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Ultimate Defense Tips & Tricks

Tags: Ultimate Defense Game Guides, Ultimate Defense Hints, Ultimate Defense Walkthrough

Ultimate Defense

To start, make sure that whenever you buy anything, you place it so it 
crosses the whole path, if possible, and it’s not on a corner. Also, 
put it as close to the beginning as possible so you’ll have time to 
react in case something leaks.

Level 1:
Build three archers on one side, and two on the other. As soon as you 
kill three creatures, build your third archer on the second side far 
enough down so it will kill any remaining creatures. Be prepared to 
build additional archers to get the additional creatures that get 
through. For 1-2, build an additional archer on each side. Again, stay
prepared for leaks. For 1-3, build an additional archer on each side, 
and again stay prepared for leaks. You will end up with either 13 or 
14 archers, and should be able to take out the boss without poison.

Level 2:
Purchase two ninjas for the beginning of the path. If you did the 
previous level correctly, you should be able to afford it. This will 
take out all the monsters until the boss in 2-4. Use poison on him.

Levels 3-5:
Purchase a dragon and put it right at the beginning. It will kill all 
the monsters until the boss. Use poison on the boss.

Level 6:
Purchase a dragon and put it right at the beginning. Purchase a ninja 
and put him across from the dragon. They will kill all the monsters 
until the boss in 6-4. Use poison on the boss.

Level 7:
Purchase two dragons and put them right at the beginning across from 
each other. Hold down shift and click on the tree on the corner to 
flatten it to make room. They will kill all the monsters until the 
boss in 7-4. (you may have to add a ninja to finish off the creature 
on 7-2) Use poison on the boss.

Level 8:
Purchase two dragons and put them right at the beginning. Add a ninja 
for the monsters in 8-4. They will kill all the monsters until the 
boss in 8-6. Use poison on the boss.
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