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Mario World Overrun Cheats

Mario World Overrun

Submitted  by: David K

Shoot as many enemies as possible!:
You get money for each enemy killed otherwise they will damage your Mario
World castle. Money is important to buy bigger and better weapons to help
prevent from being overrun.

Use your money wisely:
Sometimes it is best to save up your money for the end of the next round
to buy the bigger weapons.

You will get money for every enemy killed. If they are not killed they will
damage your Mario World castle. Use money to buy bigger and better weapons 
to avoid being overrun. Try saving your money for the end of the next round
to buy bigger weapons.

Free Ammo:
Submitted by: Scott Calo

After you choose your weapon keep clicking on its picture until you have the
maximum amount of ammunition. Each time you click, it will give you the 
ammount of ammo that comes with the weapon, but you will not lose any coins.
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