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2006 FIFA World Cup Platform Xbox 360 Cheats, Tips & Codes

Tags: 2006 FIFA World Cup Platform Xbox 360 Cheat Codes, 2006 FIFA World Cup Platform Xbox 360 Hints, 2006 FIFA World Cup Platform Xbox 360 Secrets

2006 FIFA World Cup - Platform: Xbox 360

These are what you can unlock from Fifa 06 Road to World cup and how to 
unlock them. 
Theres 6 achievements in Fifa adding to 1000 gamerpoints:

Qualify for the Fifa World Cup (300)
Qualify for the FIFA World Cup in the Road To FIFA World Cup mode.

Win a Custom League (150)
Win a custom league in tournament mode.

Win Custom Knockout (100)
Win a custom knockout with at least eight teams present.
Easiest way is to set it to 4 minutes half, Amateur, 8 teams, knockout stages 
and 1 meeting.

Win International Open (200)
Win the first tournament (International Open) in the Road To FIFA World Cup 

Win on Perfect (50)
Win a match on Perfect. Easiest way is go to a friendly, pick the classic 11 v 
Liechtenstein and just hold them off until penalties.

Win World Masters (200)
Win the second tournament (World Masters) in the Road To FIFA World Cup mode.

Bonus Team, Kits and Balls
By playing through the various modes of the game, you can unlock a wealth of extras:

Adidas Etrusco Ball
Win an 8 (or more) Team Custom Knockout Tournament

Adidas Tricoloure Ball
Win a 5 (or more) Team Custom League

Classic 11 Team
Qualify for the World Cup in Road To The World Cup Mode

England 1966 World Cup Kit
Win the International Masters Tournament with England in Road To The World Cup 

England 1990 World Cup Kit
Win the International Open Tournament with England in Road To The World Cup Mode

Easy Perfect Win Unlock:
If you are having trouble winning a game on this difficulty, let the other team 
rack up points on purpose. When the clock is about to go out, go into the in game 
menu and switch which team you are controlling. After the game is over the game will 
reward you with the Achievement Award as if you had won normally.

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