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Harry Potter II Tips & Tricks

Tags: Harry Potter II Game Guides, Harry Potter II Hints, Harry Potter II Walkthrough

Harry Potter II

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FAQ / Walkthrough        Justin            Version 11.4           22/08/2003


       ============================For PC============================


HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia and WARNER BROS.,
shield logo and related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. TM & (c) 
2003. Harry Potter Publishing Rights (c) J.K.R. This document is (
c)Justin Ang, 2003.

             A                                                A
             R  Author: Justin Ang                            R
             R                                                R
             Y                                                Y
             P  Version: 11.4                                 P
             O                                                O
             T                                                T
             T  E-mail Address:    T
             E                                                E
             R                                                R

 (   A: Introduction                                                        ) 

Hello there and welcome to my walkthrough for EA GAMES' Harry Potter 
and the Chamber of Secrets. So...let's continue shall we?

1. About me

My name is Justin Ang and I'm from Singapore. My hobbies include: 
Go - karting, typing this guide (Of course!), Rollerblading (In - 
line Skating), swimming, Surfing the Net, playing online and 
offline games, playing my Gameboy Advance, Harry Potter, Spongebob 
Squarepants, Star Wars and playing my Playstation. 
How I came to write this guide is a complete mystery. 
This is my second guide. If you want to check out my other guides, 
look at the bottom of this guide. Anyway, let's go on!

2. E-mailing Rules

1. Do not e-mail me asking silly questions or irrelevant things, 
   because, chances are that your questions are answered in the guide.

2. If you have anything to say, comment, criticize or contribute 
   anything at all, you can e-mail me then. Full credit will be 
   given of course.

3. If you put the subject as 'Harry Potter Q' there is a better 
   chance that I will respond to you.

4. Any rude comments in the mail will be instantly deleted. Ok?

5. That's it...

(  B:  Legal Stuff	                                                    )

This FAQ was solely intended for the public use. 
It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other 
form except by the notice of the author.  
Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty and high 
fines susceptible by law.  If this legal document is portrayed in 
any commercial use, you are therefore restricting under the code 
of law- and will be punished. In full contrast, this document is
to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold.  
Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice 
of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name 
of the author of the document appears in due credit. You may 
juxtapose this document with other documents as well without 
notice of the author but it must not be used for sales and 
broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be included in 
a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. 
This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor in a 
high security area. This FAQ is solely used and ONLY used for 
public use only and may not be used in a promotional ad that 
sponsors any type of monetary use. This FAQ is to be used  
"just like a book" meaning that it can be read over 
and over again by anybody who wishes to do so.  Just like a 
book it can be moved around from one person to another, but 
unlike a book the document can be viewed by more than one person 
at once.  This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagiarized, 
doing so not only damages the person you had 
intentionally forged, but it also damages yourself in terms of 
self-guilt or in terms of law, whether the punishment be 
civil or criminal law. To put it at best, DON'T DO ANYTHING 

(    C:  Table of Contents                                                 )


A: Introduction
   1.About me
   2.E-mailing Rules
B: Legal stuff
C: Table of Contents
D: Game Basics
   1. Controls
   2. Spells
   3. Characters
   4. Items
   5. Threats / Enemies
E: Walkthrough  
   Arrival at Hogwarts: 
   =>The Whomping Willow
   =>Hogwarts grounds (night) 
   Term starts at Hogwarts:
   => Defence Against the Dark Arts and your first spell: Rictusempra
F: Spell Challenges
   => Spell Challenge One: Lockhart's Rictusempra Spell Challenge
G: Weekly House Point Ceremony
H: Bonus Bean Room
   => Quidditch Practice
   => Potions class
   => Charms and your second spell : Skurge
   => Spell Challenge Two: Flitwick's Skurge Challenge
   => First Ingredient: Powdered Bicorn Horn
I: The Duelling Club
   => Herbology and your third spell : Diffindo
   => Spell Challenge Three: Madam Sprout's Diffindo Challenge
   => Second Ingredient : Shredded Boomslang Skin
   => Dumbledore's Study
   => Third Ingredient : Bit of Goyle
   => Polyjuice Potion and the way to the Slytherin Common Room
   => Intruder!
   => Defence Against the Dark Arts again and your last spell: Spongify
   => Spell Challenge Four: Lockhart's Spongify Challenge
   => The plot thickens...
   => The Forbidden Forest
   => Aragog's Lair
   => Final Encounter Part One: Path to Chamber of Secrets
   => Final Encounter Part Two: The Basilisk
   => The End
J: The Gold Wizard Card Challenge
K: The Very Secret Challenge
L: Hints
   1. The Famous Witch and Wizard Cards
   2. Bean Trading
   3. Secrets
   4. Cheats
   5. Other hints and secrets
N: My other Guides
O: Credits

(  D.  Game Basics                                                          ) 

1. Controls

OK, here are the default controls. The keys still the same with the 
first game:

Arrow keys	: Move Harry
Alt key	        : Cast magic
Control key	: Jump

You still can configure it as you please.

There's a 'special key' in this game: Enter.
(For me, it's 'special')
Just press it if you want to skip the cutscenes.

WITH one exception : this time you can use your joystick or any
'gaming devices' you have.

When you run the application, there will be a window with 4 buttons

- New Game	=> Starts a new game
- Load game	=> Load the last saved game
- Options	=> Change the video, sounds, controls, etc
- Quit		=> Quit the game

2. Spells

Just like the first game, you cannot use certain spells until you learn
them from classes.

This time, to master a spell, it's actually easier than the first game.
All you have to do is hit the arrow keys while the wand moves through 
the spell pattern. Each spell lesson will give you 30 house points 
in total, divided into 3 levels of the exercise. The division goes 
like this:

Round 1: 5  points
Round 2: 10 points
Round 3: 15 points

You'll be given 3 chances to fail the exercise which means if you 
fail the exercise 3 times, you won't get the house points AND 
won't be able to advance to the next level of the exercise. 
But if you pass the first level, you can still use the spell.
The only way to pass the exercise is concentration.

This is a list of the spells and classes that you can learn the 
spell from:

Spell 1       Rictusempra        Defence Against the Dark Arts
Spell 2       Skurge             Charms
Spell 3       Diffindo           Herbology
Spell 4       Spongify           Defence Against the Dark Arts

List of useable spells in the game and their spell symbols:

SPELL:                  SPELL SYMBOL:

Flipendo                A kind of swirly twisty spiral shape. It's 
                        in orange.
Alohomora               A key shape. Comes in blue and ONLY blue.
Lumos                   A moon pretty...Er sorry...It is 
                        a nice shade of yellow.
Rictusempra             Erm...a kind of odd parallelogram?
                        A nice firey red.
Mimblewimble            A wavy kind of line. It's blue. Just blue.
Expelliarmus            A wand shape. A nice green.
Skurge                  A kind of flower shape. Pink.
Diffindo                A crude sort of diamond drawn with a line. 
                        Usually purple.
Spongify                A spring kind of symbol, and its green.

Oh, one thing. Just like in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in
PSX version, this time you will be able to mix up Wiggenweld Potions.
This potion is useful to replenish your health. 
So, if you do not really need the potion, don't use it. 
Use the Chocolate Frogs instead. 
(This time the frogs can avoid you, and this is very annoying, 
especially when you are battling the gnomes, slugs, fire crabs, etc)

3. Characters
This is a list of characters in the game:

- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Goyle
- Madam Sprout
- Albus Dumbledore
- Minerva McGonagall
- Severus Snape
- Gilderoy Lockhart
- Professor Flitwick
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Lucius Malfoy
- Aragog
- Tom Riddle
- Moaning Myrtle
- The Basilisk
- some other 'unknown' students

4. Items
These are items you can find around Hogwarts :

- Chocolate Frogs	      : Replenish health
- Wiggentree Bark	      : Ingredient for Wiggenweld Potion
- Flobberworm Mucous          : Ingredient for Wiggenweld Potion
- Bertie Bott's Every 
  Flavour Beans               : Collect these to trade them for
				Wiggentree Bark, Flobberworm Mucus,
				Bronze Wizard Cards, Silver Wizard 
                                Cards, Nimbus 2001, or Quidditch
-Powdered Bicorn Horn	      : Ingredient for Polyjuice Potion
-Shredded Boomslang Skin      : Ingredient for Polyjuice Potion

5. Threats / Enemies

- Gnomes                      : Hit them with Flipendo, then 
                                throw them into the
                                gnome hole to get more beans
- Giant Orange Snails         : Hit them with Rictusempra then push 
                                them with Flipendo 
                                to the nearby pattern/platform (if 
                                there is any)
- Fire Crabs	              : Same as Giant Orange Snails
- Spiky Prickly Plants        : Cast Diffindo on them
- Cornish Pixies	            : Cast Rictusempra
- Venomous Tentacula          : Cast Diffindo on its 'leaves' to 
                                disable them permanently
- Horklump Mushrooms	      : Cast Diffindo on them or let the 
                                gnomes turn it into beans
- Bowtruckles		      : Cast Diffindo to get Wiggentree 
- Small Spiders               : Step on them
- Large Spiders               : Cast Rictusempra
- Imps			      : Cast Rictusempra then throw them 
                                into the hole
- Ectoplasm		            : Cast Skurge (I put it here since it 
                                can reduce your health)
- Peeves                      : Cast Skurge

(   E. Walkthrough                                                          )

Arrival at Hogwarts

=> Whomping Willow :

*First, an incredibly looooong cutscene*

When you are able to control Harry, run to your left, pass 
under the Whomping Willows's root, and enter the room.

Cast Alohomora on the chest, and continue to the right and 
climb up the stairs. Touch the save game book to save your game.

Get closer to the dragon statue and it will move. Cast Flipendo 
on it to get some beans. Go to the newly opened passage, cast 
Lumos to the gargoyle, pass through the passage. 
(You can pass through the passage as long as Harry's wand still 
shining) Cast Flipendo on the luggage and climb over.

Watch out for the Willow's next root. Take the chocolate frog 
inside the box. You can cast Alohomora to the wall with the 
lightning shaped crack to open a secret room. Open the chest,
and go back.

Pass through the next root, and cast Flipendo on the Flipendo 
symbol on the Willow's trunk.

There will be a small cutscene showing Ron being released.

Enter the room where Ron runs into, and cast Lumos on the 
gargoyle to reveal a hidden block.
Climb over and save your game.

In the next room, collect all the beans before jumping down.
After you land on the ground, cast Flipendo on the block in 
the middle of the room (with the Flipendo pattern on it) 
twice. Jump up, then jump to the other side.

In the next area, cast Lumos on the gargoyle, and go to the 
next area. Then cast Flipendo on the carving on the wall. 
Stairs will be raised.Before you enter the next area and 
get your first Wizard Card, don't forget to cast Alohomora 
to the secret door to the right.

After getting the Wizard Card, cast Flipendo on the armors 
twice each. Each armor should give you 4 Bertie Bott's 
Every Flavour Beans. Now follow Ron.

=> Hogwarts Grounds (night)

Go in front of the dragon statue, cast Flipendo twice on it's 
Now, on your left there's a chest. Open it, then follow Ron.

In front of the castle doors, turn right, open the chest on 
the top of the platform. 

Cast Alohomora on the upper banners near the Quidditch pitch 
(the banners with the 'H' on them), then open another chest 
containing your first Silver Card.

** NOTE :Once you take the card, there will be no card any
         more, only beans.

Go back. Now check out the left side of the castle. You can
see a Wizard Card on a platform 
at the side of the wall. Ignore it for now. 
You can take it if after mastering Spongify. Keep going to 
the left. 
There's a carving on the wall. Cast Alohomora on it. 
Take everything (but you still cannot pass through the 
branches for now,you need Diffindo spell for it) and go back.

Go down, open the chest, cast Alohomora on the wall if you 
wish (but it's still useless since you cannot pass through 
the wall because of the branches), and get back. 

Enter the castle.

=>Hogwarts Castle

After the cutscene, check the left side of the stairs. 
There's a chest there. Go up the stairs, cast Flipendo on 
the armors.

Check out the southern left side room. Cast Alohomora on the 
carving on the wall, just outside the House Point Chamber. 
Beware when you are collecting the beans. 
Don't ever step on the green-slimy thing because it will 
reduce your health.

Now check the area on the left side of the armors. Cast 
Alohomora on the mirror, take 
all the beans, then continue up the stairs.

Cast Flipendo on the statue three times (it's sooo freaky, 
it makes a horrible laugh when you hit it with a spell.).  
Along that passage, you will notice a wall with a sunk in 
section. Hit it with Alohomora and a secret is revealed. 
Then go to the other side and cast another Flipendo to the 
statue. Step on the switch on the floor, open the chest 
containing a Silver Wizard Card. 
Now, it's time  to follow Ron.

There will be a quite long cutscene after you get to the 
common room.

Term starts at Hogwarts:

It's time for Defence Against the Dark Arts! After you 
are able to control Harry, go to the passage containing 
the Skurge and Spongify Challenges and go up the 
stairs and through the door. You will emerge in the 
Grand Staircase area.

Before you go up, you can trade the beans you have 
collected with the other students below 
(which can be identified with: they are holding and 
flipping a bean).

Go up the stair and it will move. Don't walk too far 
or you'll fall!!! You'll find Nearly Headless Nick. 
He'll show you a secret door to the 
Gold Wizard Card Challenge. After the cutscene, 
hit all the cauldrons, take the beans and go up the 
staircase to the next floor.

Cast Alohomora on the boxes on the tables, and carving 
in the next room. then go back, and go up the stairs 
to the top floor.

Here, you can cast Flipendo on the statue three times 
before you enter the hospital wing. Cast Flipendo on 
all 4 pictures here to open a secret room. 
Open the chest, then continue to the next room.

There's a gargoyle here. Cast Lumos on it, then you can 
see a block adjoining a secret area in the staircase in front 
of it. Climb it and open another chest.
Now you can go down and check all the cauldrons (don't 
forget the chest there too) then go back.

**NOTE : There's still another secret here, but you 
still cannot take it since you need the Spongify spell 
for it.

Goodness, this place is so huge!

Go back to the floor where you saw Ron. Once you enter, 
there will be a small cutscene. Before continuing, look 
at the wall with the sunk in section on your left. 
Hit it with Flipendo, then tip the cauldron near Mrs Norris.

Before entering the class, don't forget to open the 
secret door on the right.

=> Defence Against the Dark Arts and your first spell: Rictusempra

After the cutscene, Professor Lockhart will ask you to 
input some commands with the arrow keys to complete 
the spell, Rictusempra. You have only three chances to 
fail it. Remember, if you succeed, 
you'll get house points (30 house points in total).

(    F: Spell Challenges                                                   )

Spell challenges are parts of the game when you are 
supposed to get through it using the spell you have just 
A time limit will be imposed on you. In order to 
complete the challenge you must find the Completion Star. 
Along the way are Challenge Stars. Collecting these 
stars will boost your timer and score. 
I highly recommend you try to find them all. Try to 
get to the Completion Star with as many seconds remaining 
as possible. If the Challenge Timer reaches zero before 
you complete the Challenge, you lose the challenge. 
Remember, the higher your score is when you complete 
the challenge, the more House Points will be awarded to you. 
You may play a challenge over and over again. Note: If you 
want a fast time, don't collect everything!!!

=> Spell Challenge One: Lockhart's Rictusempra Challenge

First, put the Fire Crab into the hole containing its 
pattern. Proceed to the next area. Collect the first 
Challenge star. Then, push the Fire Crab on the platform 
into the hole and the platform will rise. 

Jump down and put the Giant Orange Snails in to the holes, 
hit all of the 
Fire Crabs until the cages close, then grab the Challenge 
Stars and the Wizard Card. Continue. Ignore the two 
snails, proceed and save.

Cast Flipendo on the portrait of Lockhart and open 
the chest. Carefully cross the abyss (use auto jump and 
you will be fine). Once across, push the Fire Crab into 
the hole and some stairs will lower and a door is 
opened. Follow the passage, go upstairs, 
take the chocolate frog if necessary and grab the chest.

Next, you have cast Rictusempra to the Fire Crabs and 
hit them until they fall in the 
other side. Keep going and take the challenge star.

Ignore the falling snails and keep to the next area.
Now, hit the crabs and put them into the green holes. 
The walls will move down.
Climb up the wall to the left side of the exit, and 
hit the cauldron, cast Rictusempra 
on the fire crab, cast Alohomora on the wall with 
Lockhart's portrait, and cast Lumos 
to the gargoyle. You should notice a hidden door near 
the last fire crab you hit. 
Take the challenge star inside it, and jump down.

Now, up to the right wall of the exit, follow the path, 
take the challenge star 
and hop to the left side of the exit. Cast Flipendo on 
the pattern in the top of the wall, and open the chest.

Now go back to the exit, hit the block with Flipendo 
and jump down. Take the chest and move to the next area.

Ignore the snail, and continue to the next room.
There are 3 Flipendo 'buttons' in front of you. At this 
point, you have to turn the portraits around until it 
matches the portrait in the door. Go to the right and 
left door first, enter it, step on the footprints,
and take the chests. After you have done it, a challenge 
star will fall down. Take it, and turn the portraits 
again to open the middle door. Proceed.

Step on the footprint swich to activate a lift, take 
the chest behind you, and save.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle you pass by, ignore the 
snails and proceed to the next room.
Look for the hidden area, take the chest then continue 
your journey.

Cast Alohomora on the portrait in the wall, enter and 
take the chest. Go back.
Make your way to the other side, and put the crab into 
the hole. Follow the path, ignoring the snails, hit 
the cauldrons, and the chest along your way.

When you are trapped with two crabs, you know what 
to do.
Proceed, get the star, look for the chest on the 
right side, then continue. 
Before saving, there's a secret room in the right 
side of the save game book. 
Cast Flipendo on the pattern in the top of the wall.

In the next area, all you have to do is put all 5 
(4 is enough but put 5 if you want) 
crabs onto the pattern below.
This can be very time consuming, since it won't fall 
directly to the pattern.
You may need several tries before succeeding. 
Check out the pit if the Completion Star doesn't go 

A good strategy to get good time is to run all the way 
to the top then hit the Fire Crabs down as you go 
back down.

If you already put at least 2 of the crabs into the hole, 
you can open the secret passage in the pit. Hit 
Lockhart's stupid grinning portrait 
on the long plank to open the passage. In the secret 
passage, follow the path. 
Cast Flipendo on Lockhart's portrait along the way, 
step on the footprint switches, 
defeat the gnome and take the Card. Go up the stairs 
and grab the Challenge Star. 
Go back to the spiral ramp.

If you have already put all the crabs in the pit, 
the Completion Star will be reachable.

Your remaining time will become your personal High Score.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed your first spell 

(   G:  Weekly House Point Ceremony                                     )

The Weekly House Point Ceremony takes place after you 
complete a spell challenge.

The house with the most points wins a visit to the 
Bonus Bean Room.

The length of the visit depends on how many points the 
winning house has over the second-placed house.


(   H:  Bonus Bean Room                                                 )

Here is a good strategy to use. When the clock begins, 
run to the left and start collecting.
When you reach the extreme left wall, you'll notice a 
passageway. Go through it and collect the beans that go 
around the shortest way around the room. 
Open the chest as you go. Repeat this for the other room. 
Then you'll come out at an area on the ground. 
Do one lap of the track on the ground and go back to the 
two rooms I mentioned earlier. 
Then collect the rest of the beans in the rooms. 
Turn back into the over head track that you started out 
from and keep collecting. 
When you reach your starting point, go straight ahead onto 
the platform with a 
Spongify carpet on it. once you've collected the beans here, 
jump down and do another lap around the track. 
You're all done!


=>Quidditch Practice

Follow Wood to the Quidditch Pitch. Don't forget to open 
the chests in the places you have ever visited before 
(yes, they have been 'refilled').
Take your Quidditch lesson and watch the cutscene. To 
play Quidditch is simple.
Keep clicking the left mouse button. To play a Quidditch 
match, Walk into the signboard
in front of the Quidditch pitch

=> Potions Class

After that, you have to Potion Class (Oh, no! Not 
HIM, oily nosed and greasy haired Snape!).
Follow Hermione to the dungeons.
Open the second hidden area with the beans (the one 
that you can see through). 
Check the area before entering the class. Hit the armors,
open the chest, 
cast Lumos on gargoyle, and take the beans in the secret 
area below.

In class, Snape will ask Harry to open the chest and 
mix up the potion.

After the class, there will be a loooong cutscene.

After that, you'll have to follow Hermione to Charm Class.

=> Charms and your second spell: Skurge

After answering Hermione's question, you'll learn Skurge 
from Flitwick. Like before, 
just follow the pattern with arrow keys.
You'll get 30 points in total if you can complete it 
all in 3 levels.

Then, you have to enter the Skurge Challenge. Just 
like before, following the path, 
open the chests, and the secret areas.

=> Spell Challenge Two: Flitwick's Skurge Challenge:

Follow the path, cast Skurge on the Ectoplasm in the door.
Follow the path,
cast Skurge on another ectoplasm blocking the door.
Remove the ectoplasm in the left and right side of the 
block, then cast Flipendo to move the block until it
falls. Jump across, take the challenge star, save.

Follow the path. In the next room, open the chest, then 
go right, avoiding all the crabs. 
Just follow the path until you encounter Peeves.
Hit him with Skurge until he loses all of his stamina.
Proceed, then cast Alohomora on the dragon statue. Save.

Go back to the previous room and follow the newly opened 
path. Take the challenge star 
and the beans then go back.

Hit the Flipendo pattern, the go to the gargoyle statue 
and cast Lumos on it.
Go through the newly opened secret door, follow the path, 
take the chest.
Cast Skurge to the blocked way and keep moving. Ignoring 
all crabs, go through the room with many ectoplasms 
before and enter the door in front of you 
(it was blocked before). Cast Lumos on the gargoyle once 
again then follow the opened path.
In the left of the chest containing a Card, there's a 
secret room. But you only can pass through it while Lumos 
is still active.

Follow the path and save.

In the left there's an ectoplasm. Remove it, then put a 
snail in it. Grab the chest, then keep moving to the 
other side. In this room there's a container with 
Flobberworm Mucus on top platform.
Cast Flipendo on it then take it. Go back.

Cast Skurge then put the next snail in it. For the 
further one, just move around the edge 
so you don't have to fall.

Proceed to the next room. Take the chest, and the 
challenge star.
Go down, knock down the cauldron, hit the box on 
the table 3 times, then cast Lumos on 

Defeat the pixie, hit the pattern on the right wall 
with Alohomora, follow the path,
take the beans and the challenge star, jump all the way 

Run from the crabs, cast Skurge on the ectoplasm above 
the door, then exit this room.
Cast Skurge on the ectoplasms sticking the two platforms 
together, move onto the 2 
and while you are on the second platform look down 
slowly and you should see a square 
with no pattern on it. 
Apply Flipendo. Head back, take the beans and the card. 
Go back to the other side.

Go up the stairs here and follow the path. At the top, 
you have to hit the block until it falls. 
Remove the ectoplasm first. Defeat the gnomes, 
then take the Card.
Before you jump down, don't forget the box on the table. 
Cast Flipoendo on it 3 times then take the beans.

Jump down, take the challenge star, open the next 
chest, passing the snail.

If you notice, there should be a gargoyle here. 
Cast Lumos on it, pass the chest
containing Peeves, jump up to the newly revealed block. 
Then cast Alohomora on the upper wall to reveal the 
last secret room.
Take the star and the beans, go through the opened 
way, then jump down 
to get the Completion Star.

After the challenge, there will be another Weekly 
House Point Ceremony.

=> First ingredient: Powdered Bicorn Horn 

After the cutscene, follow the path, enter Snape's 
classroom and take a Wizard
Card from the chest in the front of the class. Don't 
forget about Flobberworm Mucous
and Wiggentree Bark on the table. Go back.

Remember the gargoyle? Now, you can get the chest 
containing a 
Wizard Card by casting Skurge onto the ectoplasm below.
Now go and find the door blocked with ectoplasm. Cast 
Skurge on it then enter.
Follow the path, cast Alohomora on the door. At the end, 
cast Flipendo on patterns on the further wall. Ride the 
lift up, 
take the chest, then go down to the lowest level. 
Remove the ectoplasm, and proceed.

**Note : There's another room here with a gargoyle. 
If you cast Lumos on it, it will reveal an invisible 

In the room with two snails, hit the snails and put 
them onto the 
plate in the center of the room.
Crabs will be released. Put each crab into the cells 
and proceed.
The gargoyle will make a path to the secret in the 
next room.

Just keep going to the next area and solve the puzzles. 
I think it's easy.
When you enter a place with 4 Flipendo patterns in red, 
purple, green, and

BEWARE: There is a chest up here containing PEEVES.

There are 3 secret rooms here. Here's how to get to 
the secrets.

Secret room 1 (Green room)
Push the Red and Blue ones.

Secret room 2 (Blue room)
Continue from above. Push the Purple one only.

Secret room 3 (Red room)
Continue from above. Push the Purple and Green ones.

To continue your journey 
Continue from above. Push the Red, Blue and Purple ones.

** NOTE : The secret areas with chests inside have a 
          special 'mark' on the walls above them.
	    You can see it from above.

Pass through, take the Flobberworm Mucous, Wiggentree 
Bark, and the beans you found.
Then keep going. In the room with the turning thingies, 
don't forget to hit down that pixie
before jumping to them, then find the way to pass the 
rest of the area.
The secret is good timing.

Cast Rictusempra on the crab before going up. Save.

There should be another chest in the following area. 
Take it, defeat the gnome and the crab, then go up. 
Before going to the next area, please remember the wall 
on the other side containing a gargoyle.

Now, in the next area try to pass the moving bridge to 
open another secret room 
(timing matters again).
After take the chest, go back to the other side 
containing the gargoyle.

Cast Flipendo on the pattern on the right side of the 
'wall', then apply Lumos to the 
You should see another secret room revealed.

Take the chest, cast Alohomora on the locked door, and 
Take the beans and the Flobberworm Mucous here before 
going to the very end of the room.

When you fall, defeat the crabs then cast Flipendo and 
kill them by pushing them into the 
green acid below.
Jump across, and get to the next area.

Keep going, and before taking the horn there are 4 more 
beans in the left side room of 
the horn.
After taking the horn, then you will be automatically 
move through the exit, into Snape's classroom.

Before leaving, there's a secret room in this class, 
near Snape's desk. 
Cast Alohomora on the lightning-shaped crack on the 
wall, then cast Skurge on the ectoplasm.
Jump on the switch below to reveal a secret stairway. 
Climb it and take the Card from the chest. Exit the 
classroom. You'll hand the horn over to Hermione 
and Ron will take you to...

(   I: The Duelling Club                                                 )

Now, you have to go to the Great Hall to attend the
Duelling Club.
It's just a simple game.

Lockhart's speech at the club; edited and reproduced:

Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? 
Excellent! I've started this duelling club to train 
you how to defend yourselves. 
The Club meets daily in the antechamber just outside 
the Great Hall. 
There are three spells you may use while duelling: 

Rictusempra, which knocks your opponent back and 
reduces stamina,

Mimblewimble, which causes your opponent to miscast 
their next spell,

Expelliarmus, which deflects spells back onto your 

You may scroll through the spells by using space 
bar or the right mouse button. 
You can also build up the strength of the spell 
by holding the left mouse button down. 
Note that potion drinking and jumping during duels 
are prohibited. 
A pledge of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans is 
required to duel. 
To challenge someone, simply walk up to them. 
If you have enough beans, 
you will be invited to duel.


I have tips for easy wins. Here they are:

1. When the duel starts, don't just stand in the 
   Go the extreme right or left, whichever you like. 
   Don't stand too close and too far from the 
   When you are in position, start gathering your power. 
   When your opponent starts to move in front of you 
   release the spell. 
   Then go to the other side. You need perfect timing 
   here so they won't 
   be able to reflect your magic.

2. Here's a tip for duelling I learnt on my own: 
   Charge a full power Rictusempra attack, let it go, 
   then wait until the opponent hits it back (if it 
   doesn't hit him),
   then quickly take a step or two to the side, 
   quickly power up the
   Rictusempra spell, then fire. If timed 
   exactly, it will hit.

3. In duelling, use Expelliarmus only. 
   Let your opponent choose the spell and simply 
   send it back. 
   Sometimes they send it back, just keep casting. 
   You will get through all the duels in no time.


After the cutscenes, it's the time for Herbology class.

=> Herbology and your third spell : Diffindo

Follow Ron. He'll lead you to Herbology class.
Complete the spell pattern by pressing the corresponding 
arrow keys and taking the spell challenge.

=> Spell Challenge Three: Madam Sprout's Diffindo Challenge 

Cut the branches that block your path.
Open the chest, follow the path.
Hit the cauldron, chest, and the pot.
The wall with the flower pattern can be opened. 
It contains a wizard card.
Now go to the next area.

Hit the snails on each side and put them into the 
pattern on left and 
right side (blocked by branches).
Knock down the pots if you like, then go to the next 

Take the challenge star, hit the cauldron, cut the 
rope, then save.
Cut the Horklump Mushrooms, rotate your view so you 
can see a secret 
room below (it's near the entrance). Just enter the 
room, but don't open the chest.
It contains that wretched Peeves.

Go up, then step on the square on the left side of the 
Cast Diffindo on the rope in front of you to release the
Use the block to help you to go up. Take the beans, cut 
the rope,
then jump down. Enter the next area.
Take another wizard card in the chest, then cast Flipendo 
on the 
box 3 times, take the beans and the Flobberworm Mucous.
Cut the rope, push the block until it falls and open the 
way to the next area.

Cast Diffindo to Spiky Prickly Plants, hit the block, 
cut the rope then 
use the elevator to move up. Cast Diffindo on the branches, 
cut the rope, 
and then follow the path. Jump down, go to the next area.

Hit the all armors you meet, and take the beans. Cast 
Diffindo on the spider web, then save.

Jump down then cut the rope.
Cast Lumos on gargoyle then follow the path up.
When you find a rope DO NOT cut it yet. Keep going 
and take the challenge star then 
get back and cut the rope.
There will be a transparent wall to your right.
Enter it, take the card from the chest, then go up and 
hit the block until it falls.

Back to the place you found the gargoyle, then hit the block. 
Take another card from
the chest. Continue your journey.

Ignore the snail and the crab, remove all ectoplasm and get 
yourself up.
Stand inside the square then cut the rope. Hit the cauldron 
then save your game.

Get yourself out of the next area, to the field with the 
venomous tentacula.

Avoid all the venomous tentacula, don't forget to grab 
the chest on the left.
Go up, cut the nearest rope, fight the Bowtruckles to get 
Wiggentree Barks, then move up. 
There are two ropes holding the first plank up. Cut the 
rope nearest you and go up. 
Cast Alohomora on the symbol in the wall. Go to the end 
of the passage for a Challenge Star.
In the next bridge, cut the further rope so you can 
cross it. Move up again, fight 
the Bowtruckles if you like then save.

Remove the branches that blocks the plate on the floor, 
then move a snail into it.
Do this on both sides to open the door.

Enter the house, cast Flipendo on the pattern near the roof.
Aim your spell to the upper side of the challenge star 
then cast Diffindo spell on it.
The star will fall down.

There's a gargoyle on the left side of the entrance, but 
I still don't know what its 
function is.

Now, get yourself through the next rooms, don't forget 
to open the secret doors with 
flower patterns. Those contain Wizard Cards. Save when 
you reach the save point.

Go to the next area, cast Lumos on gargoyle, pass through 
the wall, then cross to the 
next area. You'll have to encounter a snail here. Remove 
it, then continue.
There's lightning pattern on the wall. Open it, take the 
beans, then go out and keep 
walking until you encounter 3 more snails. Put 2 in the 
wall and the other one in the 
plate on the floor in the secret area. Take the wizard card.

After you find the Completion Star, don't take it yet. 
There's a chest on the right 
side and Flobberworm Mucous on the left side of the star 

After completing the challenge, Ron will meet you. 
He'll show the way to
the Greenhousees to find another ingredient for the 
Polyjuice Potion.

=> Second ingredient : Shredded Boomslang Skin

Before going anywhere, don't forget to open the secret 
door (in the area where
you showed up after the challenge.
Cast Diffindo on the branches, take the beans and the 
Card in the chest. 
Then cast Lumos on the gargoyle.
Now, before the light in your wand disappears, go to the 
extreme right wall 
in the right side of the castle and locate the secret 
hidden area. Climb up the stairs, 
take the items, and before you go back, jump to the switch 
on the ground (you will see 
something different on the floor)

You can also take the beans inside the pattern on the wall.

Now follow Ron to the greenhouse.

Before enter the Greenhouse, check all the area surrounding 
the classroom and get 2 wizardcards.

Inside the greenhouse, just follow the path, going up, 
cross the bridge, cut the ropes, 
then jump down.

Go up and cross the bridge once again, cut the ropes. 
Then jump on the square on the floor 
to open a secret door. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle (I 
suggest you to enter this room too 
since this is the first secret room) and then move to 
the next area.

Save. Open the chest containing a wizard card inside 
the wall, then keep going on.

Keep going on, remove the mushrooms, avoid the venomous 
tentaculas, and follow the path. 
Cast Rictusempra on the spiders then go up. Defeat the 
Bowtruckles and step on the square 
on the floor.

Don't get in just yet, because in the end of path there's 
another secret room.

Once you jump down, don't forget to take the wizard card 
before taking the boomslang skin.

After the cutscene, there's another Weekly House Point 
Ceremony. Now you can take the chest 
inside the secret room near the House Point Ceremony 

=> Dumbledore's Study

You'll find a Petrified Nick outside the Gold Wizard 
Card Challenge. Mcgonagall will meet
you and take you to Dumbledore's study. After you climb 
up the stairs, open the chest
there. Go right to the back and you'll have a small 
chat with the Sorting Hat.
Go to the small room behind him and open that chest. 
Then climb up the stairs, collecting items as you go, 
and hit a carving at the bottom of one of the bookcases 
with Flipendo. 
A section in the bookcase will open and you can ride a 
lift upstairs. 
Collect everything and go down. Cast Flipendo to the red 
jar behind Fawkes 
(the sick looking bird) and collect the two beans. You 
are done here.

And, after another cutscene, you'll have to follow Goyle.

=> Third Ingredient: Bit of Goyle

This one's pretty tricky. But here we go!

Follow Goyle into the next area. Hit the block so it 
gets closer to the higher block.
Defeat all enemies here, take the wizard card, hit the 
Flipendo pattern on the wall then 
go up the stairs (take the beans if you want).

Remove all the branches, take all the beans, then get 
yourself into the next area
(don't forget the chest).

Jump, cast Diffindo to remove the spider web, then jump 
through it.
Go on and cast Flipendo to the luggage from the opposite 
Go down, take everything you can get. Before going anywhere,
hit the luggage to the 
bookshelves, then cast Lumos on the hidden gargoyle. Go up 
the bookshelves, there should 
be a secret room.

Then go up the stairs. Save.

Continue walking through the door (with the spider web), 
climb up hit the block until it 
falls and go back.

Climb up the block, and keep going until you can reach 
the gargoyle on the left side with 
your magic. Cast Lumos on it, go and take the beans and 
chocolate frog if you like, then 
go back and climb up to the window.

Check the surroundings for beans, cast Lumos on the 
gargoyle, and look for a secret 
hidden chest in nearby wall (in front of the exit). 
Then exit.

Defeat the tentaculas, spiky bushes, take the items 
below if you want, then jump to 
the opened window.

Follow the path then cast Diffindo on the window. The 
other area should be open.
But don't be so hasty to enter it. Jump down (be 
careful, because if its too high,
you'll lose your health) enter the opened door below.

Fight the 2 crabs and 2 slugs then open the chest 
containing a wizard card. Go out and 
enter the window. Save.

Follow the path, look for a shelf with spider webs 
on your left.
Cast Diffindo on it then cast Lumos to the gargoyle. 
Take the chest in the hidden room,
then go back, release the other shelves blocked with 
spider webs, then continue your 
You'll encounter a crab before you pass this library, 
so be careful.

Keep going, and cast Alohomora to the lock in the upper 
right, follow the path to the 
back of the gargoyle, take the chest then go back.

Cast Lumos on the garyople then go down the secret stairs.

Now, all you have to do is to flip the wooden 'things' 
and arrange the red squares in 
a line. Do the same thing for blue, then go up. Take the 
chests on left and right side, 
then go to the next area.

Remove all ectoplasm, but don't open the chest. 
It contains Peeves.
Go to the next room.
Cast Lumos on the gargoyle to open the secret chest 
on the left, then keep going on.
Save your game.

Follow the path, remove any spider webs in your way, 
defeat the pixie, take all the beans
 on the right, then go down through the way on the floor.

Jump onto the block then cut the rope.

Get yourself to the other side, follow the path to the 
right, to the area with a slug and 
venomous tentaculas but don't jump down yet.

Keep following the path until you can see a rope on the 
floor. Cut it.
Enter the new opened door, look at the other side, cast 
Diffindo on the rope (it's hidden
 but near wall on the right side) to reveal a chest. 
Take the wizard card then go back.

If you want, you can go to the secret area with a 
gargoyle just on the left side of this 
room. Cast Lumos on gargoyle, then take the secret 
chest in front of the gargoyle.

Go past the snail, open the door, and enter it. 
Before you go to Goyle at the end, be 
sure to take all the beans on the right and the left 

=> Polyjuice Potion and the way to the Slytherin Common Room

** NOTE : For more secrets, check the secrets section

After you can control 'Goyle', check out the whole room. 
Hit the toilet, grab the chest.
Then go to the dungeons and enter the Slytherin common 

Follow the path, step on the compass switch (the raised 
platform) on the floor, keep going,
defeating the gnomes if you want, and keep going.
Cast Flipendo on the armors and the statue here. A 
pattern of Flipendo will show up.
Stand on the snake pattern on the floor, then hit 
the Flipendo switch.

Keep going until you reach another compass swich, 
then follow the way to the save game book.

In the right side of the save game book there's a 
secret switch. Hit it until a secret room
opens, then enter it, remove the ectoplasm, hit all 
the snake symbols on the wall, 
take the chest then go back and take the chest outside 
on the far away platform.

In the wall near the bridge there's a Flipendo pattern. 
Hit it to activate the elevator.
Go up.

Remove all the ectoplasm in that area and you will find 
a Flipendo pattern. Hit the pattern.
Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then jump down.

Step onto the footprint switch, then continue your 
journey to the Slytherin common room.

In the common room, cast Alohomora to the Sun-like 
painting in the middle. Enter, follow 
the path until you reach the library.

When you enter the library, there's a block 
(with a ring) to your left.
Cast Alohomora on it. The shelves should go down. 
Climb up, a secret item will be revealed.

Open it then take the Wizard Card. Go out.

Before going anywhere, go to the opposite side, in 
the room with a fountain and 2 armors.
Cast Alohomora on the fountain, and take the Wizard 
card. Also on the wall facing the common
room are two Slytherin banners. Hit them and a secret 
is revealed. 

Now go to the common room.

There's Flobberworm Mucous on the table in the common 
room. Take it.
Now go the only way, then turn right. You'll meet Malfoy.

After the cutscene, go to the place you met Malfoy then 
go up the stairs and take the chest.

After that, go out the common room. You'll be 
automatically saved because after this you 
have to run for your life.

** NOTE : I found a bug here. If you skip the cutscene, 
          quit the game, then load it,
          all you can see is nothing except Harry's health 
          bars. If this happens, there
          is no way to continue your game. Play once 
          again from the beginning.
          I hope EA Games can fix this bug.

=> Intruder!

All you can do is hide behind pillars or something, 
until you are close enough to the exit.
If someone calls for Snape, it's your cue to run. Run, 
and avoid all students along the way. 
Because if you get caught, you have to start over again.

=> Defence Against the Dark Arts again and your last 
   spell: Spongify 

Follow Hermione to Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
You know what to do then.

=> Spell Challenge Four: Lockhart's Spongify Challenge

Follow the path, defeat 2 gnomes and a wall between the 2 
gnomes. The gnome holes 
will open with a gargoyle.  Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then 
go up again where you 
found the Spongify carpet. Spongify the carpet then go up.
Don't proceed yet, look back again where you've been, look 
up to your left and you'll 
find a secret room here.

Jump to the room and you'll get a silver wizard card.
There's another secret room in that room, look up on 
your right side and you'll see 
the wall with lightning mark, cast Alohomora on it. 
Go up again to get beans.
Then jump down to the carpet again and cast Spongify 
to it so you can go up 
again for your 1st star then move to the next area.
Defeat the gnome and the imp here to open a secret 
room on your left side.

Next area, don't cast Spongify first to the carpet, 
look to the left side of the room, 
there are beans in there, go there.  Cast Spongify to 
the carpet to jump to the opposite 
side.  Cast Alohomora to the wall on your left to get 
your 2nd star.
Look at the opposite side again, get there to open the 
Go back to where you saw the 3rd star.  Proceed then save.

OK, this is quite hard. Defeat all the imps and throw 
them into the hole.
A secret wall will open. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle, 
and enter the room behind the 
chocolate frog. Take the wizard card inside it.
Move the block and make it as your point to the upper 
Take the 4th challenge star then proceed to the next 

This is really hard, since you must deal with 4 crabs 
at once. I suggest that you cast 
Rictusempra on all of the crabs and push each one into 
the hole.
A secret room will open.
Take another wizard card from it then Spongify the carpet 
to get you up.
Now go back to the Spongify carpet near the entrance then 
Spongify it.

When you are already up on a wooden beam, cast Flipendo 
on the pattern behind you.
Jump higher then cast another Flipendo onm the pattern in 
front of you.
Take the 5th challenge Star.

Next cast Skurge to the ectoplasm, go down, proceed.
Before going down the stairs, cast Flipendo to the inverted 
painting on the right side 
of the wall. The stairs will move down.  Take chest then 

Take right path, go down and cast Alohomora on the middle 
part of the 'stage', then cast
Lumos on the gargoyle, go up again, jump up to the upper 
level, cast Spongify to the 
revealed carpet, move the block then jump up again.  Cast 
Flipendo first to get 
Flobberworm Mucous and Wiggentree Bark on the right side 
of the wall then jump to the 
left to cast Alohomora on the wall with a lightning 
shaped crack. Take the 6th star and 
the chocolate frog.  Don't forget to get the Flobberworm 
Mucous and Wiggentree Bark.
Go back to the 'stage'.

Move the block until you can move up, get the 7th star 
then save.
Proceed to the next room.

Spongify the carpet then jump to the higher level.
Cast Rictusempra on giant crab, remove the ectoplasm, 
and climb up.

If you need some health, the room with another crab 
contains chocolate frogs.

Go upstairs, cast Spongify on the carpet, then jump to 
the other side and get your 8th star.

In the next area, defeat the pixie, cast Alohomora on 
the flying Owl then take the 9th 
challenge star, and the chest inside the secret area. 
Go down where you saw the gargoyle
first before saving. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle and a 
stairway will appear on your left 
side, go down cast Flipendo on the painted wall on one 
of the posts, 2 rooms will open.
Go inside the 1st room on your right side, cast Spongify 
to the carpet to go to the other
side. Open chest, then go back by casting Spongify to 
the carpet in that room. 
Go up again then Save then proceed.

When you are trying to take the chest you'll encounter 
2 spiders. Defeat them, then cast 
Flipendo on both sides.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then follow the path.
Enter the room with 2 pixies on the right through the 
secret area.
Grab the chest, then go back, continue your challenge.
In the next room, jump on the footprint switch, grab the 
chest, cast Alohomora 
on the pattern on the wall and take the 4 beans, then 
use Spongify to get you to the 
upper level.

Follow the path, cut the rope, defeat crab and spiders, 
go up, cross the bridge to the 
other side. Get the 10th star. Save.

Jump to the carpet. Use it to get you to the other
side (TIMING MATTERS!!!!) 
Enter the next room.

You should see a shadow below. Cut the spider web above 
your head, then defeat the spider.
There's a hole in wall. Cast Flipendo on the pattern 
near the hole to reveal a secret 
Spongify pattern under your feet. Use it to jump to the 
Take the chest then continue on.

Use the last Spongify carpet to get you to the other side.
And before taking the Completion Star, hit the pattern on 
the upper wall behind the 
Star with Flipendo. Use the Spongify Carpet here to throw 
you to back to the other side.
Take the Flobberworm Mucous and Wiggentree Bark here, 
then jump to the other side, 
and take the chest.

Now go back and take the Completion Star.

There will be another Weekly House Point Ceremony.


=> The plot thickens...

When you get out of the chamber, Ron will meet you and 
tell you about Moaning Myrtle.

Before following him, you can use Spongify to take items.
There are 2 Spongify patterns outside the castle, one 
near the dungeon, 
one on the last room of the infirmary, one outside the 
inside the room near the Gold Wizard Card Challenge
(the place that was shown to 
you by Nick), in at the top of the main staircase in 
the Entrance Hall, and the 
center Spongify carpet on the bottom floor of the 
Grand Staircase

There will be a long cutscene after you meet 
Moaning Myrtle. Save the 
game then go through the castle and grounds to 
Hagrid's Hut.

=> The Forbidden Forest

There will be a cutscene. After that, take all the 
beans you find, take the wizard card, 
then save. Enter the forbidden forest.

Inside the forbidden forest, after Ron helped you 
to the other side, cast
Lumos on the gargoyle.

Use the Spongify carpet on the small platform to get 
you up.
Defeat the spider, release the log, then use Spongify to 
get to the other side. 
Defeat the Bowtruckles, release the log, open the chest, 
then use Spongify to help 
you go down.

Go back to the first log. On the ledge on your right side 
should be a Flipendo pattern.
Open it to enter the first secret room.

In the next area, cast Diffindo on the giant tentacula 
then run to the other side before 
it awakes.

When you cross the bridge, you'll fall. Release the gnomes 
and let them take care of 
the Horklump mushrooms. You can take the beans after the 
gnomes eat the mushrooms.
Save your game then proceed.

Follow the path, remove all spider webs, defeat all spiders, 
enter the newly opened room,
then go to the next area.

Now you have to use Spongify to jump. Keep going on until 
you reach the entrance of the 
center tree.

From the entrance, jump down, use Spongify to get you up. 
Then take the card on the branch. Jump to the nearby cliff, 
then use the Spongify pad once again to get to the center 

** NOTE : Never jump all the way down inside the tree! It 
          can cause instant death!

Go to the way you passed before onto the next area. Save.

Defeat all the Bowtruckles, cut the rope, go up, cast 
Flipendo on the stalactite
(Or stalagmite? Oh whatever), jump up, take the chest behind 
the spider web, go to the
last area.

Open the chest containing a gnome and let it eat the 
mushrooms for you.

Go straight then enter the Aragog's Lair.

=> Aragog's Lair 

After the cutscene, go around the lair (ignore all 
the spiders, they are limitless)
and use Diffindo to cut all the 'pillar' spider webs.
Aragog will drop down, then you have to face him.

Cast Rictusempra only when he rears up. In his other 
position, the spell won't
hurt him too much.

After you beat Aragog, there will be another cutscene 
(well AT LEAST I learned 
SOMETHING from Lockhart...(you'll know why I said this 
when you look at the cutscene))

=> Final Encounter Part One: Path to Chamber of Secrets

Go to the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to trigger another 

After that, jump down to the Chamber of Secrets.

another cutscene will appear, and finally you are on your 
own in a room with a lot
of ectoplasm.

Take the right path, follow the path until you can jump 
onto the middle 'elevator'.
But don't jump yet. In the room on your right there's a 
gargoyle. Hit it with Lumos
and go back to the previous room.
On your way down, don't forget to take the beans on the 
chests. Then use the elevator 
again to go down.

Remove the spider web then jump down. Watch out for the 
spiders here.
Remove the ectoplasm, then continue. Save.

The rocks will fall down when you approaching the chest. 
Cast Flipendo to the upper 
pattern (near the ceiling). Take the right path, and 
follow it.
In a room with moving walls, just stand in the end of it 
(Don't jump down!)
then take the right path and enter another secret room.
open the chest on the right side. Continue on. Save.

Take the 2 cauldrons then jump down. Take another cauldron
and the chocolate frog, then
try to eliminate all pixies before you continue (some 
pixies need more than one hit to
kill). These pixies can block your way and make you 
fall. Watch out for the crab.

Enter the next room then take the right path. 
Cast Spongify and Lumos, then jump to the 
other side.
Jump up, cast Lumos and Spongify again, jump to the 
other side, defeat
the imps then continue on.

If you notice, there will be an elevator in the 
center and a wall on the other side.
Cut the rope on the right side, cast Flipendo to the 
wall then go down and take
the chest. Defeat the crab, then use the Spongify carpet 
to get you to the next room.

Defeat the crabs and put them into the hole (cast Flipendo 
on the pattern first).
Then cast Flipendo to the other pattern on the wall. Use 
Spongify carpet below to

Defeat all the imps then throw them into the hole. A 
statue of gargoyle will show up.
Before using the gargoyle, cast Flipendo on the wall first 
then Spongify the carpet
below. This should save some time until you are in the 
upper level.

Follow the path, jump, then use another Spongify carpet 
to go up.
Take the items, then continue.

Jump down, cut the ropes on both sides. You'll drop down.
Hit the Flipendo patterns on the floor first, take the 
chocolate frogs, then
save you game. Continue.

Before enter the next room, try to lure one of the 
snails to come near you.
If it's already in the room, stun it, then go to the next 
room until a short cutscene
takes a place. This should close the door behind.
Now, before going anywhere, push the other snail into the 
trap. Then go to the other side 
containing the Spongify pattern. Hit the pixies above you 
first, then jump up then cut the
Go to the other side then do the same thing as before.

Jump down, and you can go through the passage to the next 
room. Take the cauldron then save.

Run from the boulder, remove any branches blocking your way, 
go to the end then jump down.
Take the Wiggentree Bark and Flobberworm Mucous here then 

In the next room, you have to cut the rope, use the wooden 
swinging thingy as your bridge 
to the other side.

In the final chamber, avoid the fire, in the crossroads, 
take the Wiggenweld Potion's
ingredients on the left then use the cauldron on the right 
to mix up some potion.
Go through the fire again, then save. 
This is the final boss.

=> Final Encounter Part Two: The Basilisk

Hold your cast button to power up your spell. Hit the 
snake with it (the cursor is quite
'invisible' but you can manage it).

** NOTE : Beware of its poison. Watch out for its bites too.

When its health is gone, it's time for the second round, 
the more DIFFICULT one.
The snake will show up in 4 holes near Ginny and throw you 
some 'lovely' purple poison.
Gather up your energy then hit it when its mouth is open. 
If you try to hit it when the
mouth isn't open, it will dodge your magic.

** NOTE : Usually, the snake's head moves left, then right, 
          then it opens its mouth.

BEWARE! As your spell powers up, you will become watch out!

Use as many potions as you can. This boss needs a lot 
of patience and potions.


=> The End

* Congratulations! * You have just beaten the game!
After this, you can go anywhere and do anything you want around 

Why don't you try the Duelling Club and the Quidditch matches? 
You can still re-enter
the spell challenges but you won't get as many house points 
as the first time you played 
the challenge.

(  J: Gold Wizard Card Challenge                                       )

Here is my Walkthrough. When you first enter it, 
You'll be in a room with curtains with 
the Gold Card symbol on them.
Go to the other side and save your game. Walk forward 
and the walls will rise, 
revealing a dark area with OMIGOSH!!! FOUR FIRE CRABS!!!
Defeat them and cast Spongify on the carpet. Collect the 
first card. Proceed and open the door.
You will enter a room with a tall tower in the center. 
Jump on the block in front of you. It will
begin to move upwards. Jump from one block to the other. 
Timing matters!!! At the top of the 
tower is your next card. Cut the ropes holding the bridge 
with Diffindo. Cut the Spider webs 
and go on. You will come out in a room with purple stripes 
on the floor. The block with your 
card wil rise when you get nearer. Go to the raised steps 
on either side of the room and jump 
over to the platform to collect your card. Cut the rope. 
In the room with many ectoplasms 
on the steps, Look for a painting of a witch's hat to your 
right. Apply Alohomora and go in. 
Stand on the grey square and cut the rope. You will go up 
to a gargoyle. Cast Lumos and a 
secret path is revealed. Claim your card. Whoa! Be careful 
here! There are two extremely
irritating fire crabs here. Spongify across to the next 
card. Cast Skurge. Look for a lock on 
the ground. Open it and Spongify to your next card. Open 
the door and climb up the ledges.
Once the door is open you will be in a circular room. Go 
to the only exit and cast Lumos.
A secret is revealed. Jump carefully down the ledges and 
get the card. Once at the bottom, 
open the gate. You will come into a room with blocks on four 
ledges. Cast Flipendo to move 
the blocks in this way: left, right, left, right. Collect 
your next card. Walk through the 
door but don't go into the other door. Look behind you. 
There is a rope. Cut it and a Spongify 
Carpet is revealed. Spongify to your next card. Proceed. 
In the room with the 3 blocks, Cast 
Flipendo to push the right block to the furthest. Then 
push the middle and left boxes until
they are diagonal to the right box. Get the card. The 
reverse the process, this time putting
the left box the furthest and the middle and right boxes 
diagonal to the left box. Go on.
You will be in a room with a circular platform. Cut the 
rope and a Spongify Carpet is revealed.
Now all you have to do is Spongify to the top, where your 
last card and exit is. You're done!

(  K: The Very Secret Challenge                                      )

Hmm...I wonder WHY EA wanted to make this challenge 
but didn't allow access to it...

The Secret challenge is the Gryffindor Challenge! The 
music is also quite nice too... To access this challenge, 
you will need to turn
on Debug mode (see Cheats Section below).

First things first. After activating the debug mode, press 
F9 to activate all spells 
(if you don't have all spells yet).

There are two ways to access the Gryffindor Challenge Area :

1. Press F4 to open the level select window.
   Choose Ch7Gryffindor.unr then launch it.

2. Just stand in front of the only door (that cannot 
   be opened) in Gryffindor Common Room, press Del, 
   press the up button until you can 
   see through the door, then press Del again. You'll 
   access Gryffindor's Challenge Area.
   NOTE : There's no time limit here, so don't worry.
          There are 9 secret areas, 10 challenge stars, 
          but there's no Wizard Cards here, only beans.


Take the chests on your left and right side. Jump and 
take your first 
challenge star then continue until you reach the higher area. 

See the cauldron here? Behind it there's a secret area. 
There is another one 
inside too. After taking all the beans, proceed.

Cut the rope so the bridge falls down, go to the next area.

Work your way into the area full of gnome holes. Cut the 
rope, jump up, and 
take all the beans here. At the end of the path of the 
beans there should 
be a secret Flipendo pattern that will automatically 
reveal itself when you come 

Jump up again and work your way to the next area, until 
you reach the save point.

In the next room, arrange the blocks so the tallest one 
is in front of the 
locked door. Remove the ropes on the side of the door to 
open it. Take 
the star inside this room then cast Alohomora on both 
sides of the room with the challenge 
star that you just took. 2 secret rooms there.

Go back, arrange the blocks again so you can get to 
the ledge with beans 
(not the other one with a challenge star). Jump to the 
ledge, cast Alohomora 
to the wall in front of you. Then make your way up to 
the most highest part 
of this room. There should be another challenge star. 
After taking all the 
beans, jump down, and move the blocks once again so 
you can get to the 
ledge with a challenge star. Take it, cast Alohomora 
to the door first, 
then go down.

In the next room, defeat all the gnomes here then search 
every area of this 
room to find a chest and another challenge star. Go up, 
to the previous area.

Take the challenge star in front of the portrait, cast 
Alohomora to the 
portrait, cut the rope, then enter the newly opened area. 
Take the 
challenge star in the end, cast Alohomora on both sides for 
2 more secrets, then go back.

Go to your right in the area where you can see the 
Completion Star. There 
are 3 portraits on the wall. Cast Alohomora on the 
left and right portrait, 
then cut the rope to open the last secret area. Jump 
down, enter the secret 
area, take the star and the beans, then go back.

Jump all the way (follow the beans) to get the 
Completion Star. 

Enjoy the Gryffindor Challenge!


(  L: Hints                                                          )

1. The Famous Witch and Wizard Cards 

I've never expected that many Wizard Cards. They are so 
many (101 in all)!

There are 3 kinds of cards: Bronze (50), Silver (40), 
and Gold (11). 

Collect 10 Bronze Cards and you'll get a permanent 
additional health bar for Harry.

Collect 10 Silver Cards and you'll get a key to unlock 
one of the four locks on the door that
Nearly Headless Nick told you about to collect the Gold 

The Gold cards don't have any use, but if you finish the 
(those are 11 in total), then you can see the cards in 
3D view in the room!

Here are the cards in order of colour:

BRONZE (50 cards)

Number        Card
------        ----

7             Hesper Starkey
26            Almeric Sawbridge
51            Ethelred the Ever-ready
9             Gunhilda of Gorsemoor
2             Cornelius Agrippa
46            Miranda Goshawk
77            Norvel Twonk
61            Havelock Sweeting
5             Gulliver Pokeby
33            Beaumont Marjoriebanks
28            Tilly Toke
10            Burdock Muldoon
83            Roderick Plumpton
80            Beatrix Bloxam
44            Devilin White Horn
47            Edgar Strougler
31            Balfour Blane
50            Musidora Barkwith
58            Glover Hipworth
75            Mungo Bonham
37            Cassandra Vablatsky
24            Adalbert Waffling
67            Justus Pilliwickle
95            Yardley Platt
29            Archibald Alderton
64            Jocunda Skyes
57            Gifford Ollerton
25            Perpentua Fancourt
86            Dorcas Wellbeloved
19            Newt Scamander
91            Wilfred Elphick
63            Herman Wingtringham
76            Myron Wagtail
93            Heathcote Barbary
94            Merton Graves
78            Orsino Thruston
32            Bridget Werlock
53            Greta Catchlove
66            Flavius Belby
84            Roland Kegg
88            Celestina Warbeck
96            Hengist of Woodcroft
12            Merwyn the Malicious
18            Uric the Oddball
49            Elladora Ketteridge
4             Grogan Stump
6             Glamore Peakes
1             Merlin
21            Lord Stoddard Withers
81            Quong Po

SILVER (40 cards)

Number        Card
------        ----

36            Joscelind Wadcock
13            Andros the Invincible
60            Laverne de Montmonrency
55            Honoria Nutcombe
27            Mirabella Punkett
43            Cyprian Youdle
90            Sacharissan Tugwood
35            Bowman Wright
79            Oswald Beamish
62            Ingnatia Wildsmith
22            Circe
71            Queen Mauve
20            Wendelin the Weird
3             Elfrida Clagg
17            Morgan le Fay
39            Gwegnog Jones
73            Mopsus
54            Gaspard Shingleton
99            Daisy Dodderirge
45            Dunbar Oglethorpe
89            Alberta Toothil
30            Artemisia Lufkin
23            Glenda Chittock
56            Gideon Crumb
68            Kirley Duke
34            Donaghan Tremlett
14            Fulbert the Fearful
59            Gregory the Smarmy
98            Dymphna Furnage
52            Felix Summerbee
97            Alberic Grunnion
38            Chauncey Oldridge
8             Derwent Shimpling
85            Blenheim Stalk
87            Thaddeus Thurkell
70            Leopolinda Smethweyck
65            Gondoline Olimphant
16            Cliodne
92            Xavier Rastrick
42            Crispin Cronk

GOLD (11 cards)

Number        Card
------        ----

69            Bertie Bott
101           Albus Dumbledore
41            Godric Gryffindor
11            Herpo the Foul
48            Salazar Slytherin
72            Helga Hufflepuff
74            Montague Knightly
15            Paracelsus
40            Carlotta Pinkstone
82            Rowena Ravenclaw
100           Harry Potter

Total (101 cards)


Cards to find :
These are cards that I found :

                                         Bronze      Silver    Gold
-     Whomping Willow                       1          0        0
-     School Grounds - Night                3          3        0
-     Entrance Hall & Corridors             3          8        0
-     Grand Staircase                       7          5        0
-     Rictusempra Challenge                 5          4        0
-     School Grounds - Day                  2          1        0
-     Skurge Challenge                      4          2        0
-     Bicorn Horn Quest                     4          2        0
-     Diffindo Challenge                    4          4        0
-     Boomslang Skin Quest                  1          1        0
-     A Bit Of Goyle Quest                  4          2        0
-     Slytherin Common Room Quest           3          2        0
-     Spongify Challenge                    4          4        0
-     The Forbidden Forest                  4          2        0
-     The Chamber Of Secrets - Part I       0          0        0
-     The Chamber Of Secrets - Part II      1          0        0
-     The Final Battle                      0          0        0
-     Gold Wizard Card Challenge            0          0        11
                     Total Found           50         40        11
                     Total                            101               

I found the rest of the cards by winning the duels then trading 
the beans for cards.

2. Bean Trading 

You can change your beans for Silver Cards, Bronze Cards, 
Wiggentree Bark,
Flobberworm Mucous, Nimbus 2001 or Quidditch Armor.

I suggest you to save your beans for items beside Wiggentree 
Bark and
Flobberworm Mucous since you can found them around Hogwarts.
Silver Cards and Bronze Cards are quite rare, so concentrate 
on these two AND
Quidditch items.

Here is a chart of traders.

Person      |Location      | Item to trade       | Beans Required  |
George      |Hogwarts      |                     |                 |
            |Grounds       | Quidditch Armor     |      500        |
Fred        |Hogwarts      |                     |                 |
            |Grounds       | Nimbus 2001         |      700        |
Boy         | Near the exit|                     |                 |
            | of           |                     |                 |
            | Rictusempra  |                     |                 |
            | Challenge    | Silver Card         |    Not Fixed    |
Girl        | In front of  |                     |                 |
            | witch        |                     |                 |
            | statue       | Silver Card         |    Not Fixed    |
Boy         | Behind the   |                     |                 |
            | witch        |                     |                 |
            | statue       | Bronze / Silver Card|    Not Fixed    |
Boy         | Grand        |                     |                 |
            | Staircase    | Silver Card         |    Not Fixed    |
Boy         | Grand        |                     |                 |
            | Staircase    | Silver / Bronze Card|    Not Fixed    |
Girl        | In front of  |                     |                 |
            | Castle       |                     |                 |
            | Entrance     | Silver Cards        |    Not Fixed    |
Boy         | Hogwarts     |                     |                 |
            | Grounds      |                     |                 |
            | right after  |                     |                 |
            | dragon       | Flobberworm Mucus   |       50        |
Boy         | Grand        |                     |                 |
            | Staircase    | Flobberworm Mucus   |       50        |
Boy         | Near entrance|                     |                 | 
            | to           |                     |                 |
            | greenhouses  | Bronze Card         |    Not Fixed    |
Girl        | Dungeon      |                     |                 |
            | outside      |                     |                 |
            | Snape's      |                     |                 |
            | Classroom    | Wiggentree Bark     |       70        |
Boy         | Dungeon      |                     |                 |
            | outside      |                     |                 |
            | Snape's      |                     |                 |
            | Classroom    | Flobberworm Mucus   |       50        |
Girl        | Hogwarts     |                     |                 |
            | Ground right |                     |                 |
            | side near    |                     |                 |
            | symbol       | Wiggentree Bark     |       70        |

These are the people I can find for now. Tell me if you find 
any others, 
but I want those that trade rare items only.

TIPS: When you want to trade your beans with cards, don't be so 
      I mean, sometimes the person who wants to trade it with you 
      can give 
      lower price. Here's an example. In my case, when I trade 
      beans with the boy near 
      the Rictusempra Challenge room with Silver Cards, he ever 
      gave me 205 - 
      299 beans. When the price is too high, I decline the trade, 
      then talk to him 
      again. I did this many, many times.
      But, before doing this, I suggest you to collect as many 
      beans as 
      possible, since the trade won't be cancelled until you 
      press the "No" button. So, if 
      you got a low price, you can trade as many cards as you 
      want with the same price.

3. Secrets

Whomping Willow (2 secrets)
01 - After the chest where Harry gets the chocolate frog, open 
     the crack.

02- When you see the bronze card in front of you cast Alohomora 
    on the alcove 
    to the right.

Hogwarts Grounds (8 secrets)
01- Cast Alohomora on the two banners hanging from the towers to
    each side of the Quiditch Pitch. This opens a section of the 
    wall next to the chest on
    the left. Inside is a chest with a Card.

02- Spongify to reach card and some beans to the left of the 
    main entrance.
03- Far left from main entrance cast Alohomora on pattern on 

04- Down the steps to the left of the main entrance.  
    Alohomora crack and Diffindo vines.

05- Lumos gargoyle in #4 above, then run to far right of castle 
    to find secret opening.
06- Grey square patch on roof during #5 above.  Jump to open 
    room in side of castle.

07- Flipendo pattern above archway on the way to the 

08- Diffindo vines past and to the right of Sprout’s class.

Hogwarts Halls and Dungeons(12 secrets)
First Floor and Dungeons
01- Picture just inside corridor to the duelling and Great 

02- Inverted T crack on left as you head to the dungeon. 
    Spongify carpet.
03- First passage on right in main dungeon. Skurge 
    ectoplasm, Lumos Gargoyle, 
    Diffindo rope.

04- Further down the main dungeon hall on right. Alohomora 
    window, Lumos 
    Gargoyle, Skurge Ectoplasm.

05- Potions classroom, Alohomora crack, Skurge blob, 
    step on plate.

Second Floor

06- Top of main stairs, Spongify carpet.

07- Outside house points chamber, Alohomora pattern on 
    wall, Skurge Ectoplasm, Diffindo web.

08- Alohomora mirror to the left of the armours.

09- Diffindo the web covered mirror to the right of the 

10- Alohomora indented brick to the right of the witch.  
    Skurge ectoplasms.

11- Flipendo statue on other side of door to Grand 
    Staircase. Step on switch.
12- In the Gryffindor Common Room, up the stairs to 
    the balcony. Look up 
    cast Flipindo, then Diffindo rope.

Grand Staircase (10 secrets)
01- Just inside hall to Gold Card challenge. Spongify 

02- Next floor up, after two boxes on the tables, 
    Alohomora pattern on wall.

03- At far end of hall near where writing appears, 
    Alohomora sunk in wall, 
    Spongify carpet.

04- Next floor up, just after turn where vase falls 
    and breaks. Alohomora 
    indented brick.

05- Alohomora a crack in the wall just outside the 
    Defense Against The Dark Arts

06- Flipendo on the carven symbol under the window 
    upstairs from Dumbledore’s desk.
07- Next floor up, Alohomora pattern on wall, Skurge 
    ectoplasm, Diffindo rope, 
    Spongify carpet.

08- Just inside the door from the landing, Alohomora 
    the painting to left.

09- Cast Flipendo on all four of the paintings in 

10- Jump on square on landing above Madam Pomfrey’s office.  
    Spongify carpet below.

Rictusempra Challenge (7 secrets)
01- Alohomora picture of Lockhart on the wall at the top 
    of the stairs after 
    the gnome.

02- Alohomora Lockhart’s picture above room with two crabs 
    that lower the walls
    into steps. Lumos gargoyle to see secret room to the left.

03- After #2, Flipendo symbol after challenge star near exit.

04- After the portrait-flipping room, take elevator 
    up.  Cast Lumos on
    gargoyle, Flipendo glowing wall.
05- Alohomora on the Lockhart portrait just after 4.

06- just before Spiral Ramp room, Flipendo symbol above 
    and right of save game book.

07- Spiral Ramp room, Flipendo two crabs into hole, jump 
    in, Alohomora door, 
    jump thru, jump back to floor below, go up. 
    Alohomora portrait, step on 

Skurge Challenge (7 secrets)
01- Alohomora crack below beam blocked by two ectoplasms.

02- Alohomora dragon after you encounter peeves. Skurge 

03- Lumos the gargoyle again in room with gate and the witch 
    statue as you go down the stairs. Go left and look for 
    secret on left.

04- Skurge ectoplasm covering snail plate and move snail 
    onto plate.
05- Lumos gargoyle, defeat pixie then Alohomora blue picture 
    on right.

06- Skurge blob sticking swinging platforms, Flipendo pattern 
    low on far 
    side, go back.
07- Before completion star, Lumos gargoyle, jump to the 
    secret ledge,
    Alohomora wall, take star, then completion star.

Bicorn Horn Quest (7 secrets)
01- Alohomora strange pattern to right of chest after 
    bridge that floats up 
    from water flowing.

02- Alohomora the wall opposite the gnome hole and 
    chest just past the 
    orange snails.

03- Alohomora the other strange pattern. Keep your 
    eyes peeled.

04- Diffindo Web blocking hole in the wall.

05- Room with four switches. First red, then green, purple.

06- Flipendo symbol on side of strange looking wall. 
    Lumos gargoyle 
    behind strange wall. Enter secret in next room.

07- Cross the moving sections bridge. 

Diffindo Challenge (11 secrets)
01- Alohomora Flower door past the first set of vines.

02- In the room with the three orange snails just past 
    #1 above, Flipendo 
    all four of the carved tiles.
03- Jump down from drawbridge to mushroom field. Enter 
    room but don’t 
    open chest. Why? Peeves is in there.

04- Lumos gargoyle and go up stairs and cross bridge 
    held with rope.  
    Don’t cut rope yet, continue for a star.

05- Diffindo on the rope to drop the bridge. Turn 
    around and go to 
    right through secret wall. 
06- Go upstairs. Flipendo block to fall, go back down 
    and back 
    across bridge. Flipendo block again.

07- Above the first bowtruckles you fight, Alohomora 
    pattern on wall.

08- After you put snails on plates and open door to 
    house. Alohomora 
    pattern up on ceiling, Diffindo rope holding up star.

09- Alohomora flower door straight after the bridge 
    crank with two ropes.
10- Alohomora flower door after venomous tentaculas.

11- You get trapped with three orange snails (one 
    behind you) put two in 
    hole, then the third all the way back to the room 
    that you opened 
    from the crack. Put the snail down the steps and 
    on the plate.

Boomslang Skin Quest (3 secrets)
01- After turning the L-bridge, go into the far room 
    with the next set
    of ropes. Flipendo tile on the floor.

02- With #1 above open, cut the ropes, Lumos on the 
    gargoyle. Run across 
    bridge and into the next corridor. Go in right 
    side for secret.

03- End of ledge around outside of greenhouse, 
    Alohomora pattern on wall. 

Bit of Goyle Quest (8 secrets)
01- In the study, climb up chimney, Flipendo loose 
    block to fall, climb 
    back down, Flipendo block until to the bookcase, 
    Lumos gargoyle.  
    Climb bookcase. Jump through the open wall.

02- After big crab on footplate. Go in opened way, 
    Diffindo web, climb through.

03- Ramped pathway on right and wall to the left. 
    Diffindo web and go in door.
    Climb up and Flipendo block to fall. Climb back 
    down. Flipendo block 
    to ledge. Climb all the way up and enter the 
    window and go left.  
    Lumos the gargoyle to secret area in the wall.

04- In the library, Diffindo on the web on bookcase. 
    Lumos the gargoyle. 
    Defeat pixie, enter secret bookcase.

05- After library, Alohomora on the lock up on the 
    right. Climb up and 
    around to behind the gargoyle.

06- Pits with ectoplasm. Lumos gargoyle, go into the 
    wall on the left.

07- Outside, follow the ledge around and to the right. 
    Cast Diffindo to the
    rope in the hole. Go in the opened door. Cast Diffindo 
    on rope above.

08- Follow stream to the right. Defeat the crab. 
    Lumos on the gargoyle.  
    Go in glowing place across the stream.

The way to the Slytherin Common Room (8 secrets)
01- After the boy causes the bridge to fall, turn right, 
    Flipendo ring 
    on wall. Flipendo symbol through hole, go down, 
    Skurge ectoplasm, Flipendo 
    three symbols below, go back up, hop over to chest.

02- Gargoyle, green carpet, four pixies. Defeat all the 
    pixies. Lumos 
    on the gargoyle. Go to the right, over the rail, 
    over and across.  

03- Go back, Lumos the gargoyle, go to the left to block 
    and across and down. 
04- Go back, Lumos the gargoyle, go left to the end of the 
    carpet and through wall.

05- In the library, Flipendo ring on the wall. This will 
    lowers bookcases.  
    Climb to the highest to open a secret.

06- Go to the opposite side to fountain room with armors. 
    Alohomora fountain.
07- Before you go in Slytherin Common Room turn around and 
    Alohomora the banners 
    on each side of the dragon.

08- After talking to Malfoy, go back to the Boys’ dorm and 
    up the stairs.

Spongify Challenge (16 secrets)
01- When you get to the first Spongify carpet, put the 
    gnomes in their holes. 
    Lumos gargoyle, Spongify up, jump to new ledge.

02- Inside #1, Alohomora the indented brick to the 
    right. Climb and jump up.

03- Gnome and imp, stun both and throw into the holes. 
    Opens a wall to the left.

04- From #3, but don’t Spongify.  Go left and along ledge, 
    Spongify to the other 
    end, Alohomora the wall on the left.

05- Three imps and ectoplasm with a tall block in the center.  
   Stun each and put them in the hole.  This opens up a 
   gargoyle. Lumos and go behind tall block to secret.

06- Defeat four fire crabs. Go down new stairs.

07- After #6, go to portrait room. On left is large one with 
    nobody. Jump through.

08- After #7, look on opposite wall and Flipendo upside-down 
    picture to lower 

09- After #8, you’ll come to a room with pixies. Go to 
    lower level. Flipendo 
    pattern on wall. Climb back up. Spongify carpet. 
    Flipendo block until it falls.
    Spongify carpet, jump to ledge. Alohomora the crack.

10- Spongify pillars room and portraits. Alohomora owl. 
    Defeat the pixie.
    Spongify across to star and then jump to secret.

11- From #10, drop down below, Lumos gargoyle. Follow 
    the glowing ledges. 
    Flipendo pattern on middle pillar, enter new room, 
    Spongify carpet and jump 
    to secret.

12- Spider Trap room. Instead of just hitting both Flipendo 
    Flipendo one and go inside the area with the other one. 
    Then Flipendo the other to 
    reveal secret room.

13- After #12, Lumos gargoyle on the left go to the right 
    to the next room 
    and into the glowing wall.

14- After #13, go to next large room. Jump to footprints. 
    Flipendo pattern 
    on wall. Go behind. 

15- Go to Completion star. Flipendo carving above. Turn 
    around. Spongify across.

16- From #15, jump to chest. Then look down. Defeat the 
    spider. Jump down 
    and go in hole.

Forbidden Forest (4 secrets)
01- Lumos on the gargoyle Spongify (with upper one) to left 
    Defeat the spider, release the log, Spongify across, 
    defeat bowtruckles, 
    release log, take chest, Spongify down, jump back to first 
    log, Flipendo 
    symbol on the side.

02- Cave full of webs and spiders. Diffindo webs, defeat 
    spiders, a section 
    of the wall will open.  

03- Three imps ahead. Jump in water and wade to 
    the source.

04- After the log your crossing drops, turn around. 
    Diffindo blockage.

Chamber Of Secrets (7 secrets)
01- Go left, Skurge the ectoplasm, cast Lumos on the 
    gargoyle, Skurge the ectoplasm.
    Jump to ledge on the left. Skurge next ectoplasm, 
    enter lit wall.

02- The walls are closing in. Go to the end but don’t drop 
    down. Turn 
    right and go around the closing wall to secret room.

03- Fire crab and pixies area. Don’t stand on the lift at 
    the top. Flipendo snake 
    carvings on opposite wall. Wall slides back. Go 
    down on the lift.  

04- Defeat the imps and throw them in their holes. Wall 
    opens with Gargoyle.

05- Go to grate opposite gargoyle. Flipendo switch and 
    Spongify carpet, 
    but don’t jump yet. Go back Lumos gargoyle then jump.  
    Go to the walkways. Jump to other side, and then 
    repeat the Flipendo 
    switch, defeat the pixie, Spongify floor. The secret 
    is there.

06- Room with two snails and trap door. Head towards the 
    trapdoor. Turn around and look up on the wall behind 
    you. Flipendo the pattern. Lumos the gargoyle.  
    Two invisible platforms will appear by the trapdoor 

07- Go to the left side. Defeat the pixies. Spongify 
    up to the moving beam. Cut the rope.  
    Jump to the next beam. Cut the rope. Jump down 
    and go to other side and do 
    the same thing. This lowers the beams in the center 
    hall with a 
    bronze card.

Final Battle (0 secrets)
There are no secrets in the Final Battle.

Gold Wizard Card Challenge (0 secrets)
This challenge doesn’t become available until you have 
collected all forty of
the Silver Wizard Cards. Head to the Grand Staircase area 
and go up to the floor where 
Nick showed you the secret locks. Approach the locked 
door and you will remove a 
lock for every 10 silver cards you have.

Gryffindor Challenge (9 Secrets)

Note: See Section K to access this Challenge.

01- Near the bridge in starting room. After Spongifying 
    (is spongifying a word???) to the bridge,
    Open the door behind the cauldron.

02- In secret #1. open the other door inside the room.

03- Room with tall and short blocks (you're supposed to 
    push the blocks to the ledges). 
    Behind gate ledge. After taking Challenge star, 
    don't move. Cast Alohomaora to the 
    walls on the sides of the room.

04- Same as secret #3 (one room for each secret).

05- Room with tall and short blocks (you're supposed to 
    push the blocks to the ledges).
    Ledge with beans. Alohomora the wall on the ledge.

06- In first room of library, top floor. Alohomora 
    picture. Diffindo rope.

07- In secret #6. After collecting star, Alohomora both 
    sides of the room.

08- Same as secret #7 (one room for each secret).

09- In second room of library, top and bottom floors. 
    On the top floor, 
    Alohomora pictures on the left and right. Diffindo 
    ropes that appear.


4. Cheats :

Less damage 
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a 
backup copy of the file 
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 
"defuser.ini" file in the 
"\ea games\harry potter and the chamber of secrets\system" 
folder. Scroll down 
to the end of the file to find the following text:


You can change the values of "fDamageMultiplier_Easy", 
or "fDamageMultiplier_Hard" (depending on the level you 
have selected) to 0.1 to get 
less damage.

Hint: DON'T GO OUTSIDE AT NIGHT unless you are supposed to, 
or you'll be locked out. Seriously.


If you are tired looking at the EA logo and WB logo when 
starting the program,
all you have to do is find game.ini in
...\Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\system folder 
then change this




** Note: don't change this when you are executing the 
         Exit the program first, then change it.
         I won't responsible if there's something wrong 
         on your game

After applying the codes, maybe you can still have the 
WB logo run in the background.
It's OK. But never click on it. It will crash your program 
and you have to restart
the program once again.

Enable debug mode 

This time EA made Debug mode harder to turn on, compared 
to the first game...

First go to the directory where you installed the game, open 
up the folder named system, 
and open the game.ini file. If you are using Windows XP the 
file is located in the 
Harry Potter II folder in My Documents. Scroll down right to 
the end. 
Under [HGame.baseConsole] change 




Press these buttons during game to activate the cheats

~: toggle console 

PageUp: increase game speed 

PageDown: decrease game speed 

Del: ghost mode 

F4: select map/level (note: when using this level select, 
                      your game will be stuck. 
                      Press F4 again to remedy that.)

F6: full health 

F9: all spells 

You'll probably notice a level called PrivetDr.unr in the 
level select. That's Diagon Alley.
Info for debug mode
After activating debug mode, enter these in by 
pressing ` which brings up a menu.

1) set statusitemflobbermucus ncount # 

2) set statusitemwiggenbark ncount # 

3) set statusitemjellybean ncount # 

4) set statusitemwiggenwell ncount # 

5) set statusitemgryffindorpts ncount #(You can use it 
                                        with other houses as well) 

6) quit/exit (Quits the game quickly) 

(1)-(5) change the # with a number 

Don't write in the numbers in front!


5. Other Hints and Secrets

Myrtle's bathroom.
You can go into the bathroom stall that opens as she flies over it.
Left side of room second door, there is a puddle of water on the 
floor in 
front of the door. You go in and jump on the toilet and then on 
top of the tank.
Next jump up and you will climb on top of the stall.
All the toilets are accessible from here, jump to each on one side. 
Shoot out 
the toilets and collect your prizes.
To get to the row of stalls across from here jump from the top of 
the stall
with the puddle of water to the other side. All these have prizes 
too, beans,
gnomes, pixies etc...
Now I think there may be another secret here at the back of the 
bathroom. On the wall is a silver hanging thing, looks kind of 
like a mirror.  I threw a 
gnome through it and the gnome disappeared. I did this at the 
end of the game 
during Harry's Last Try. I am not sure if this was a glitch or 
not but it seems odd.

(    M. FAQs                                                          )

Here are some questions that were mailed to me:


FROM Pablo D. Kovacs 

I have completed the game but i can't get the broom to fly 
around Hogwarts 
and i can´t find the mini games (Gnome Throwing, Gnome Dunking 
and Broom Racing).
And i read that there is a Gryffindor Notice Board Items, 
to find lost items around Hogwarts.
How can i get the broom and how can i find the mini games?
And where is the Gryffindor Notice Board Items?
Can you help me?

First of all, if you wanna fly around on the broom, you'll 
have to play 
quidditch. Flying outside of quidditch is not allowed. Next, 
the gnome 
related games do not exist, unless you mean picking up a gnome 
and flinging 
it back into the gnome hole. On the other hand, you could be 
right about 
this. I will try to do more research on the matter and get 
back to you as 
soon as i can. Finally, There is NO (as far as I know)
Gryffindor notice board, but as I said, I'll research 
up on the matter soon.



I'm trying to help my 10 year old daughter play the Chamber 
of Secrets. 
We can knock the fire crab onto it's back, and then we can 
push it with the next spell, 
but we can't seem to push it into the place in the middle 
with the image of the fire crab. 
Can you give me a hint so we can get past this point?

That's odd. Perhaps your aiming wasn't so good. Or it's just 
a bug.


FROM: Raymond Sou 

What is the Key to both the Games. My father accidentally 
threw out the box.

Each game has its own key, so it can't be helped. Your best 
bet would be to contact EA.


FROM: Ali Wilcox 

i love harry potter and i want to try the debug mode but 
i can't get it to
work. i have Windows ME. does that me i can't use it or 
because i followed all of the instructions on how to do it 
for XP and i 
tried some new things.

Use windows explorer to search for the right files.


FROM: "Pam Blackwell" 

Hi.  I'm new to the PC world.  I don't know how to 
open/create a window while playing "The Chamber of Secrets" 
so I can type in the cheat codes.  I don't know which keys
to use.  Help!

Press the ` key at the top of your keyboard. It's below 
the esc button. All these answers can be found above! Please
do read carefully before emailing me!


FROM: "wipeout186" 

I'm at the get a piece of goyle quest and when i am at the fireplace 
and want to push the luggage down i cant it only moves just so it is 
near the edgre then no matter how many times i cast my magic on it 
it wont go anywhere what can i do about it beside tryin to restart 
which will be a bit annoyed since i have restartet this game so many 
times so i can get all secrets??

That piece of luggage is actually useless. Don't try. 


(    N. My other Guides                                               )

If you want to look at my other guides here they are:

Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (PC)
Crash Team Racing (PSX)
Pokemon Ruby Version (Gameboy Advance SP) - Coming Soon!
Pokemon Sapphire Version (Gameboy Advance SP) - Coming Soon!
Pokemon Emerald Version (Gameboy Advance SP) - As soon as I get it!

(   O. Credits                                                         )

I shall give my credits to :

- Mrs J.K. Rowling for all of her hard work, Your SIXTH book is 

- Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson: your fourth 
  movie is great!

- To Richard -Albus Dumbledore- Harris, we will miss you, Professor.

- EA Games. They really did a great job. I hope they will make the 
  third one.

- Dannydjk for 'the guide that started this guide'...Couldn't have 
  done it without 'cha

- All my cousins and relation and friends and etc...for their help. 
  I couldn't have done it without you guys.

- You, for reading this.

If you have any problems, tips, cheats, or you notice something I 
don't know how to solve, please mail me at:

You'll get full credit for your work.

Dare to Return to Hogwarts?


Justin Ang
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