameter.
Skip startup animation sequence:
Start the game with the "-skipstartup" command line parameter.
Screen capture:
Start the game with the "-screenshot" command line parameter. Press [F10] during
the game to save a screen shot in the "screenshots" folder in the main game folder.
Disable 3D graphics preload:
Start the game with the "-disable3dpreloads" command line parameter. This may
prevent crashes due to the system running out of texture memory while loading
a level.
Windowed mode:
Start the game with the "-window" command line parameter. Note: This cannot be
used with a 3D accelerators.
Part 1, Chapter 5 secret:
After the shootout in the laundry room, get into the elevator and you will hear
music playing. Look up and shoot the speaker. The music will stop and Max will
say "Thank you."
Part 1, Chapter 6 secrets:
There are two secrets when you get to the basketball court. Look up in the basket.
There is a Beretta stuck in the net. Then, go to the chain link fence next to the
street. Wait briefly and an SUV will pass by. Shoot it, the car will screech to a
halt, and a man with a shotgun will get out and shoot at you.
Secret tutorial room:
Play the tutorial till you reach the end, where you can practice shooting
enemies. Jump up on the big van located there, then over to the ventilation
fan on the wall next to the van. From the fan, jump to the stairs and climb
up to the top. Break through the window. You will find an Ingram in the room.
Another secrete Room:
Submitted By: - Prabir Biswas
E-mail: -
Part 1 The American Dream: - Chapter 7 Police Brutality
In this part you are following Gognitti.While followingGognitti, you reach to a
Baseballcourt,here you can seesome stares near the court. Below it you can find
a Secret door. To reachthereyou need to jump to the other side of the fence by
using cheat (Jump20, type this cheat at the console). In this room u can find
many grenades & petrol bombs. This is also a shortcut to the placewhere you find
Gognitti stuck, and he is ready to fight along with some other gangsters. But by
following this way you miss fun of killing some more gangsters.
Submitted by: Ganjar Darmawan
Max Payne & Max Payne 2 The fall of Max Payne
Use the rasmaker and the rasmaker2 to decompress the game data, then look for the
following files
1. level_items.H
2. shooting.H
then edit the file with notepad, and change the values in the following parameter
1. clipsize (indicate the amount of bullet a magazine reserve)
2. pocketsize 9indicate the maximum amount of ammo Max can carry for the weapons)
3. shootingfrequency (indicate the speed of the shot, is it a single fire or a rapid
fire) all you got to do is edit it, or you can do the same thing that i do, i
just add additional zeroes to the values, and it makes Max dodging bullets
like raindrops.
Submitted by: Bitangsha Ray
At first right click on the icon of the game. Go to Properties. Then in the
target box looks like:
[Target : "......."] then change it to the following:
[Target : "........" "-developer"]
then click apply and start the game. When playing the game, press F5 to open
console. type -"coder" and press Return. All wapons will available with
unlimited ammo.
Defeating the first Boss in the bar:
Enter the bar, and after the graphical comic, the coward will run to the back room and
leave the fighting for the woman and the other goons. Forget about the woman for now, as
her aim is terrible. You should have a Molotov cocktail. There will be about three henchman
on the left side of the room. Throw the cocktail at them for three quick kills. Then, charge
at the woman with either the dual Berettas or the Desert Eagle. Once she is dead, kill the
coward using the dual Berettas. Do not use the shotgun, since you can only fire once per
bullet time dive. As soon as you open the door, do a bullet time dive and fire at him rapidly.
As soon as Max completes his dive, do it again. Repeat this until he is dead.
Ride non-available trains:
Play the Roscoe Street Station level, where you will have to find Alex and talk to him about
Jack Lipino and his men. When you exit the train and start the level, wait for the next train
to come to the station. When you see it approaching, press [F5] to save. When it is near you,
press [Shift] + W to use the Shootdodge and jump off the station platform and dive into the
front of the train. The screen will turn red, indicating that you are dead, but it goes away.
You are still alive, riding in front of the train. Be careful not to fall of the train, as it
is very slippery. You will go deeper into the tunnel with the train, and it will disappear.
You will fall off and land on the tracks. You will be stuck, but will not get hit as long as
you stay as far of the tunnel as possible. The next train you see coming toward you will not
hit you, but disappear. You will be stuck. If you get smacked by a train already you will
return to the Roscoe Street Station Platform area.
Secret tutorial room:
Play the tutorial until you reach the end, where you can practice shooting enemies. Jump up
on the big van located there, then over to the ventilation fan on the wall next to the van.
From the fan, jump to the stairs and climb them to the top. Break through the window.
You will find an Ingram in the room.
First nightmare:
In the first nightmare that you enter from the girl that poisons you, you must weave through
your house. Eventually you will end up in a black room with red lines all over that you must
walk on. When you are in the hall that leads to the red walkable lines, run all the way down
the hall. Keep running when you reach the red lines. The line will turn right; do not follow
it. Instead, when you reach that corner jump off at a 45 degree angle to the left. You should
be floating through the black, but will see a red line that turns like the one you previously
jumped from. Try to land on the corner where the line turns. If done correctly, you can take
the turn to your left and follow it to the end of the black room, and back into a hall that
looks like the one you just left. Keep going and you should be able to finish the nightmare
without having to find your way through the dark room with the red lines.
How to fend off 20 criminals with a baseball bat:
When Max wakes up tied to a chair after his dream sequence, all you're left with is a
baseball bat as your weapon. Instead of trying to sneak around ala Deus Ex, just walk out
into the hall to attract some attention, then run back in and stand to the left of the door
at a 60-75 degree angle and start swinging. Everyone will run at you, but your baseball bat
will make short work of them before they can get in the doorway to take a shot at you.
When you're done with this little maneuver, you have enough guns and ammo lying around to
easily get out of there alive.
Using doors as traps:
If you can retreat to behind a swinging door and then stand in front of it, just at the
point where Max won't open it, you will block it for enemies trying to follow you. You're
then at your leisure to perform a backwards shootdodge while spraying the doorway with
lead. This can get you out of several tricky situations, and is also quite satisfying
in itself. Naturally, it's best performed with dual Ingrams or a Jackhammer. You might
have trouble getting more than two people in one go, though.
Cheat Mode:
Submitted by: Pradyumna Chakraborty
To access the cheat mode in Max Payne,just create a shortcut to the program.The right-click
the shortcut and select properties.The target box will somethin like "C:\Program Files\Max
Payne\MaxPayne.exe".Just add the parameter -developer after it.Then start the game.During
playin press F12 to open the console.However in some of the operating systems like Windows
XP it will show that the path does not exist.In that case open command prompt,navigate to
the folder where you have installed Max Payne and start the program with the developer parameters.
For example "MaxPayne.exe -developer".Or you can just create a MS-DOS batch file.To do so,open
notepad and type the following - MaxPayne.exe -developer(The program icon is usually named as
MaxPayne but if it is not so you can change the name).Then save the file with any name you like
but in the Save as type box change it to All files(Leave the encoding field as it is).Then after
the name you gave to the file just add the extension .bat and save the file in the directory
where you installed Max Payne.And you're done!Now you just need to open the batch file you created
and during the game press F12 to open the console.You will see a thin grey line on the right side
of the screen and an arrow in the lower left corner of the screen.Some of the cheats you can type
here are:-
coder-All weapons,infinite ammo,god mode,etc.
getpainkillers-Give you 8 painkillers
getbullettime-Refills your bullet time meter.
If you need help you can e-mail me at Enjoy!
Baby maze:
* You will have to go through a maze where you have to find a baby. To get through this maze
easily, just stick to right wall. You will end up in your house. After this, you will come
to another maze that is not as difficult, but us easy to fall off of.
* When you get to the blood trail in the dark, you can jump across to the end of the maze. Run
to the end of the straight trail, and at the first turn, jump across. You can now see the
second door. Jump across again and you will be there.
First nightmare:
In the first nightmare that you enter from the girl that poisons you, you must weave through
your house. Eventually you will end up in a black room with red lines all over that you must
walk on. When you are in the hall that leads to the red walkable lines, run all the way down
the hall. Keep running when you reach the red lines. The line will turn right; do not follow
it. Instead, when you reach that corner jump off at a 45 degree angle to the left. You should
be floating through the black, but will see a red line that turns like the one you previously
jumped from. Try to land on the corner where the line turns. If done correctly, you can take
the turn to your left and follow it to the end of the black room, and back into a hall that
looks like the one you just left. Keep going and you should be able to finish the nightmare
without having to find your way through the dark room with the red lines.
Submitted by: sarvadaman
in these cheats it is not specified that how to write cheats i will explain. firstly right to
see max payne's shortcut's properties then write (space)-developer.
& write cheats metioned above.
Max Payne Secret Room(Easter Egg):
Submitted by: Gamer4Life
When you are playing the docks levels, after you hear Max Say: "I had found Boris Dimes ship",
look down;you should see two explosive Containers';Shoot the tips. After they both explode,
head out of the room(They way you came in). Now head towards the room, and you will find some
ammo(I believe Sniper Rifle ammo), and a few Painkillers.
End the Nicole Horne's Helicopter:
Submitted by: ykeen
In the End of the "Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 8 Pain And Suffering" Where Nicole
Horne is running in a Helicopter. {The easiest step, you will not heart and also save a lot of
time to break the Tower's Ropes) Climb on the short wall, than fire on the enemies. Go to the
near of the Tower's Rope. Take the Sniper Gun (press 6 and MB1). Fire at the base of both Tower's
Ropes using Zoom, this will break it in just one shots.
Then take M79 (press 5 and MB1) and fire on the tower.
Hidden area during the tutorial:
In the tutorial, there's a secret area. Jump on top of the garbage bin next to the van, then top
of the van, and make your way onto the balcony. Climb up to top floor, break the window, and you'll
find an Ingram submachine gun inside along with ammo and pain killers.
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